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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. And I thought Bournmouth was an old fogies retirement resort.
  2. So, what is the technique for changing gear without using the clutch?
  3. Obviously not a memory mattress
  4. How do you do that blackhat? I've tried it but all I get is a crunching noise.
  5. Definatley not ! I know that if you suddenly do an emergency stop it is a bit awkward to change down to neutral, That way I tend to let the clutch lever out slightly until it bites then change down. I don't think this is the problem in your case, but whenever I've had a problem changing down through the gears it's because of a faulty clutch bearing.
  6. I don't think this is the problem, I leave mine out in all weathers all the year round even in this recently very damp weather and it starts first time every time.the only time I cover it up is in severe weather. LIKE THIS. And this picture was taken in August. Only joking, I took a lie detector test last night. No I didn't !
  7. Hi Cruza, Welcome to the forum. I presume Sydney is in Austraaaaaaaliaaaaa. That is supposed to be a Brit doing an Aussie Accent
  8. Blimey Paul, these words bring back memories. It happened so fast, probally less than 10 seconds. I can only presume natural reactions take over. Saying that, I am used to him moving about on the back like a sidecar racing passenger, adjusting his bollocks, looking over one shoulder then the other. Chippenham did redeem themselves last night though, after a draw on saturday Poole came up to us for the replay, we were down to 9 men and losing 1-0 and came back to win 2-1
  9. I think where my luck was I had just slowed down from 60mph to 40mph, He slumped forward onto my back so I rember indicating, pulling in and applying the rear break, he started slipping to the offside so I litterally put my right arm around him in a headlock to stop him falling off and at the same time trying to flag down one of the cars behind us. I don't think I even changed down the gears because when I stopped the engine stalled. My nightmare is if would I still have been able to do it if I was still doing 60 as I was about 30 seconds before?
  10. He's ok now thanks, that's the biggest problem now getting him to the docs. He's 26 and very stubborn, I've more or less told him until he gets himself checked over I wont take him on the back anymore. He doesn't drive himself so i'm hoping that will do the trick.
  11. I was discussing the situation with him last night, I don't think the severity of what could have happened had sunk in yet. Maybe he hadn't realised exactly what did happen because the only thing hew knew about it was when he came too sitting on the grass verge. he's now talking about the next away trip. After going through it in detail he was surprised to say the least. Thanks for all your replies, I think it does wonders to talk to people who understand. And as for you Oldtimer your most likely older than me you cheeky bugger. I bet you was in Bagdad before I was in my Dadsbag.
  12. Although it worked out great in the the end. The annoying part is when the car with my son in pulled into Sainsbury's in Chippenham, to drop off his passengers and let my lad go into the toilets to refresh himself, some bastard stole my leather gloves that my wife bought me for our 25th aniversary (2002) which I left on the bike while seeing he was alright.
  13. It could be Paul, I don't know why, but he won't hold on to anything, either me or the grab handles. He seems to mold himself onto the back seat and stay there.
  14. Cheers Nev, as I'm typing this I have a can of Carling on the go. I think what made me nearly cry was when I pulled up outside my house after the nice man dropped him off, my wife and daughter asked what was going on. I nearly lost it and burst into tears, but managed to compose myself. I think for days now I'm going to wonder what could have happened in different circumstances.
  15. Cheers Foamy, we're both ok, poor lads in bed. It's nice to know that some people do care, luckily it was still daylight, I dread to think what would have happened if it was pitch black.
  16. Believe it or not, there is some really nice people about. Me and my lad rode down to Poole today (about 65 miles) Fantastic ride down there, fantastic game of football, Poole 1 Chippenham 1. Fantastic ride back to just before Warminster (about 40 miles) Bombing along at 60MPH then entered a 40MPH zone. Then disaster, my son feints on the back of the bike. He's slumped over me with his head resting on my right shoulder, I slowly pull into the side of the road. I'm trying to hold him up and at the same time flag a car down for help. About three cars just go past without stopping, I'm sure they could see whats going on. The only person to stop was a lady on her own in a 4x4 who had to hold my son up while I got off the bike so we could both get him off the bike and sit him down on the grass verge, she also went back to her car and gave him her bottle of drinking water. If that isn't kind enough, luckily a car with our supporters in stopped and put him into their car and took him right to the door. What worries me is just five minutes earlier we were doing 60 along country roads. I thought the last time he fell asleep on the back of the bike on the motorway was bad enough. This happened about two hours ago and I'm still shaking.
  17. Kayos, let me make myself clear. Obviously we have got off to a bad start, Your topic is FANTASTIC . The pics are brilliant, But, let us know a little more about yourself, i.e, where are you from? interests? And I would still like to know is one of the bikes a Honda C90? PAUL Don't be to hard on me, I haven;t been feeling to well lately. Looking on the bright side, I will be going down to Poole FC next Saturday on the Divvy with my lad on the back. I think my problem is, and I think Oldtimer might agree. (I might be wrong) but being ex-servicemen you have rules and you stick to them, they are there for a reason. I appreciate this is 2011 not the sixties but they worked for me, and my dad (Burma), Anyway, Kayos, which one are you in the photos?
  18. One observation, three bikes but only two bikers.
  19. Anyway, I'm off to bed now, so you can talk about me if you want too. All I can say is that nobody loves me, even when I was at school my mum used to wrap my sandwiches up in a road map.
  20. I still think that kayos is a very poor intro, fine, he's not asking for advice, but I still think he should have introduced himself as my suggestion in a previous post. Am I asking too much for people to come on here and let us know a little bit about themselves? Sometimes we don't know the basics about who we are talking to. Also, I did say how good his photo's are. Am I being too strict about first time posts? If I'm banging my head against the wall and getting frustrated about inproper intros, should I depart from the forum?
  21. Blimey Paul, isn't it obvious? As I said to the previously reply not 10 minutes ago. Hi Andy, I haven't any ideas, but a suggestion. Use this area to introduce yourself. i.e. My name is - obviously Andy Age ? I presume from your Avitar, if that is you, approx 40 years old? Male/female - obviously male Where from ? Interests ? Bikes - obviously an XS250 (owned one myself) Then, post your problem in the appropriate section. In your case I suggest workshop. Please believe me you will get more help after a good intro. All too often we get people on here to ask a specific question, get a reply and never to be heard of again, not even to say thanks.
  22. Very poor intro. See my comments on Andy Oliver. But. FANTASTIC PHOTOS. Is that a Honda C90??
  23. Hi Andy, I haven't any ideas, but a suggestion. Use this area to introduce yourself. i.e. My name is - obviously Andy Age ? I presume from your Avitar, if that is you, approx 40 years old? Male/female - obviously male Where from ? Interests ? Bikes - obviously an XS250 (owned one myself) Then, post your problem in the appropriate section. In your case I suggest workshop. Please believe me you will get more help after a good intro. All too often we get people on here to ask a specific question, get a reply and never to be heard of again, not even to say thanks.
  24. mike1949

    Pikey trikey!!

    Blimey, Ttaskmaster. Do we need a chill pill?
  25. Brilliant Merve :D :D Even the missus laughed. And that, believe me is a first!
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