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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. Sorry Steve, you got your second post in while I was composing my reply. But, I still think that you are trying to write a letter that is to intense. Keep it brief, people tend to get bored with to many lines. It's like reading a page from a book. Anyway, welcome to the forum Steve. Looks like the very nice school Marm got in before me
  2. Hi Steve. First of all welcome to the forum. Secondly, slow down a bit. Thirdly, introduce yourself a little bit more in depth. Fourthly, Don't epic your problem, break it down into smaller parts. But, FFS If your coming onto this forum just to solve your problem, get an answer and never to be heard of again your are in the wrong forum.
  3. Hi Tony, whereabouts in Wiltshire are you?
  4. And a very merry Christmas to you Keith and family. From Mike and family, Mike, Julia, Jack (in Thailand) and Louise (in Taunton)
  5. Going on from that, can anybody remember using a multimeter to to set the points dwell angle.
  6. The Lone Ranger and Tonto was surrounded by Apaches with full war paint on ready to move in for the kill. "well Tonto, we've been together through thick and thin, now it looks like we'll die together" Tonto replied. "What you mean "we" white man"
  7. Hi ST the only music I know from Scotland is bagpipes and drums, unless you mean the bay city rollers!! Yeeesssss
  8. Allo nipper, welcome to the forum. I hope you like us. Even the school marm has welcomed you to the YOC.
  9. Blimey, Shambles. Have you ever watched the seventies sitcom "George and Mildred" You just sound like George (Brian Murphy)
  10. mike1949

    DUCATI 996

    Is he just a friend or a mate, If a friend, grab it and make a few quid. If he's a mate then between both of you make a few bob between yourselves.
  11. The last time I used my strobe light was on my old Austin Maxi.
  12. Hi Rocketman, welcome to the forum. But please listen to what Slice and Sacha has said. I don't know what the requirements in the states are but over here they are very stringent. I can only presume your avitar is of you and your very pretty wife/girlfriend. So don't be another statistic.
  13. It looks to me like you have bought a bike "for spares only"
  14. Although my commute from work to home is only six miles, sometimes I hit traffic coming into Chipp, if it's at a standstill I tend to filter but at this time of year not only is it dark but to be dazzled by headlights is not good. And at the end of it I get home about a minute earlier. I know the city bikers would laugh at me compared to their commute but one thing I can't be arsed is to sit in stop/start traffic. In the summer I tend to go home through the country lanes where I am moving all the time but takes longer to get home.
  15. I couldn't have put it any better Will. Things I look out the night before on local weather is. Temperature, 0deg C is ok, below that I walk up the street to look at the corner because if's that's ok then the main roads will be Cloudy sky is even better, acts like a blanket Wind is very good as it stops the frost from settling Then, leave a bit early because while I'm being very cautious some twat will get right up your arse
  16. I got 43mpg this week, bearing in mind how cold it was. I've had to warm it up for five minutes about 06:30 when the temp was about zero, then ride only 6 miles to work, let it idle for 5/10 minutes when I got there to get rid of the mayo. One thing that does help though is that I've covered the oil coiler with silver foil.
  17. mike1949

    Mod 2 and ice

    Hard luck Grover. A lot of people don't know how to indicate properly. Quite often I see a driver coming towards me and when we get to a mini roundabout they put their right indicator so I stop to give them the right of way and they carry straight on. Also a lot of people don't even indicate at all so when you think they are going straight on they turn right in front of me. As Sacha said, look on the bright side, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
  18. You've got a very good attitude Bips, and as Sacha said, Nothing chicken about being smart if you ask me.
  19. I remember in about 1962 my dad left his ritza? cigarettes papers lying around in the kitchen and me and my brother decided to roll a fag, but we didn't know at that time you had to put tobacco in the paper, so when we lit it from the gas cooker the "cig" caught fire and burnt our lips. In them days smoking wasn't classed as taboo. in fact it was advertised on tv as being good.
  20. Yurr but, no but, (Vicky pollard) Welcome to the west country Lady P.
  21. I presume that was peer pressure?
  22. I think it's psychological as well, when you're riding along a road and you can see a white frost on it you know there's a big possibility of coming off the bike. In snow it looks more friendly. Although saying that I have come off in snow but not ice. Also on my particular route to work I have to negotiate two roundabouts either end of a large superstore and for some reason the twats who built them used some kind of tarmac that gives the appearance of the road being very shiny, therefore looking like a sheet of ice. Also When you get up in the morning an see snow you didn't expect it's easy to thing bollocks to it I'll cadge a lift to work or get a bus, BUT, when you get to work and then it starts snowing you tend to deal with the situation in a different light, i.e. I've got to get home, what do I do. The obvious answer is to ride your bike home slowly and as safely as possible bearing in mind the more you ride the nearer to home you are. The thing that really pisses me off is that when I'm riding very cautiously there is usually some twat in a 4x4 or lorry right my arse and I'm thinking that if I come off my bike their not going to stop and go right over me.
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