Everything posted by bob-c
Any DT/WR 200 owners out there?
www.yamahait.com.au This is the place to talk DTs or similar bikes, you have to post a few times to get access to all sections , but it is worth it Bob-C
DT 200 R over revving
My 1988 DT200r runs standard jetting, 150 main jet 25 pilot jet BobC
dt 200 1985
here's a link to service manual 125 is same as 200 apart from a few minor things , it should help a little BobC http://www.dtr125.net/workshop-manualf.htm
is this the seal i need?
He is correct, the flywheel side (LH ) crankshaft oil seal is that part number. The other side may well need doing too, the gearbox (RH ) side crank oil seal part 305988-001 here is a link to a suppliers' parts list http://www.bikebandit.com/houseofmotorcycl...0a-1990/o/m7590 Bob C
bogging out
[Check the powervalve, it may not be connected up as the engine is in an older chassis. Look on the LH side of the barrel is there a round casting with a couple of cables going into the top? This may well be the problem , the powervalve if not working may be in the open position which gives you all top end power, sod all till 6000rpm Do a search on powervalve or ypvs to get the lowdown on cleaning and adjustment , on the 1988 DT200 I picked up cheap the cables were broken . then the servo operating the cables went . Replaced adjusted and cleaned everything and there is now plenty of power through the rev range . I'll try and dig out the links I found if you get stuck .try here http://www.yamahait.com.au/forum/index.php Bob
Tips on changing DT125R main jet
Is it possible to loosen the screws holding the carb onto the inlet & air filter and twist the carb round enough to get the float bowl off ?
DT125X Modifications
Here's the link to lowering / raising suspension yourself http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/index.php...aise+suspension Bob C
2000 dtr 125 power valve
Hi, if you dont have the manual here it is http://www.dtr125.net/workshop-manualf.htm Your ypvs sounds ok to me , when you turn on the ignition it will centre itself for adjustment , the semi circle on the powervalve pulley under the cover should line up with the hole on the backplate , this is shown in the manual . I have also sent you a pm . Bob C
1979 DT175 stickers
These guys may have something to suit , http://www.reproductiondecals.com/default_...ntent.html~main Bob
lowering kit
Take a look here,your friendly local metalworker might save you a dollar or 2 http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/index.php...aise+suspension Bob
Chip for YZF 125R
In my opinion , this chip will have little or no perceivable effect If your bike is well set up with a good exhaust system but still not fast enough, I would save the money towards a bigger bike .
Powervalve - which way up ?
Thanks Cynic, that confirms my thoughts .Also I'll test the potentiometer on the servo tonight , thanks for your support ,I am on my own out here - I asked the local bike repairer for a split pin to fit the castellated nut on the back wheel and he gave me a nail !! Bob
powervalve servo & cdi unit fault
Thanks for the input, not cable as I have the cables disconnected to check servo operation , the servo just spins 1 way when powered up .
powervalve servo & cdi unit fault
I have a 1988 DT200R recently bought to rebuild, after mending a broken ypvs servo cable and adding a battery , the servo was centering on switch on and working fine .... for about 10 miles. It now just spins 1 way without centering . I have had the servo circuit and pot checked by an electronics guy and he found no fault but could not check the chip. Is there any way I can check the CDi unit ? Any thoughts welcome Bob
dt175 1988 fork oil capacity
If you are in Australia take a look here , there seem to be loads of DTs in Oz www.yamahait.com.au Bob
dt175 1988 fork oil capacity
Hi Naten, I am rebuilding a 1988 DT200r ( 1997 on logbook !! hey this is Cyprus ) and have found I have to search dt125 manuals for parts common to both . I have 1988 owners manual for dt200 and workshop manual for 1988 DT 125 on pdf if you want them - www.dtr125.net/workshop-manualf.htm. If the forks are the same for 175 then you need 10w oil, 486cc , level 175mm from top of inner tube when fully compressed without spring Hope this helps . Regards Bob
Powervalve - which way up ?
Well new o rings have arrived so i will refit the powervalve shiny side up , as the valve rotates clockwise (looking from cable )side to close I reckon this will lower the exhaust port top edge slowing the release of gases giving low down power ?? Bob
Powervalve - which way up ?
I have just removed the powervalve on my DT200 for a clean , like a dipstick I didn't note which way up it was. Should it be fitted with the convex machined side uppermost ?
this should explain how to set up your powervalve correctly http://www.dtr125.net/workshop-manualf.htm If you want real power, pass your test and buy a big bike !
DT200 powervalve servo problem
I have just started renovating a DT200R 1988 ? ( if you read this Jim, this is all the model info i could find re. frame no 3ET 005292 ) After mending a broken servo cable and freeing the powervalve everything worked ok - for a short while . Now when turning on the electrics , the servo doesn't centre , just throws all 1 way . Are circuit parts available ? could an electronics guy fix this ? I presume its best to have the powervalve left at the closed position as I want a rideable rather than cammy race bike . Any ideas welcome Cheers Bob
New Here, Couple questions
Hi Jim , I stand corrected , I have just bought a DT200 WR-1 or so it says on the logbook ! 1st bike for 30 years and this manual is giving me a good guide for a rebuild . I am in Cyprus and it is make do and mend , something I was used to on the farm in UK . My lad in UK is researching the frame no this weekend to find my exact model .
New Here, Couple questions
here is a link to a service manual- the bikes are very similar http://www.dtr125.net/workshop-manualf.htm