Everything posted by Vez
Replacement keys
They couldn't cut me a key without seeing the lock, (had the v5 and all the numbers fromt he vin plate) and he said it had to be the ignition barrel, which will only come out intact using special tools or the key . So were gonna fork out for a smith to come out and sort it as its getting to close to xmas to be messing with it. Thanks for all your advice, I learned a few things even if i couldn't get it done myself.
Word Association Thread
Replacement keys
Nice one up-yours, I will just take the v5c and chassis/vin number to keyfax in the morning and see what they say.
my yamaha yzf-r125
Yes you can, but only if you let me film it for the forum [/thread_hijack]
my yamaha yzf-r125
Isn't the question about a Bracket and not the actual exhaust
Replacement keys
That was the kind of info i was hoping for I have 2 days to try and get it done before my Dad gets back from work, so ill try and pull the lock myself and then take all the relevant paperwork ect to the local locksmiths. Thanks Ttaskmaster
Fazer rides 2010
I would laugh if that were the case mate. Anyone who visits bcf will know who i mean.
Word Association Thread
Replacement keys
I did Paul, they wanted £140
Replacement keys
Thanks for the reply drewpy, but its not a coded key ( immobilizer is separate). Just had a quote of £95 for a locksmith to come out and replace the keys *ouch*
Replacement keys
It's not bike related but I'm aware a few of you on here are familiar with locks etc.. Ok, so my Dad has managed to lose the keys for his van (2001 Vauxhall combo). Is it possible to get a replacement cut? ( i presume so but don't want to get laughed at from the locksmith) If so what will i need to do i.e call a locksmith out or is it just a case of taking a number from the barrel and getting one cut from the smiths? Any advice appreciated.
Fazer rides 2010
Just a friendly word of advice .You may want to be careful about what videos you post. A chap on another forum i visit had a 7am wakeup call from the law and his bike, leathers, pc etc confiscated due to certain videos posted on youtube.
Anyone know this bike?
I don't know what it is, but it's obvious your both wrong (unless its a modded r125). Both the r6 and yzf-r125 have side slung exhausts. Maybe its a Chinese type thing (hyosung etc) It is 125cc or smaller though, as Pete says its got L plates. Dan, if you want to be taken seriously on here its a good idea to introduce yourself properly. I don't think you would be too happy if i just stopped you in the street and asked you a question without so much as a " Hello, my name is blah" etc.
and another newbie threat
Welcome to the forums
Word Association Thread
New rider and Yamaha owner.
Welcome to the forums
Made one for a college project last year, cost me all of about £9. Still not fitted it though
Oh yeah, welcome to the forum
I got another bike! A DT this time...
Well if the OP would post a picture it would stop all our speculation .
Vez gives us his xmas day performance
Strangely enough, it was one of the first tunes i learned to play, on a baritone not trumpet though, and i probably did a better job at 13 than they are. *I used to watch the Pink panther films as a kid
dtr 125 rame number
3MD-008**** is from Jan-Dec 1990. I think you will have to contact Yamaha UK, iirc they keep a record of all their bikes that are road registered. You will have to send them the frame number and engine number and they should be able to send you the registration number the bike was originally given ( for a price of about £40 last time i heard though). Then you will need to apply to the dvla for a new V5c. The alternate route is to get the bike Q plated, i have zero knowledge of how to do this though, so can't help. I'm not 100% on the above so maybe someone else can advise you a little better. HTH
looks good Not sure about the yellow stripes, a bit bright for my taste. Can i suggest you post a bit about yourself in the bar section, an introduction kind of thing. It goes down very well with the regulars on here, myself included.
Yamaha DT125R won't start
What was the results of the compression test? ( in PSI etc) Yes a wrong size jet can stop a bike running, i have had a power jet pipe issue and the bike would just about start and tick over after 10-15 kicks, as soon as the throttle was touched it would stall. Have you tried changing the float bowl yet? It is far easier than any of the other things you have tried. The only thing i have found to knacker a carb on a DTR is a damaged mixture screw, so i am interested to see/hear exactly what it was that caused you to come to that conclusion. There will have been salvageable parts surely!
I got another bike! A DT this time...
The engine is held in place by the swing arm pivot bolt . Or am i missing your point?
I got another bike! A DT this time...
The sleeves in the sw arm are steel on the DTR, with a brass bush on the engine. If it is the sw arm bolt, then the bolt itself has a hole through the middle which is ideal for passing a flame through to get heat where its needed. If its either of the other four, some one needs to man up as they are 13-14mm bolts.