Everything posted by mike1949
Chain and Sproket and Other bearing.
Were not having a go at you Joe, just trying to help but it's up to you where your priorities are. All I'm trying to emphasize is get a manual and do it yourself and save a lot of money. I learnt the hard way in the seventies and have never looked back.
Chain and Sproket and Other bearing.
As both Cynic and I say. Get a Haynes manual for about £20 and you will recover that amount in the first job you do, plus you will get to know the workings of your bike. If you know what or how a particular thing works it's easier to repair or maintain it. If you can't afford one because your a student stay in one night over the weekend instead of going to Spoons and you've got the money to buy one, simple.
famous 70's skeletons
I'm not sure about Les Gray Drewpy, Is it something to do with tiger feet?
Chain and Sproket and Other bearing.
If you want to do your own maintenance a Haynes manual is a very good investment and is worth it's weight in gold. It shows you step by step how to do things with a lot of photo's and diagrams. Plus how easy/difficult a job is. It also guides you how often to do routine maintenance i.e. oil changes etc
Big Issue Seller
Me and the missus, or as said properly, The Wife and I, went down to Weston-Super-Mud today. We came out of a shop in the high street and was confronted by a young male big issue seller who very politely said big issue sir/madam? To which I looked him in the eye then carried on walking. Then, all of a sudden he threw his whole pile of magazines down on the pavement, shouted "FUCK IT" and walked away. I think he must have had a shit day and we were the last straw.
Chain and Sproket and Other bearing.
One thing to bear in mind, of all the good advice given one thing not mentioned is that after loosening the rear axle bolt you must adjust the left hand and right hand tensioners evenly or you will put the wheel alignment out. Most bikes have guide markings on the frame by the rear axle bolt. I hope this hasn't put you off Joe, but if you have got a Haynes manual it will explain it with photo's
Hi from a new member
Hi Phil, welcome to the forum. I haven't run an engine in for over thirty years but I'm sure whether it's a short or long journey wouldn't matter, the important thing is not to over rev the engine going through the gears. As for how many miles that goes on for I'm not sure but no doubt someone will enlighten you. Just be gentle with it for at least 500 miles. Hope this helps until expertly advised Mike
is it just me?
Girl mates or boy mates? It could be worse. When one of your missus's mates is being shagged by her husband he could be thinking of your missus.
MOT failiure
I always think that MOT centres are there to make money on the after work and not the MOT test itself, so are they getting their money by failing and then getting the after work? One MOT centre in Chippenham always seemed to fail cars on brakes. I think they worried a lot of motorists especially women into forking out hundreds of pounds in getting unnecessary work done. Needless to say they are no longer operating.
- Hello
MOT failiure
I had a very similar experience with my car in the seventies, they failed it because a bulb wasn't working. When I asked why they couldn't have replaced it and charged me for the bulb, they said they didn't have time in the time allocated for an MOT. BUT, they had time to read my mums magazines (titbits and weekend) which I had bought on the way and put in the backseat. I know they had read them because of the oily fingermarks on them. I never paid them for the MOT failure and never went back there again.
hello everyone
Hi ???? (don't know what your name is) You are in the right section to introduce yourself, but I think your question should be in the "Workshop Section" after you have introduced yourself properly. Please believe me, you will get more help that way. Regards Mike
Hi from W.V.
Hi Highsign welcome to the forum. Blimey, I bet you had a lot of trouble trying to do your homework after school because I bet the bikes in those days were a lot noisier than they are now. If I'm correct that's two good old British bikes.
Country Flags on Profiles
Can't wait to see what this flag is like. I can only presume you mean The Shetland Islands where all the horses are little.
still no spark
Explain your problem better. Explain yourself better, i.e. introduce yourself in the "New Members" section. Are you a "One hit wonder"? yes or no If no, try a little bit harder If yes, F OFF
Hi - New Bike Next Week
At least your in the right section "New Members" Steve Introduce yourself first, then you will most likely get more help.
Country Flags on Profiles
I concur Cynic. I would prefer the English flag rather than the Union flag. By the way, it's only called a Union Jack when it's flown from the Jack staff on a Royal Naval vessel.
Battery problems and Advice needed
A battery needs to be used all the time. My bikes battery is six years old, I use the bike every working day and it starts first time every time, if I leave the bike for two weeks in the summer while I go on holiday when I come back and start the bike it will start first time. But. If it doesn't, then it will not start at all. What I'm trying to say is that if you use it every day it is fully charged and will start every time. Leave it and it will start to go flat. While any battery is not being used it will start discharging. Unless you disconnect it first. Hope this helps Mike
What tool to use?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Country Flags on Profiles
Cheers Alex, At least some of us love you.
does my xt125 x have an oil filter???
First of all Phill How many years have you been riding a bike (excluding a pushbike) The reason I ask is that if you've been changing the engine oil every 600 miles or so, surely you must know if there's an oil filter on the bike or not? I'm not familiar with your bike, but I would think that all bikes are fitted with some sort of oil filter. I might be wrong. Secondly Phill, You will get a more friendly responce if you introduce yourself properly. As in, Hi my name is Phill I'm from ................... My interests are.................. Need I go on ??
What!!. Not Bob the builder??
Hello from sunny Londinium
Welcome Paul One of the best intros so far. I'm sure us sassenachs will only be to obliged to help you. Ye ken what I mean? Mike
Hi All
to the forum Al. Help us out here a little bit male/female ? age ? (if female you can adjust it) where from ? (not quite sure of flag) ITB training ? interests ? Just realised the flag is Eire Sorry 2 wheels
Whats everyone up to this weekend?
Sorry Foamy, but I think you will have to stick to the old faithful camel.