a good friend's elderly father gave me his old '71 yamaha ct1 175 enduro a few months ago, as it had been collecting dust since 1976!
i cleaned the carb and put a put in a keyster kit, sealed the tank, replaced all the corroded gaskets, added new bel-ray oil in the injector, and she fired up today! when the smoke cleared, she seemed to be running darned good...though only with the idle/air screw screwed all the way in.
i warmed her up, drove around the block a few times, and was having a quite a blast...then suddenly...SMOKE...tons of it...billowing gray out of the tail of the pipe and the pipe/engine connection.
she died, and though i was able to restart her, she smoked like crazy and runs like crap. the plug was pretty fouled...but a new plug didn't make a difference.
ps: i hadn't changed the transmission gear oil yet..i was waiting til i got her warmed up.
ps2: i didn't test the oil injector first.
ps3: my girlfriend claims to have heard a "squeal" come from the bike before it started smokin'.
what happened?
now what?