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Everything posted by Vez

  1. Vez replied to johnsnownw's post in a topic in The Bar
    All this talk of friction modification makes me wonder about a product i saw at the GMEX show earlier in the year. http://www.simplan.co.uk/ Activ8 friction reducer. Vez.
  2. Vez replied to ChristianSRA's post in a topic in General
    I forget where i found it tbh, possibly failblog.org or similar site. To answer your initial question though. Airoh s4 helmet Spada textile jacket and pants. spada gloves. A pair of steel toe capped boots. (without these my toes would have been crushed on the last crash) They keep me warm and dry. Can't fault the jackets ability to withstand an impact, and its been tested on 2 occasions, but the pants don't offer the best protection during a sliding crash though. Vez.
  3. Vez replied to Licks's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    For some strange reason i thought your PV was the same shape as mine on the end . Do you know if your PV is a 1 piece or 2? All i have is the 2 piece versions.
  4. Vez replied to Licks's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    The only changes i have seen in the PV are in the later models, they are now 1 piece and have a more oval end section instead of a diamond shape ( the TZR had the one piece PV before the DTR and they get swapped about alot when barrels etc are changed). If it was my bike i would go for the older style. Or get one as close to your year as possible. I'm not 100% sure on what effects the newer shape PV has, but it would probably fit your bike although i can't say for sure it will. I think at the very least you would need a newer pulley to go with a newer PV, but again im speculating. If you are really struggling to find one, put some pictures up of your PV and i will have a look in my shed to see if i have one. Vez.
  5. Vez replied to Paulwhite's post in a topic in Insurance
    I haven't tried exactly that, but i normally get the 2 cheapest quotes i can find and then make them fight for my custom, takes a few phone calls, but can yield some good results. Also you may want to check to see if fully comp is any cheaper, as the last quotes i got for tpft were nearly £100 more than for fully comp with the same insurance companies. Vez.
  6. Vez replied to ChristianSRA's post in a topic in General
  7. Vez replied to ChristianSRA's post in a topic in The Bar
    Depends how cheap you want to get. two vodafone sim cards, two phones with hands free kits, 1 friends and family unlimited talk package(£5p/m for 4 phone numbers). you get the idea. There are plenty of bike-to-bike walkie-talkie types available out there. Cheapest a quick google search finds is these from M&P http://www.mandp.co..../Special-Offers for £69 I believe fully paid up members of the forum get a discount at M&P Vez.
  8. Vez replied to Cynic's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    No problem Cynic. I have to Can't be helped
  9. Vez replied to Cynic's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    got a picture of the tensioner intact off the bike, it may or may not help you
  10. Vez replied to Cynic's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    i didn't take the pic, just did some googling last night when i couldn't sleep
  11. Vez replied to Cynic's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Is this any use Cynic?
  12. Vez replied to DaVinci856's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi DaVinci, welcome to the forum. Vez.
  13. Hopefully you wont be posting pictures before you introduce yourself to the forum, and do yourself a favor and stop typing in all caps, its the internet version of shouting. Vez!
  14. Vez replied to Andy9's post in a topic in The Bar
    Well said Ttaskmaster, well said.
  15. Vez replied to lizzybuff's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    i watched a trolley roll into a 59 plate bmw in B&Q carpark yesterday. There was no reason for the trolley to move, it had been there about 5mins at least, and just as we set off it started to roll, hit the bmw square in the door and made a nice dent, wasn't another car for 100 yards either.
  16. Vez replied to butch69's post in a topic in The Bar
    To the forums. Vez.
  17. Vez replied to Vez's post in a topic in Forum Help
    Sorted with the ranged event, i swear i need an eye test I will add some more when i get some time during the week, i intend on adding the dates for the GP and such if thats ok?
  18. Vez replied to mike1949's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I would suggest a copy of the MCN instead of a stick, want to leave him with some sense, just in-case he knows anything interesting to add to the forum ( i know the odds are slim, being a Power Ranger an all, but you never know)
  19. Vez replied to Alex's post in a topic in The Bar
    Having run a few forums myself in the past, i can't help but think that £10 for three years is selling it short. I for one would be willing to stick with the £10 per year deal. Is there the option to donate for those of us willing to do so? Vez.
  20. Vez replied to Biker Kitten's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hey Biker Kitten, Welcome to the Forums
  21. Vez replied to hobbo's post in a topic in The Bar
    Wont cost you anything!
  22. Vez replied to Biggish Al's post in a topic in Insurance
    I thought exactly the same as you Hughsie £138 a year.. is that 3rd party only ?
  23. Vez replied to Vez's post in a topic in Forum Help
    Thanks Alex. I have added a few events to the calendar and it worked just fine. The only thing i couldn't do was make an even that lasted more than 1 day, but that is probably me missing something. Vez.
  24. Vez posted a post in a topic in Forum Help
    Does the forum calendar get used for anything but birthdays? I tried to add a ride out (stafford iirc) a while back and was told to await a moderator to ok it. Just think it would be good to get a reminder about ride outs etc., as i soon forget about them as more get added in the ride out sub-forum. Vez