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  1. hello, I am gettin gready for my DOT (government inspection) of my DT 50. I took the left clutch lever switch assembly off to try blowing contact cleaner on my switches, my horn was not working too well. The high beam switch fel apart. Inside the black button that you slide back and forth is a clear plastic slide with brass contacts and a spring and ball bearing. The whole plastic contraption feel apart. No more headlights. I had to wire up a temporary SPDT switch for now, but it is ugly on my handle bars. Does anyone know where to buy the clear plastic guts to a high beam switch. Parts list only shows the whole left lever assembly as yamaha parts. I am thinking I might need to visit a bike junkyard. Does anyone know of other bikes that the switch assemblys might be similar on. I just took a horn from a 1980 Yamahopper moped (QT 50). Thanks
  2. Mine doesn't have the grooves that I can see, but I was able to bend the tangs that hold the needle in place on the float assembly and that apparently raised it enough to stop the flow when the bull is full. Thanks for you reply.
  3. Hello Would this be the same carb as on the DT50?. It looks very similar, except mine has two water lines coming out for the liquid cooling. Question, under the float needle, is there threads and a jet or something that can be screwed in and out. I am wondering how to adjust the float height, the gas just keeps running out my overflow on the carb. I have been bending the little tabs that hold the needle but to no avail. It doesn't appear to be stopping the flow of gas. Thanks