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  1. Hi, I have just bought a 1999 R1 which has an Alarm/imobiliser fitted but I don't know what it is! The problem is I only have 1 fob for it and obviously if I loose it or it stops working I'm knackered!! The fob is just a plain black square fob with a white(ish) button and red LED. There is no name or numbers on it inside or out! The black box is exactly that.... a plain metal black box again with no markings, name or numbers on it! It is tie wrapped to the side of the subframe under the seat unit. It looks like a decent job with proper plugs and sockets going into the loom. I say Alarm/Imob but to be honest I've never heard it make a noise or go off?? So it may just be an imobiliser? The operation of it is as follows.... Turn the ignition on and all the indicators flash constantly until you press the fob button then they go on solid for a second then go off, you can then start the bike. When you turn the ignition off the indicators flash twice then go off to say its 'armed'. Or if you press the fob button before you get to the bike the indicators flash on for a second then go off and you then have a certain time to put the key in and start the bike. If you don't then after a while the indicators flash twice and it 'arms' itself again. I've tried to insert an image of the fob in this post but couldn't suss out how to do it??? If you think you may know what it is then please reply to this post and I'll email you a picture of it. Any help would be much appreciated!!!!!!!