Everything posted by leigh dt 125
hii i was just wondering does anyone know if you can get K&N air filters for a yamaha dt 125
dt 125
gearbox oil is fine and okay thanks was given some advice by a garage that the gudgeon pin might make that noise so my dads going to change that and then we'll go from there if it still makes the same noise, thank you
dt 125
hi, ive got a dt 125 and ive got a ratterling noise when the bike is ticking over, first of all we thought it was the top end bearing so we had that changed but its still making the same noise, does anyone have any ideas on what this could be. thankss =]
proberly has a restrictor,
Just my Yam TTR250
nice bike im looking for a ttr250 but cant find nething close to me but i gota sell my dt first lol but i like your bike
Exhaust Trouble help!
only way you'll find out is if you take the jet out, on my old moped i got a new exhaust for it and had to put a size 86 jet in but might be different for yours, if u can take the jet out and go to a motorbike shop and ask them what jet you would need and explain to them what the bike has got done to it then they should tell you the correct size thats wat i did with my old moped
First time buyer
you shud get a dt 125 or a yzf 125r
Marushin helmets
i had a marushin, i thought they were quite comfy but i reckon agv are even better they cost a bit more but its worth it, i got agv k3 gotic and thats really comfortble
dt problem
its done about 9000 and its got boyeson power reeds and just a big one end can, i took it to the garage and they said i shouldnt worry too much because 2 strokes will tend to go like that after a while but its easy to fix could be the top end or bottom end bearings something like that
dt problem
well as far as i know its right at the front , and the bike has had a engine oil change about 2 weeks ago but that shudnt be the problem should it ?
dt problem
hi ive got a yamaha dt, ive had this bike awhile now but just recently about 2 days ago ive started to hear a rattling noise when its ticking over, could anyone give me any idea on what it could be thanks
my dt 125 =]
i took off all the plastics on my dt and i thought id take a picture looks a bit ugly tho
crash (not too bad )
yeah my mum always says that all the other drivers are idiots( especialy when they havent riden a bike before because they dont think about looking for them ) and i no im suprised how little damage really, the only annoying part is the handlebars a bit bent but its not too bad really, i was shocked because the bike slid along the road and it wasnt as much damage as i thought it would of been and i havent taken any pics because im not sure why lol but its not too bad so its kind of okay
crash (not too bad )
had a crash last night on my dt 125 the worst site il ever see is my bike laying on the floor , i didnt care about my injuries i just care that my bike is okay rather me than my bike lol stupid taxi drivers (no offence to any1 if they are a taxi driver on here ) lol
yamaha dt exhaust's
okay thanks
yamaha dt exhaust's
okay thanks but would it sound different or would you have to have the whole dep
cant change gear on my dt125r with thor quadrants on
i've got the same problem, bought a brand new pair of boots but cudnt change gear because i cudnt feel the gear lever lol but ive got my uncles old boots which are quite old and worn in alot and i can change gear in them fine but i also got a pair of motocycles shoes and there just as good as worn in boots, the more u wear them the more they are going to wear in but that could take a while
yamaha dt exhaust's
hii, i've got a yamaha dt 125 and the exhaust is standard apart from the back pipe which is the big one end can, i was wondering would a dep end can fit the standard exhaust or would i have to get the whole dep exhaust
my top end changes all the time dont know why lol
My nice new shiney bike! (not a yam tho...)
thats a nice bike you got
dt 125 problems
no i cant red line it above 3rd gear , maybe best to get it serviced because first thing in the morning it smokes so much untill its warmed up properly thanks for the help
2002 DT125R
ive got some sm wheels on my dt there pirelli mt 21 rallycross but im not sure wer they came from sorry lol but id recomend them tyres
ive got pirelli mt 21 rallycross tyres on my dt and i think there great =]
My Yamaha DT125R 1999
hi, ur bike looks just like mine and mines 2002 but mines got different exhaust and handguards but apart from it looks just like mine lol but nice bike
dtr 125
thats nice what exhaust has it got on dep ? the exhaust system looks good