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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. Correct, well done Paul
  2. If I say yes, you will most likely get it, so I won't say that it is. OK, yes it is.
  3. Cheers Mr N, but I bet nobody will come up with the correct answer,
  4. Does anybody know what the Prime Ministers name was in 1967?
  5. First of all your best bet is to introduce yourself in the Intro section. http://yamahaclub.com/forums/forum/48-new-members-welcome-area/ Then, go to the Workshop section. http://yamahaclub.com/forums/forum/30-yamaha-workshop/ Then post your question there. Then, maybe then somebody might help you.
  6. And a beer gut by the looks of it
  7. Hi Nick, when you say you are a new rider, dare one say that you have passed your motorcycle test and hold a full licence? If you have had experience on a smaller bike then go for it................ BUT, if this is your first bike ever, then as Slice says do your training and ride a small bike for a couple of years and then you might be ready for this machine Were not trying to put you off biking, it's just that we don't like hearing about bikers being in RTA's (road traffic accidents) on "Real A&E Emergencies" which often appear on our freeview channels on tv.
  8. At least with roadkill you know what you're eating
  9. Everywhere I go I've always got a rucksack, you never know what you might come across.
  10. It used to be "Rum, bum & Baccy" Now it's "Juke, Jake & Jive"
  11. Yeah, that looks like tha Ark I was on over 40 years ago. My mate was on bombers and I only saw him once when up there. If I remember right they were in a restricted place and I couldn't enter.
  12. Hi Jimmy, mainly we were in Gareloch in a place called Faslane. Although we were based in Gosport we used to travel up to Faslane because our unusual job was a target boat for the nuclear boats. They used to fire their fish at us, not to actually hit us although we did get hit twice. I'm not sure if thats the Ark or not, I served 2.1/2 years on her before going into boats so it was a different design. I should imagine yours is a job to die for, I tried to get on smaller vessels but no such luck. Where about are you based Jimmy?
  13. Well done littlej, Are you a Yank or a Brit?
  14. Just as an afterthought, the torpedo tube behind me, No. 8 is where we used to keep our beer in, it was like a fridge and every night about 7pm I used to collect the beer ration for the forward mess and towards the end of the trip which lasted three to four weeks I had to crawl right into the tube, very scary. By the way Drewps, when we were in Manchester I was befriended by two brothers from Deansgate. They were a bit rough and ready and a couple of hard nuts (always swearing) but they were great. We used to meet most days for a drink in their local, but one Sunday I didn't turn up because I thought that they would be having Sunday lunch with their perspective wives. But little did I know they arranged a slap up Sunday dinner for me at one of their houses so they could introduce me to their wives. Believe it or not that even to this day I still feel so guilty about it because when I met up with them on Monday they just shrugged it off as if it was no big deal. Although I could read between the lines they were disappointed.
  15. Well done Bips, don't forget camera and charge battery up because we want to see photos.
  16. Cheers Drewpy, "That's my old boat" Believe it or not that photo was taken the same time as my first post pic. If you notice it has got some probes sticking out of the conning tower and down the side of the boat, if you look at my photo you can see them closer up. What they are for is when we got to a certain position in that loch (for obvious I can't reveal which one) in Scotland we were tied to three buoys and sunk to a specific depth, then from a torpedo tube situated off shore they fired fish (torpedos) at us. The aim was not to hit us but to get the fish under us and the probes registered the accuracy of them. By the way submariners never call submarines subs, they are always referred to as boats and torpedos as fish. In WW2 they were were called tin fish but now are only called fish. To show my appreciation of what you are doing would you like a submariners cap tally in gold braid? (see photos) If you do, and I hope you do, PM me with your address and I will post it to you. And yes, that is me.
  17. Your a star Drewpy, that's the ones. The Auriga was the "A class" boat with us. Their called "A class" because all the boats in squadron all begin with A As for Bill Cannell I haven't a clue who he is.
  18. When you press the starter button does the oil warning light come on? Also is there no audible click from the solenoid? I seems as if there is a break between the switch and the starter yes, I think it could be a break in the wiring from the starter button and a multi connector which on my divvy is located under the seat. On mine the wire going into the multi connector had corroded, I stripped about 1/2" off the end, put it back, put some silicone in and have had no problem since. You can also by-pass the starter motor by shorting the solenoid, but I wouldn't recommend it though.
  19. I don't know about you Paul, but sometimes I think "why do I bother" Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that when you reply to someone we get little response.
  20. Hi Rob, and a very warm welcome. Can't help you with the tours as I'm only a commuter. But if you do go through the Black Forrest, can you bring me some gattux back please. All the best and welcome to the forum Mike
  21. You don't mean "brake" light by any chance do you??
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