Everything posted by squiz
YBR 125 wont start
JUST SO YA KNOW GUYS...............i had an 07 ybr till last month. you wont have a kill switch cos the bike is fuel injected not carbed(if its same as mine) bike will cut out if side stand down and u put it in gear,clutch in or not. and just in case its like my fazer.....the bike wont go if its in gear on the center stand either! (could ve been v embarresing that one!)
also guys just for your own information........getting banned on the island DOES mean you are banned in the uk also,our licensing laws changed a year or two ago to be in line with uk laws... our own goverment,our own laws,............they are only ours when it suits them...they follow uk a year or two later anyway.......apparently we are getting running water in the next few years!!!
well guys this is the first time ive heard any one mention the isle of man tt in a forum.......dont know if it makes ya all jealous but......I live here!........... tt week is the best week/fortnight of the isle of man calender year. lived here all my life born and bred,manx as the hills yessir!. and yes the prices getting here for the racing is down right robbery,but then its like that all year! fecking expensive to get on and off the rock. i can recommend a good eatery on the course if ur watching there,at hillberry. lovely food,good craic,tell the wife i sent ya! lol
Running in a ybr
pete, running it in is easy peesy, just keep the revs reasonably low in all gears do about 200 miles and then start to rev alittle more,at 500-750 miles get first service done,from then on just build the revs up every 100 or so miles,at 1000 miles it should be ok to give it the gas 1500 to 2000 miles give it all its got, if ya just run it slow all its life itll be a dog, in my opinion 4 strokes are like deisel cars,if ya just ride/drive at a slow low rev pace then itll just bog down and stay down, i had a works van that had been driven too slow from new and what a pig........got another a year later from new.....ragged it at 2000 miles (not every where or every day tho) and it was so much better. others may have other opinions but thats mine.
Yamaha fazer 1999 oil and petrol warning light
i have a 1999 also, there is also a switch on the center stand,sounds to me like one of the stand switches is faulty. ive had mine only about 2 weeks but already finding things that i need to know, someone put mine in gear when i left it over night(i never leave any of my bikes in gear),came down,key in .nothing..went for jump leads thinking battery was flat (locked stearing n thought i had put par lights on too).........luckily i had to move the bike to get it near jump vehicle and ey presto its in gear.......back in neautral and awayshe went!............anyway enough of my stupidity try shorting the two switches so it takes them out of the loop......maybe work maybe im talking crap but its worth a try.
what can will fit?
hi gang,im after a new exhaust for my 1999 fzs600 fazer.how do i know what will fit? i want to shop around on my own without going to dealer yet but how do i know which will fit my bike? i have a 94 cbr600f in my garage in mid build with a nice micron on it....will this fit my bike? thanks
paint code
hi steve,found a sticker under the seat it had.........5dm4-070 B. now call me daft but what on earth does all that mean? im guessing 5dm is engine type? as you may have guessed ive only had big boys toy licence for about a week.any help on successfull care of my pride and joy will be appreciated.
paint code
hi guys,does anyone know how i can find out the paint code for my 1999 fazer 600? its the silver one.looking for touch up as previous owner wasnt too good at judgeing the width of shed doors me thinks. thanks in advance
2007 YBR 125 Electrical/Fuel Injection Problem
hi mate, i had a similar problem a couple of times, once when on a lesson too! what i found was that the connector for the starter motor...bottom right hand side of bike...........was not quite "home".a push on it and and i have never had same problem.....just an idea for you.
belly pan for 1999
hi all, newby on the block,passed the test on tuesday and i have a 1999 fazer 600 now. thing is i wld like to get a belly pan for it. can i get one ? where from? and will it go straight on it? many thanks in advance