Everything posted by Vez
- Ape Hangers
- YOC patch
- Hi all
Two new finds
I tend to agree with you there Chris, but if they happen to be the last one or two in existence then i think they should be preserved. Other than that a bike is for riding.
dt 125 exhaust question?
Post a picture of your DEP silencer, the pipe that connects to the expansion chamber and i may be able to answer.
- YOC patch
Yamaha DT125R won't start
Edit: The power jet on the TZR is 110 where as the one on the DTR is a 60, this could be the source of your poor-running. If possible, swap the float bowl over from the DTR carb and see if that helps. ( the power jet is part of the float bowl and not changeable as far as i know. You don't even need to take the carb off. I would try that 1st tbh. I had a power jet block when i rebuilt my first DTR, gave very similar symptoms to yours iirc. Took me weeks to figure out what it was.
Yamaha DT125R won't start
Standard main jet size for a DTR (3MB Models) is a 210, for a TZR (2RH Models) its a 180. Try the plug and swap the jets over from the DTR carb. Although i think it should still start with the 180 in. Also you may want to consider giving the TZR carb a good clean through as it could be the floats are stuck or a few other dirt in card related reasons. Edit: The power jet on the TZR is 110 where as the one on the DTR is a 60, this could be the source of your poor-running. If possible, swap the float bowl over from the DTR carb and see if that helps. ( the power jet is part of the float bowl and not changeable as far as i know. Asking for a guaranteed answer over the internet from people who haven't got any direct contact with the bike is asking alot. We can only take a guess with the information given by yourself, which can never compare to actually being there with the bike.
My YamaTard
Looking good YamaHead. Especially like the rims Can't help thinking it should be on the road for the pic though
Good Evening!
Welcome to the Forums
Hello Everyone.....
Welcome to the Forums
- Happy 18th Foamy
yamaha dtr
Glad you got sorted out. You going to post some pics when its done? Chrome polish, well I hear Autosol(??) is good. I use Carr & Day & Martin metal polish wadding myself. ( can't find a link to the one i get) As for after market headlights, i can't really be much help, like the original myself. I have read the alien one goes on easy enough( http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/Product.do?method=view&n=460&g=1899&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Base&utm_campaign=Motorcycl ), But i have also heard some MOT stations fail you for them. Good luck finding one, and let us know if you go for something different
- Best route?
Yamaha DTR 125 bore / rebore
Still doing it, for another 2 years at least
Best route?
If your only going to view it, then can't you get the train/get a lift? If your going to collect it err... get the train/get a lift. Or thats what i would do
Engine Rebuilds
When the bike goes bang, get your spanners out, stand on one leg, shove a 10mm long reach up each nostril and say "wibble".
new to the forum : )
Hi, and welcome to the forum. Don't know fa about xs400's though .
YZF-R125 lowering
Let the tires down?
Yamaha DTR 125 bore / rebore
F**k it, i'm bored. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Piston-Kit-Yamaha-2-50-TZR-DT125R-TDR-TZR250-58-90mm-/160495029986?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item255e3fcee2 58.9mm DTR piston,2.5mm overbore apparently . Displacement = stroke x π x (bore/2)2 x Number of cylinders. So, providing your DTR is pre 04 and with a stroke of 50.7mm Then, 50.7 x π x (58.9/2)2 x 1 = 138.142.8559 x103 or about 138 cc
Yamaha DTR 125 bore / rebore
You will find it rare to get a response to a question on your first post. Try introducing yourself in the bar section of this forum, politeness goes along way
dtr 125 plastics
Great observation skill you got there.
- YOC patch
yamaha dtr
The red light is for the 2-stroke oil tank. The light will go on and off depending if you are going up/downhill breaking/accelerating etc, until the level gets low enough so the oil doesn't slosh to above the level of the oil level sender unit. Personally i would run it down to about 10-15mm from the bottom of the tank (above the feed pipe) then swap it for new oil. The engine (gearbox oil) doesn't have a warning light, there is a window next to the rear brake pedal to monitor the level with.
older dt100 kicker wont turn over any help?
I have an idea. Register on a bike forum, Introduce yourself and then ask for help.