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Everything posted by Curlywesterman

  1. Hi, I passed my test yesterday so after ripping my L plates off I went home and set about earthing the wire which allows the power valve to operate fully. I've clipped it to the front fork and it's definately worked as it's pulling a lot more in the higher revs and you can hear the exhaust note change as the valve opens at a certain number of revs. However i still only manage 70 mph tops (was 65mph when restricted), yet reading other topics people are claiming 80/85mph? Is there something i've missed? I'm pretty sure the power valve isn't in the wrong way as i can feel and hear the power increase and i dont believe the bike has been derestricted before. Does anyone know why there hasnt been much of an increase in top end compared with what others claim? :S Thanks
  2. Hi, I've also got DTX and passed my test today. So got home and derestricted it straight away From the back of the speedo follow the wire to where it clips into the loom. Unclip it and see which of the wires coming from the bike doesn't connect to anything. Pull that out of the plastic clip, earth to the frame and you're done. The wire on mine was black and greeny/blue, guess yours will be the same.