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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. I entered Prince Charles registration and it looks like he's been done as well.
  2. Not so long, but very well put. Also the 600 Divvy is a good first bike. I bought mine after 15 years of 250's when my lad got too tall and too heavy, after five years I'm still riding it to work every day in all weather and two up on the motorway when needed. When it does eventually give up on me I will probably go for a 900.
  3. In all honestly if you can't get your head around a Haynes manual you should put your trust in a local reliable bike workshop.
  4. That's as bad as saying. "Let's go to Tiananmen Square." "I could murder a Chinese"
  5. A not very well squid was lying on the bottom of the sea bed trying to make himself invisable from his most feared predator the shark. A great white saw him and was just going in for the kill but suddenly stopped inches in front of him. "This is to easy squid, you should have dissapeared into the sand by now" "I'm not feeling very well" replied the squid. "Hop on my back and I'll take you to hospital" "Brill" replied squid, not believing his luck, mabye there are some good sharks about. After about five minutes the squid realised they were going in a different direction to where the hospital is. Two minutes later the shark met up with another great white and stopped. "Hello Sharkey" "Here's that sick squid I owe you"
  6. Totally lost Drewps. It could be my age though.
  7. There are some good people out there, when I come off my bike after a rear tyre blowout the car in front of me stopped and reversed back to see if I was alright and helped me lift the bike up and move it off the road. Also asked me if I wanted a lift somewhere.
  8. I can't dance, my wife says I've got two left feet, so I can't wear flip flops I've got to wear flip flips
  9. Jebb's most likely right, I've got one on my XJ600 Diversion. If you fill up to much, fuel will overflow through the pipe (which dangles to under the engine) to the petrol station forecourt, don't worry though because after a few miles it will stop once the fuel is consumed. When filling up just go to the bottom of the filler tube in the tank. Also I think this acts as the petrol tank vent. Hope this helps
  10. Try the piston broke website
  11. How many times have we been there? I've noticed that since being a biker I am very, very vigilant.
  12. mike1949

    whining Fazer

    I'm sure you will get more help if you introduce yourself rather than come in all Gung Ho! Could it be wind problems?
  13. I'm glad you got it sorted out, and thanks for replying to say what the cause was. All these questions and answers will help other people with same type of problems. We all learn things new, what might be obvious to some might be as clear as mud to others. About ten years ago I had a problem with my speedo which wouldn't go over 30 MPH although I was doing about 60 MPH. Nobody will guess why, but when explained, not only was it bazaar, but weird.
  14. Are we bordering on eccentricity?
  15. If you haven't got a centre stand lift the back of the bike up and place a block of wood or something under the engine to get the rear wheel off the ground.
  16. When you you put the key in the ignition, turn it to "on" then press the starter button what happens?
  17. Try putting the bike on the centre stand so the rear wheel can move freely, start the bike up but don't sit on it and see how many gears you can engage.
  18. I'm not familiar with your bike but most filler caps has a vent in them, it seems that yours could be blocked. If you can locate it try clearing it with a small bit of wire or a very small drill. Or if your lucky enough and have access to an air line give it a blast. I hope this helps because it is usually something simple. Mike
  19. A family of mice lived in Piccadilly Circus. One day the boy mice was walking home through the centre of Piccadilly in a daydream when a young female spotted him and screamed. It frightened him so much he jumped off the pavement into the path of a London bus. He picked himself up and crawled into a music shop' "Can I help You?" said the shop assistant. "Yes please" said the mouse, "have you got any mouseorgans?" "It's funny you should ask that, only this morning I had a young lady mouse asking for the same thing" "Oh, that must have been our Monica"
  20. C'mon Drewpy, help me out here.
  21. Is there any Nuneaton Town Football Club fans on here that will be at home to Chippenham Town tomorrow?
  22. I did, and all I got was about a square inch of London.
  23. Am I missing something here? All I get is a fuzzy map of something that looks like the isle of white.
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