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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. I've been through all that and used to pay my daughter over the odds to clean my bike on a Sunday afternoon. But now she has fled the nest the bike seems to take a back seat as regards to cleanliness.
  2. What annoys me is that I can spend a couple of hours cleaning the bike. And the next day if the weather is wet the bike is back to looking dirty again. SO. I think, why do I bother? Anyway I use it all the year round and it is my workhorse.
  3. YEAHH, well done As I said, when cleaning the bike I didn't realise I had done it. Well done NEO.
  4. I know, so to give you a clue. It's something that takes a fraction of a second to either start your bike or not.
  5. That reminds me, I went into a shop and asked the shop assistant, "have you got any helicopter flavoured crisps?" She said no. So I said "In that case give me some plane ones then."
  6. NEVER (When I'm pissed.) Spent one Sunday afternoon cleaning it from top to bottom. Stood back and thought that looks nice and clean. I thought that while I'm at it I would check to see if it would start because a lot of water was slopping about and I needed it to start first thing in the morning. Would it start? NO So I started checking all the electrical problems that are prone to my bike. After about 45 minutes I realised what the problem was. Something stupid that took less than one second to rectify.
  7. Is he the one who owns Slimbridge? If that's the case it's got to be "T.Rex" ride a white swan.
  8. Just a wild guess, but was you doing the tea tonight? I bet Mrs N was pleased.
  9. Sorry Billy, but as Ttasky says, look at each one individually.
  10. I concur with nayruf. When you think about it the fuel tank is exposed to extreme temperatures in this heatwave as apposed to car fuel tanks which is shaded by the car body. I've noticed before when I filled a vehicle up in this heat and left it exposed to direct sunlight the petrol started to seep out of the fillet cap.
  11. Effing Ell Slicey, I was going to venture up to Gloucestershire in the next couple of weeks but I don't think I will dare now. Sorry Auntie Vi.
  12. We can, and do name and shame. That's why when you do, hopefully the rogue dealers/traders/e.bay sellers etc will realise that they will be mentioned on this forum, which has a worldwide membership of 39.770 members.
  13. Welcome Josh, and a big warm welcome to a townie who is a big hit on this forum. No doubt she will say Hi very soon.
  14. Blimey Louie, is there no bounds to your intellectual vocabulary of introductions? At least you introduced yourself which is a step in the right direction. Are you any good at form filling? I presume you are, so help us to help you. All you have got to do is fill in the blanks. Gender..................................... (guessing, I would say male because my daughter is Louise) Where from............................. (we know the States, but that is quite a large area) Interests................................... (keep it clean) If female................................... (age and vital stastics) (optional) if male...................................... (age only)
  15. Brill photo Karlos, how on earth did you get your cat to pose like that, unless it's some sort of photo editing?
  16. Hi Marcus, that is my favourite colour of all times, I'm pretty sure it's what I know as "Cadbury purple" Anyway, welcome to the forum.
  17. Thats great Cupcake, these quirkie things do happen. Years ago my speedo wouldn't go above 30mph although I was doing 60mph, the reason was that a spider had got into my dial and spinned a webb between my needle and the needle stop, all of a sudden it broke free.
  18. Hi PL-T where in west London are you, my lad and I try to come up once a year to support FFC.
  19. Obviously age and the the decade comes into it. My last year at school was 1964 and I remember while doing my grocery bike round about this time of year, all the bedroom windows were open to let the air in and all I could hear was this song "she loves you" by the Beetles and "my boy lollipop" by Millie. In the school library the teachers said "How can you listen to that rubbish?" That is why when my kids(who have fled the nest by the way) play their music and I think "How can you listen to that rubbish?" I tend to understand why they like their music and not mine. Albeit my daughter does like my kind of music, i.e. The Stones and Jimi Hendrix.
  20. Hi Daneille, and you are?? As in My name is ....................... Daneille I'm from ..............................Canada My interests are......................????? I am ........................................?? years old (optional) My vital stastics are.................(optional) In other words introduce yourself properly and you will get more help, we don't like "one hit wonders" Help us to help you and hopefully you will become a member of our "family"
  21. "Charlyfarly" that's showing your age aint it? I presume from the "Two Ronnies"
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