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Everything posted by Vez

  1. Vez replied to ayron's post in a topic in Naked
    Re-sleeving involves removing the old cylinder liner(sleeve) and replacing it with a new liner(sleeve) and will be expensive, usually cheaper to replace the cylinder with a good second hand one. Re-boring on the other hand is simply shaving away a small amount of the cylinder liner to remove any damage/scratches etc, to leave a good surface. Most cylinders (like the 3MB00) are designed to be re-bored, this is why you can buy different sizes of pistons for the same bike. Another kind of cylinder (like the 4FU00) has a nikasil(or similar) plating on the liner and are alot more expensive to repair. The piston you linked too at pjme is a perfectly good piston (probably as good as Yamaha), i have heard of lots of people using them with no problems at all. Yamaha will charge you more just because it has a Yamaha name on it. 70€ i get 53€ on that link for the piston kit. The gasket kits on the other hand are better when from Yamaha. Vez.
  2. Vez replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in General
    Is it weekend already ?
  3. Vez replied to ayron's post in a topic in Naked
    Official Yamaha is always expensive, I was thinking more like a small independent motorcycle shop or small engineers, 140€ sounds alot to be honest. http://www.pjme.co.u..._Re-Boring.html < These will re-bore (repair) your cylinder for 35€ + shipping, but they can't tell you if it needs re-boring without seeing it, so a local company would be better for you. (you can get a re-bore and new piston for 90€ + shipping from there ). If you have a piston for the TDR cylinder, why not give fitting it a try? You can always ask for help/guidance on here or even your friend may help you Vez
  4. Vez replied to ayron's post in a topic in Naked
    After searching the Internet to see if anyone has fitted a TDR cylinder to a DTX or DTR it seems you can, but its your choice as i cannot say for sure it will work. If it was my bike i would fit the TDR cylinder and see what happens. Is there a bike engineers/bike shop near you that you can take your DTX cylinder to and get a professional opinion on the condition and possible repair cost etc?. Or ask your friend to do it if possible. I hope you understand what i have posted, if you do not then just ask And please don't apologize for your English, it is quite good and alot better than my Slovenian. Welcome to the Forum Tick. Vez.
  5. Vez replied to ayron's post in a topic in Naked
    Further to my last post, i have since read that the Early DTR and TZR cylinders may not be compatible. http://cgi.ebay.co.u...=item4aa11f0731 Read what he has wrote at the bottom. So i am now unsure if the 4FU00 cylinder will fit your bike.
  6. Vez replied to Vez's post in a topic in The Bar
    yeah i guess, who needs wing mirrors after all.
  7. Vez posted a post in a topic in The Bar
  8. Vez replied to ayron's post in a topic in Naked
    I normally don't reply to people who don't introduce themselves, you were polite and I'm in a good mood. 3MB00 is the part number for a DTR cylinder, does your DTX have a 4MB00?? (the DTX is a DTR engine based machine, but you probably know that already) I have read that they should be compatible with the DTR, check the pictures above and you will see ayron has fitted a 4FU00 cylinder to his TZR (again the TZR is the same DTR engine) So it is more than likely going to fit. How badly is your DTX cylinder damaged? will a re-bore and piston not kit fix it? (you will more than likely need a new piston for the TDR cylinder anyway) Vez
  9. Vez replied to Exupdog's post in a topic in General
    Hi Exupdog, nice introduction, makes a refreshing change on here. to the forum. Vez
  10. Wow, thank you for the explanation Karen. I understand it alot better now that you have explained it in moments of lowside and highside, as i have a reasonable grasp of the balance equations. Its nice to talk with someone that doesn't tell me "stick to the curriculum" when i ask questions about bikes and physics. I would love to build bikes and hope to one day when i have a better understanding of the mechanics and physics involved. "the braking system can take 383736 joules of kinetic energy from 135 mph to 20 mph" Thats alot of energy, a real eye opener. I can't help but be fascinated by the facts behind something that appears to be as simple as pulling a lever to slow a bike, i think its the details that most riders are unaware of that get my interest most. Also thank you for the links, i will read through them and probably post back with more questions, if you don't mind that is? Vez.
  11. Vez replied to Antonystjon's post in a topic in The Bar
    Sorry, my parents always told me " never talk to strangers"
  12. The DTR crank seals can be removed without splitting the case, i have done it, you have to destroy them to get them out though, which can be a PITA but usually easier than splitting cases. I presume the DT lc is the same as the DTR. Hope this helps. Vez.
  13. Vez replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    interesting idea, can't help wondering how he started off from a stop, as it doesn't show it in the vid.
  14. Ey up, welcome to the forum. Just have to say, its Newtons first Law of motion, i think the guy deserves some credit Also, tan (\theta) = \frac {v^2} {rg} where g is the acceleration due to gravity < Whats the "frac" ? and the r in (rg)?, radius x gravity doesn't seem right to me, i thought it was "mg" as in mass x gravity. Just curious, i have only been studying physics for 2 years, so can you please explain a little better as i am very interested in any part relating to bikes. Vez. A little tip from me, writing in all CAPS is the Internet version of shouting
  15. Vez replied to s1h's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    All i can say is *mumble4strokemumblePOSmumble* ybr's are not for me, at all, in anyway shape or form! BUT, it beats walking, well, only just!
  16. Vez replied to s1h's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I have just got a ybr 2008 model on hire, post a pic of yours and i can compare them for you. Vez
  17. Vez replied to Paulwhite's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    One thing i have to say (sorry if it offends) is IMO you shouldn't have painted the spoke nipples, for one they may need to be adjusted at some point and will cause the paint to flake off the rim, and also they don't usually rust and are easy to clean up. Just my opinion though. Otherwise it looks good. Thats said, a `how to` would be good Vez.
  18. Vez replied to TZR DAD's post in a topic in Naked
    Great way to introduce yourself to the forum ! Vez
  19. Vez replied to turbofreak's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi, and welcome to the forum, Have you tried adjusting the fuel/air mixture screw? Also what mods as the bike had done? e.g air filter, after market exhaust etc. Vez.
  20. Can't answer for certain, but i think they will be different as the LC became the R in 88 so you may need a CDI from a later model. Vez.
  21. Vez replied to Dt1WHO5R's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Yes i do. Introduce yourself properly and you will receive some answers. Manners go along way you know!!!! Vez.
  22. Vez replied to Ttaskmaster's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I agree with James, a well tuned 2-stroke DTR or similar with a loud pipe on it sounds great, mine sounds like an asthmatic mouse without a good pipe on Vez.
  23. Vez replied to kwakerz's post in a topic in General
    Hi and welcome to the forum Vez.
  24. Vez replied to Myami's post in a topic in General
    Hi and welcome to the forum Vez.
  25. Vez replied to escie's post in a topic in The Bar
    Sorry to hear escie, this country is full of lowlife scum it seems. Just been through the same back in march so i feel your pain. On the insurance issue, its good you over insured it though. Tbh i can't see it being to hard to find a replacement DTR, but with the time of year you will be paying top price unless you are lucky. Try biketrader , preloved and piston heads websites. You should find an estimate price for your bike anyway to stop the insurance company trying to rip you off and while your at it search for your next DT. Keep a list of bikes you see of similar mileage and age as your previous bike to throw at the insurance company should they take the proverbial. Good luck Vez.