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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. the correct level but with the bike on its side stand This is what I don't understand, if the bike is on the side stand you shouldn't see any oil. its upright the sight glass is completely covered. Correct!!
  2. Blimey Blackie, everybody does it even the Queen, although I doubt if she actually wipes her arse herself.
  3. Be truthful now Blackie, when you have a dump don't you look at it before you flush? I even salute it as it's going down.
  4. Right Tony, here we go. If you put the bike on the centre stand then look at the sight glass you will see two marker lines embossed into the casting, one is minimal oil level and the upper one is the maximum oil level. But, the best guide is, if you are changing the oil, then also change the oil filter. If you go down this road and I hope you do, take the bike for a good ride to get the oil nice and hot before draining it and you will get about 99% of the oil out . Then, and it has always worked for me, fill up with 2.6 litres of oil. Hope this helps Mike
  5. You'd think she she would have gone in the aisle that sold toilet rolls at least.
  6. You ain't going to like this steve, but my wife and I (me and the missus) went to see the Bay City Rollers last week, They were fantastic, all the young girls were screaming and standing up in their tartans and bopping along. I say young girls, which they were in the early seventies but now they are all in their fifties. But it just goes to show that music is a memory thing, when you hear a particular track it takes your mind back to where you were when you first heard it.
  7. Hi Tony, not only is it a bit odd but a bit worrying to me. When you put the bike on the side stand which is on the left hand side of the bike. the sight glass is on the right hand side of the bike and you shouldn't see any oil at all because it's all flowed over to the left side. But as I have ascertained you realize by all the advice given always check oil level when bike is upright. i.e. on centre stand. On the plus side if you need to do anything to the clutch, just put it on the side stand and you don't have to drain the oil.
  8. best time of the day to take the bike out for a spin, blow the cobwebs out.
  9. I presume the Rusty 'B' is the Bulwark? but what is 2 DAMPS? I was on the Ark when I went to Malta in 1969/70. What I do remember from the gut was that two matelots (one of us and one yank) were fighting half way down and the shore patrol were keeping us all apart so they knackered themselves, put their arms around each other, called it a draw and went off for a pint,
  10. I was a submariner, but now I want to be a helicopter pilot.
  11. I thought that part of biking to work in the winter was that you got cold hands, I'm always putting my hands on the rear exhaust pipe to warm them up when I got to work. I'm always wary about putting extra electrical supply to the battery, maybe I'm wrong.
  12. mike1949


    I concur, noise, but, I do think that Barack Obama should continue.
  13. Cheers Paul some good links there I will study them in depth, also I might pop down to my local bike repair man to see if he does anything. As for what speed I do in snow and frost only about 20mph. I can get the bus to work but it takes an hour as apposed to 15mins on the bike.
  14. Hi Etienne, like Aitch52 (most likeley) spent many a night down the Gut (straight street) I even won the ropey trophy down there.
  15. Cheers Paul, she's just stirred from the front room so it looks like I will have to put up with her again tonight.
  16. Right I'm off to bed soon, anybody want to come with me? bearing in mind the missus is in the front room so you will have to be quiet an slip out quietly before 21:30. Only joking of course because I really do love my wife of 35 years. (I've had a few beers)
  17. They are cheap arn't they. are they any good, and also would they be suitable for a 600cc?
  18. I had a purbeck grey cortina but didn't like the colour so had it sprayed green.
  19. Brill, your talents are wasted.
  20. Blimey Grover, if you're that dangerous with a hand saw, I bet your dad's a nervous wreck by now. It's only a matter of getting a bit of wood, putting it on a B&D workmate, putting your right knee on it and with the saw in your right hand cut along a line that you have marked with a pencil.
  21. While were on this subject I remember last year on telly they were putting studs into car tyres for the snow, does anybody know if that can be done to bike tyres? Also, when the snow goes can the studs be removed or do you have to replace the tyres? Bearing in mind the extreme British weather might only last a couple of weeks so would it be cheaper to find alternative transport to work rather than replace tyres. My one big headache is getting to work in the snow or severe frost, with my smaller bikes it wasn't a problem, the main roads were ok but side roads are a lot to be desired. DT502001 how do you cope in Canada in snow and ice?
  22. 6 in 38 years although none on the bike.
  23. I had seen this before and still only got 3
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