Everything posted by ErmaxR125
Ride Out Any One
Hello any one up for a ride I will be coming from Barnsley passing through Penistone heading along the A628 across the dam on to the B6105 into Glossop meeting Mi mate sam then from there through Buxton upto the Cat and Fiddle and a drink and a chat also meeting some more ppl there . Then down into Matlock Bath some lovely road and sights PM me if you would like to come
Ride Out Any One
Hello any one up for a ride I will be coming from Barnsley passing through Penistone heading along the A628 across the dam on to the B6105 into Glossop meeting Mi mate sam then from there through Buxton upto the Cat and Fiddle and a drink and a chat also meeting some more ppl there . Then down into Matlock Bath some lovely road and sights PM me if you would like to come
My YZF R125 with Mods
Its no Longer I all ways said thom was gay lol This is it now http://www.thamesvalleybikers.com/index.php My bike is in death pit pulled drain pipe off air box tonight to have a load of oil come out further inspection is showing that my petrol and oil are mixing in sump so looks like piston and rings have had it oh well warranty job
- Woops
- YZF R125
- YZF-R125
R125 Where is all my oil going ???
Had my bike for 3 months now and noticed but it using more and more oil every time i go out on here any one else had this problem ????
R125 Injector Manifold Blocked Tube ???????
Hello all just a quick one for ya all to ponder on Right as you can see in the photo below between the air box and the Injector Manifold there is a black ruber tube of 25mm in width that has the end plugged. When you take it out it dose not make any difference to the top end but getting from 0-60 is a little faster. I have questions 1, What is this tube for 2, Why is it capped off 3, Is there some small air filter or something for end
My YZF R125 with Mods
Well they think it's different if any thing. Bike stands me at £5,229 thank you all for the positive comments
My YZF R125 with Mods
Here are a few pics of my Bike Here is my Bike List of Parts Leo Vince SBK-GP Exhaust, Dyno Jet Power Commander III JR Race Air Filter, YAMAHA Seat Cover, Ermax Undertray, Ermax Aeromax Black Smoke Screen, Ermax Hugger, Ohlins Fork Springs, R&G Cotton Reels, Motrax FireFly LED Indicators Other Blue Bits