Everything posted by Vez
Hi new member
Yes, i do realize that, it was a subtle way of implying to update his profile
2-Stroke meet - Squires cafe
i could be a clairvoyant
FAO the Jocks
Hi from newbie/lurker
Sorry only paid up members get to use the toilet, you will have to go out the back with the others
What bike have I got?? DTR? DT LC?
1989-2003 are all the same frame as far as im aware.
dealers havent got a clue how to fix this
Think Merv might be right with the neutral switch, i had a rental 07 YBR a few weeks back and would get a neutral light intermittently while in gear and not just 1st gear either. Does it only happen when the side stand is down ?
FAO the Jocks
I would have to set off today to get there for next weekend
Hi from newbie/lurker
Welcome to the forums Lurker Nice, an intro for a change Vez.
Hi new member
I have to ask: you profile says you own a BMW, what appeal does a Yamaha forum have for you?
DT125R - Re-bore?
Its a pretty basic mechanical device, may be worth taking it apart and checking to see if its repairable.
tester vid
http://www.ebuyer.com/product/183959 If its one of these then you can't turn the date off. To set the date you need to put a .txt file on the memory card. open text editor (aka notepad) and put this text in with the correct time and date: [date] 2010/08/07 12:00:00 Save the above and name the file "TAG.TXT", place the file on the memory card (SDCARD), don't put it in the file on the card, just place it in the first layer (root) as soon as you open the card from my computer. Put the card in the cam and power on, the time and date will be set to whatever it is on the above file and the file will be automatically deleted. HTH
Hi new member
2-Stroke meet - Squires cafe
They got anymore of them tents?
2-Stroke meet - Squires cafe
Lol an R6 following a DT125RE, this should be good
DT125R - Re-bore?
Not exactly the best idea tbh, unless the bike is run at high revs/thrashed alot, and you don't mind cleaning the carbon out alot. What is wrong with the pump you have? Vez.
dt 125 lc 83 liquid cooled
Drain radiator coolantDrain engine/gearbox oilRemove 2-stroke pump cover.Remove and plug the two 2-stroke pump feeds and the 2-stroke pump throttle cableRemove kick-startRemove the coolant transfer pipe from the water pump housing and lower radiator hose to gain clearance for next stepRemove the clutch coverRemove water pump housingRemove the gear from inside of the water pump impellerExtract the impeller gear and shaftDrift out the water pump seal through the little holeDrift in new water pump sealReverse the process to reassemble the bike, using new gaskets for the clutch cover and water pump cover as required and new copper washers for the water pump and engine oil drain bolts. Also new fluids if required. Think thats about it. Any clarification required just ask. HTH Vez.
2-Stroke meet - Squires cafe
Chocolate Teapot, are you joining us? That'll make 10, a nice round number. Cynic have you sorted a tent yet?
DT125R - Re-bore?
Try here http://www.pjme.co.uk/acatalog/Cylinder_Re-Boring.html they have a good reputation and i hear only good things about them on here. The do both re-bores, re-sleeve and re-coating (should you have a nikosil plated cylinder). It is usually cheaper to get a second hand cylinder than to have one re-sleeved IME Vez
2-Stroke meet - Squires cafe
So how many are actually going then ?
New Born
Hi Liam, welcome to the forum, YBR125 is a good bike had one for a brief spell and couldn't really fault it. I suggest you have a read of this thread because there is some good advice about good/safe/smart riding tips by Cynic, Gas-up lets go and ttaskmaster on there. http://www.yamahaclu...ies-to-kill-me/ Vez
Just starting out!
Welcome to the Forums Andy Vez.
I want a ride out (im new, please read)
Better add a satnav to that tow rope if you want to get home again
Word Association Thread
tester vid
Yeah the Vauxhall driven by a senior citizen who was not paying attention, needless to say i gave her a wide berth after that. Can record around an hour on one 4gb sd card, but tbh its all pretty boring so far. Its more to cover my ass in the event anymore crashes happen (touch wood) than for showing off and the like . I will see what i can do and upload some more longer footage later on . Do you all watch it in HD ?