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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. Cheers Drewps, I very nearly got somewhere about six or seven years ago and the very, very, nice man produced some images for me to print off, but, due to lack of technology in them days I couldn't because the modern technology we have today we didn't have then. One thing I do remember was that after the party about 8/9pm when we were seeing the kids onto the coaches to take them back to the orphanage one little girl (about six years old) came up to me crying because she had no presents to take back. On looking around I noticed a small red haired boy (Mick Hucknell? I doubt it) with about four boxes of presents so I said to him, can you give this girl one or two? He replied. NO!! If I can't have them then nobody else will, to which he chucked them all into the Manchester Ship Canal. Them kids must be about 45 years old by now.
  2. You might have to help me here Mr N, I do not understand, bearing in mind I have been watching my local football team loose 7 nil, and not in too good a mood. Also I am slightly inebriate. Only slightly mind you.
  3. Yer but, no but, When I met my missus I was 26 and she was only 17 Her parents (and mine) tried to advise each of us not to pursue each other. Anyway, nearly forty years later we are the only ones on both sides to be still together, as in married and to have been 100% faithful. Sometimes I wonder why, because we are like chalk and cheese. (maybe that's true that opposites attract) She don't like Sailors, tattoos, and people who drink and skinheads, all of which I am. The worst thing of all is she won't come on the back of the bike with me, although she did encourage the kids to. Strange!
  4. I know I'm ok to retire next year aged 65, but anybody younger than me I'm not so sure. My missus is nine years younger than me (that's why I have to pole vault out of bed in the morning) so we don't know when she will be drawing her pension yet. She is self employed so we don't know if that complicates things.
  5. Drewps, can you remember when four boats called into Manchester about 1971? I have been trying to get a photo of them (one was mine, "Porpoise") I'm sure your local press would have archive photos of them One of the boats was an "A class" boat which was being decommissioned and they fired toilet rolls from their deck guns. I would be ever so grateful if you could make enquirers for me. I did try about four or five years ago but to no avail. I remember we had a party for a local orphanage and each boat had two celebrities from Coronation Street, we had Stan Ogden and Alan Browning. If you can help Drewps I would be in your debt for ever more.
  6. Cheers Mr N. And that photo was taken about four years ago. Would you believe that I will be drawing my pension next year? And, believe it or not, even at my age, I still have to pole vault out of bed most mornings!!
  7. Well done Tom, you have got this far so don't stop there, introduce yourself then. I.e. My name is Tom I'm from...........................? My interests are..............? My hobbies are...............? My girlfriend/wife's name is..................? Apart from that, welcome to the forum Tom
  8. Seriously, this is me know. Albeit 40 years on.
  9. This is me when on the "Ark" in a beetle. (1969) This is me now. Only joking.
  10. Bearing in mind this was in 1971, about 40 years ago. I'm second from left. We used to go ashore with my mate on the left and he was built like a viking warrior and nobody used to argue with us.
  11. mike1949


    I fancy the narrator even if she is trying to cover up her love handles.
  12. As I speak, slightly inebriate, To cut a long story short by wife has lost a lot of weight, and I mean a lot of weight. I cook the tea every Friday and today she wanted macaroni cheese, but she said don't put a lot of cheese in the sauce because anything that begins with C is fattening, i.e. cakes, crisps, chocolate etc. To which I replied, what about cock, that will defiantly make you fat! I must admit that she is so straight laced, but she actually burst out laughing. There's hope for me yet, I hope.
  13. Hi Michael from London, I'm Michael from Chippenham. As the above replies have suggested, I totally agree. Every time I get a new bike, the first thing I get is a Haynes manual, Then the next thing I get is a spare clutch cable, need I say anymore?
  14. Luke, I think you are in the wrong section. Try the "wanted" section. Or even the "For sale" department.
  15. Take care Steve, lets hope Stickyfeet hasn't eaten Fluffy. (or visa-versa)
  16. Rode the bike into work this morning, Yeahhh.
  17. That explains why whenever I try and sneak up behind the missus and slip her one she then lies on her back.
  18. and not good for you (just added this) Like all the things you shouldn't eat. chocolate, cakes, biscuits, crisps, burgers, cheese, bacon, sausages, pizzas, butter, dripping, fried bread, English breakfast, I'm sure I have missed a few, I know this isn't exactly what this topic is about but I thought I would put it in anyway.
  19. Have a look at my avitar Davie and guess were I quite often went to.
  20. Well, I am trying to make amends nsd.
  21. I'm not surprised for being told off for being late Jonny, couldn't you have grabbed one of your Shetland ponies?
  22. Hi Cobber, (I don't know your real name) I'm very, very sorry if I have offended you, to be truthful I was merely sticking up for Sacha who is a lovely lady. I said what I thought at the time, which was my true feeling about you, if not correct I do apoligise. But as slice said we do get a lot of one hit wonders, only the other day I answered someones queerie with photos but they have not even had the decency to reply. I even asked them for feedback as it will help others with a similar problem. So, lets start again and I hope there is no offence taken and welcome to the forum. Can we electronically shake hands? As a sideline I did visit Freemantle in 1966,
  23. Have we come to a standstill?? In the 50/60's we had snow chains. Can we not cope anymore? Saying that, I'm a wimp when it comes to taking the bike to work in the snow, frost I don't mind. but, slushy snow and compacted snow is not good. Is there such a thing as snow chains for bikes?
  24. Hello Mitch, I see you like your smiley faces
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