Everything posted by mike1949
- up.yours
- umbrella
Brill :lol: :lol: Wii-dram?
My insurance claim
One thing to bear in mind, and this is speaking from experience. "WHAT EVER THEY PAY YOU, THEY WILL GET THEIR MONEY BACK! Be it through higher premiums or lower no claims discount.
- Hoo-Haa!
anyone else hate driving?
So did I, great feeling of power, like the parting of the waves.
No Vicar !
Fantastic!! Fantasique (French) Wunderbar (German) Wonderbra (Goff) Gert lush (Bristol) Rubbery (Chinese) See you Jimmy (Rab C Nesbit) Also specially for you. BJW Did you know that Tupperware make bra's Thet don't lift or seperate them............ But the keep them nice and fresh. :lol:
Cheers Shep, been in Chippenham 33 years and never even heard of them. Will give them a ring Monday. I usually go to Q-Tech in Melksham (Fantastic) but you have to book in advance so they can order the tyre and then hang around for an hour or so. What I was hoping for is that they could come to my place of work and do it there. I think that because were out in the sticks bike places are few and far between. Also cheers Drewpy for your suggestion but they are not dedicated bike tyre specialists and don't seem to have my size of tyre in stock.
Topic title/description is self explanatory, but does anybody know of any mobile tyre fitters as it is very difficult, if not impossible to just pull into a bike dealers and get a tyre fitted unlike a car that can just arrive at at Kwik-fit etc and get four tyres done while you wait. If my mate BWJ can come up with a solution I will tell him the joke about Tupperware making brassiere's.
xj600 diversion non starter
I know exactly what the problem is. It happened to my xj600 in April. If you look at the Haynes elec diagram and trace the wire from the starter button(blue/white?) it goes into a block connector before going to the starter relay which is located under the seat on RH side, should be the forward relay out of four. Even though it will look ok but it will be corroded and therefore not making a connection. Mine is a W reg(2000) if yours isn't located there because of being an older model the Haynes manual will tell you where it is. Mike
Spark plug dimension
It doesn't have to be a spark plug socket. Try an 18mm box spanner or a long socket. In fact thats what I use on my bike so I can use a ratchet with it. Mike
Spark plug dimension
Do you mean the size of the socket to remove the spark plug? If you do then all Japanese models are metric, 11/16" is just slightly thinner than 18mm (about 17.50mm) If you mean the reach then there is not a lot of difference at all. Hope this helps. Mike
What the heck is this??
Usually in line fuel filters are transparent so you can see the fuel.
Total rip off
Brill BWJ, took a while but got there in the end. Reminds me of a zoo related one. A bloke come across his mate walking around with a penguin and asked "where did he come from?" "I found him in the park" His mate replied "I should take him to the zoo if I was you" "Good idea, I'll take him round there this afternoon" The next day the bloke comes across his mate who still has the penguin in tow. "I thought you said you were taking him to the zoo yesterday?" "I did" said his mate. "Today I thought I'd take him to the pictures"
A potential life-changing question
I think you getting mixed up with the gay village people of the US. Being one of the UK's submariners in the "cold war" I find that quite insulting.
A potential life-changing question
Being an ex mariner you had me going there. I'd already made my mind up on the first eight words of "THE TEST"
Happy birthday regards JimR
Well done Jim, I hope there's plenty of Bow for you tonight. I still meant what I said before. Regards Mike
Blimey mate. A bit of anger management wouldn't go amiss here. Don't you get ready before you get on the bike?
goffs wedding tunes
"Motorbiking" - Chris Spedding
77 DT 400 problems
Idle speed adjustment screw??
top speed
That's like shit off a shovel, in fact I'd go so far as saying it's like shit off a hot chrome shovel.
How about a photograph of the bride and groom to be
Visor scratch repair
Wether it's still available I don't know but when I was in the Navy attached to the Fleet Air Arm about ** years ago the pilots used Goddards plastic polish to remove scratches from their windscreens.
FOUND Foamy's new ride
In my day we used to put a woodbine packet folded in half through the spokes.
1983 Yamaha XS 400
Local dealer National dealer E.Bay Trade It Scrapyard M&P motorcycles MPS On line Tescos (only joking) Wemoto