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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. From a "boats" matelot to a "tanks" pongo. ""Congratulations"" Keith.
  2. You've lost me there Kev, never heard of it, bearing in mind I'm a child of the 50/60's
  3. Welcome aboard JP, which one in the photo are you?
  4. The Lone Ranger (Clayton Moore) and Tonto (Jay Silverheels) on telly, Rawhide, Rowdy Yates, (Clint Eastwood), Gil Favor (Eric Fleming,) Wishbone (Paul Brinegar) Also I remember Wagon Train on a Sunday evening, If it had Indians in it , me and my brother was allowed to come down and watch it. Needless to say we sat on the upstairs landing waiting for the sound of Indians. If I remember the wagon master was Ward Bond?
  5. Good photos sniff, but not new. Whilst stationed in Singapore in the sixties my parents sent me a monochrome photo of my baby sister (now age 47) A local photographist copied it into colour for me, how I don't know, but I still have in today.
  6. The only advice I can give you is, introduce yourself in the new members section first. Then ask in the appropiate section, i.e. Workshop. Also consider yourself fortunate that I replied before Sacha. Otherwise, I dread to think. She's very polite but very firm, a bit like a school marm.
  7. I used to idolise him when I was a kid in the 60's. especilly when he used to do his victory war dance. Unfortunatly he gave up wrestling when he killed an opponent in the ring. Also that was the time of Jackie "Mr TV" Pallo.
  8. Brilliant idea Pat, that's exactly what I would have done.
  9. Hi Billy, welcome to the forum. I was stationed in Chatham during the 60's. HMS Pembroke. Do you remember me? Only joking
  10. I voted no I don't think it's easy to sort one hit wonders out, rather than replying to them I just ignore them. But can't it be made compolsury compulsery mandatory to fill in basic details such as. Gender Location Interests Bikes Vital stastistics
  11. Don't do what I did and go to Tescos dating agency, all I got was a bag for life.
  12. Take Cynics advice, after all he's a member of the piston broke club.
  13. A lady goes to the dentist, when in the chair she says. "I don't know what's worse, having a tooth out or having a baby" The dentist replied "Hurry up and make up your mind so I'll know which tool to use"
  14. A bloke goes to a fancy dress party complety naked covered in green spray paint carrying his girlfiend on his back who is also complety naked covered in brown spray paint. The doorman says "Who are you coming as?" "A turtle" he says. "OK", but who is that on your back? "Thats Michelle"
  15. Done!!! I've also cheated on "British Rail" I bought a return ticket to London, but, ONLY WENT ONE WAY
  16. I dont know if this is relevant, but when out on the bike I ride in two different styles. If I'm on my own I do take chances if I'm confident I can get away with a manouver which is safe and legal. I'm quite happy just to keep up with freeflowing traffic at the national speed limit. But if I'm in a queue of traffic and I can legally filter I will. I'm not one that will ride only in the fast lane on the motorway but will use it if required, and yes I will go up to 80/85. The other way I ride is if I have a pillion. It used to be if either my son or daughter was on the back (notice past tense ) Then I used to ride like there were a dozen eggs on the back seat.
  17. Welcome to the forum, have you got it working yet?
  18. A young Ozzie lad walked into a bar in Vietnam and was greeted with a "G'day sport" by a very pretty Australian girl. After about an hour talking about Oz, the lad said "It's pretty quiet in here, fancy gouing round the back for a quick shag?" Blushing profoundly the young shiela said no, I hardly know you. "Go on" said bruce I'll give you 200 Aussie bucks" After all of thirty seconds Shiela said "Oh ok then, after all the pay here is very poor" This went on for another four days. After the fith day they were talking in the bar and Shiela said that although wev'e been very intamate I hardly know you, like where about in Australia do you come from? "Perth" Bruce replied "well so do I, where about in Perth do you live" “Victoria Park” “Well what a small world, I was brought up there. Whereabout in Victoria Park?” “Duncan Street, number 26” “Crikey, I don’t believe it. That’s where my dad lives, at number 25, do you know him? “I certainly do, when he found out I was going to Vietnam he gave me a thousand bucks to give you”
  19. When you take the clutch cover off, put the bike on the side stand then you wont have to drain the oil and it will be easier to work on. Also, when you take the bolts out they are of different lengths so make sure you put them back in the right places. When you think the lever is lined up only put a couple of bolts in and carefully try the clutch lever after connecting back the cable just in case you have to re-align it again. If memory serves me right when you align the push rod I think you want the teeth to point towards the rear of the bike. Be careful not to damage the gasket. If youv'e got a Haynes manual have that open it really is a big help because it shows an exploded view of the clutch. As suggested in an earlier post, I dont think the clutch bearing is causing the lever to behave like it is. But it might be wise to check it while your in there. I hope all goes well.
  20. Well Paul, Sunday is here in sunny Wiltshire and it is certainly living up to it's name. Been for a bike ride, come back and did an oil and filter change. What more could you ask for?
  21. That sounded like Charley (Stayt) and Louise (Minchin)
  22. I think I know what your problem is. First of all. Have you had your clutch cover off, maybe to change the thrust bearing or washer? If the answer is yes, then the solution is trying to line up the position of the push lever that engages into the clutch (the bit the clutch cable connects to on the engine) What you have to do is, and it could envolve removing the clutch cover several times is turn the lever to the left until it engages with the rod push assy (the part that goes through the thrust bearing and washer and pressure plate) It looks like to me that the lever is to far forward and is just floating in air. I hope this helps, if not pm me,
  23. That's nothing Sacha, and this is true. Being in the Royal Navy, I have a lot of tattoos on my body. On my Willy I have tattooed "HMS" BUT! When I get in bed with my georgous wife it spells "HaMerSmith". Which is a suberb of London. "Hamersmith" Do we get this??
  24. Hard luck Mallory, I've just got into work after a ride around the country lanes here where the sun is shining. I even stopped on top of a humped back bridge and watched a train load of commuters on their way to Bristol and thought I know where I'd rather be.
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