Everything posted by RDly
Tyre Pressure
Hi Alex, thanks for asking after me Since I took up the Admin role over at the aircooled site, I have little time for much else. True I was a moderator here but that was back in the days of the Yamaha owners clubs infancy. I'm glad to see it's thriving, and Mervin let me know you was over here!! Anyway, stop typing on bloody forums and get some biccies down your neck, you're half the man now I used to know KEEF
Write off categories
Here's my Diversion 600. It was a Cat D and cost me £600, then a further £30 to fix You can see the damage was only to the rear light and panels otherwise it was a minter. I sold it on ebay for £1350 and clearly stated it was a Category D write off. The buyer said it was the cleanest one he had seen and gladly paid the cash in my hand, after all he saved at least £700 over a similar bike without a HPI history.
Write off categories
P.S. the VIC is not an MOT it's a verification of the vehicles identity, you can only have a VIC if you have a current MOT passed since the write off date. The purpose of the VIC is to prevent ringing, probably also the reason why CatC motorcycles do not require one, as bikes are harder to ring than cars. The VIC is required to get the DVLA to release the registration documents.
Write off categories
Ok Here goes. I have had several insurance write offs and the schedule is as follows Cat D = Light cosmetic damage, beyond economical repair to the insurers. You will keep the original registration and a V5 will have to be applied for. The vehicle will not require a VIC (Vehicle Inspection Certificate) and can be put back on the road in the usual manner. Cat C = Moderate to heavy damage as Cat D but if its a car will require a 'VIC' Cat C motorcycles do not require a VIC Cat B = Heavy damage, sold for spares to a registered dismantler only, can not be returned to road use. Cat A = Total write off, must be scrapped by registered scrap merchant/recycler. Hope this helps ? By the way all Category write offs will appear on the HPI register. KEEF.
up close and personal
My thoughts exactly Al
up close and personal
Alan, was you attracted to the sheep for other, questionable reasons No wonder the farmer didn't thank you
They're not Chins Alan, they're my wifes thingies, I can't keep em away
HEHE....... Alan never let us see his elephant man chin
- Pointless
You just have to have a go
Paragliding looks a cool sport. Trouble is most of the people doing it end up with broken backs or worse Edited by me cos me keyboard's knackered
Send your :)
Come to Essex for a party. All the girls are minging before you get here, and no better after a drink
Tyre Presure
I had a Divvy 600 until I decided to go back to RD's full time. My pressures were 32/38 one up. The wiggles over white lines are the first sign of a worn tyre carcass and time to get new rubber. My GPZ600R was also always stable at practically any pressure within reason, but when the tyres got beneath 2mm tread it would be a real pain and near dangerous ! especially over white lines between traffic. Don't forget tyre pressures are influenced by the weight of the rider as well as the machine, you must find the best (and safest) balance for yourself. Spend a Sunday afternoon and a splash of fuel and experiment, it will be the best spent spare time ever KEEF.
You just have to have a go
Alex you da man !!!!!!!! You have no idea how much I would want to be in your shoes and no it's not for the smelly sock experience
i left her
Na Alan she's still a virgin and will be until I give her a full service
- Pet Hates (Drivers)
Pet Hates (Drivers)
Taxi drivers who obviously own the road. Young female cops who think they can pull down an 18 stone man Volvo drivers Security guards Pot Noodle
- Insomnia
LC club helpline
He shouldn't be able to post due to his I.P address being backlisted. Here's the link again in case some people missed it first time around Here
MotoGP Winner
Lets see Rossi on a Kawasaki If anyone can prove it isn't a shed it's him unless it breaks down as usual
TRX 850. Any comments
I was after a TDM850, same engine as the TRX. All the ones I saw had gearbox faults. Jumping out of gear and clunky gearchanging. Be careful of the bargains as you might end up with a right shed !! Apparently the TDM900 had the problems sorted but I don't know about the TRX.
Pissed Off
My RD400 also got uncovered in the night, pissing rain and high winds. I haven't got the top end on it yet so now I have a crankcase full of rainwater These things are sent to try us Alan KEEF.
JMW it's official
You're an ARSEHOLE YamahaClub > Viewing Profile Viewing Profile: JMW JMW Arsehole Member Group: Members Joined: 16-October 03 Profile Options Add to contact list Find member's posts Find member's topics Ignore User Edit Member Active Stats User's local time Jan 4 2005, 09:19 PM Total Cumulative Posts 281 ( 0.6 posts per day / 2.15% of total forum posts ) Most active in The Bar ( 139 posts / 49% of this member's active posts ) Last Active Today, 05:45 PM Status (Offline) Communicate No Information No Information No Information No Information Send a Personal Message Private Information Home Page No Information Birthday No Information Location By the Beach ! Interests Bikes, old cars and stuff like that
Dear moderators
ARSEHOLE ......... Pete I'm pissing myself
- Dear moderators
My Fazer 600 hybrid
Sorry, back in a mo........ where's me bucket ? :cry: