Everything posted by mike1949
hi guys.. can you help me...how can i get discount on all yamaha lubes/product...
I think you should be going through google rather than this biker forum. Especially if you are a "One hit wonder" which you seem to be as per your lack of introduction.
Forum changes,
Three cheers for good old Alex. He seems to be the unrecognised backroom boy that only gets mentioned when things go wrong but then spends hours fixing it. Well done Alex.
growing a beard
Is she going into Faslane Jimmy?
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Funny you should say this sniff, but when I'm watching the local weather on BBC points west if I stare at the weather vane cups going round by the wind it seems that all of a sudden they change from going clockwise to anti-clockwise.
growing a beard
The one thing that strikes me as unusual in the RN is the naming (or re-naming) of ships. As Bipps said her dad was on HMS Ambush which was a diesel/electrical boat but is now a nuclear submarine. My first ship was HMS Triumph which was a converted aircraft carrier from the Korean war but is now a nuclear submarine. But before my Triumph it was a diesel/elec submarine.
growing a beard
Totally agree Drewps, started off about growing a beard, then to tattoos now on to submarines. Talk about going off in a tangent but this is typical of conversation in this country, start off on one topic and end up talking about something totally different.
growing a beard
Bleeding Ell Bips. I was in from 1965 to 1973. Ambush was an "A" class boat (submarines were called boats, never subs) After them came the "P" & "O" boats of which your dads came under the "O" class boat. If you look at my avitar it's HMS/m Porpoise which is one of the "P" class boats, both classes were electric/diesel which unfortunately no longer exist. P class boats Porpoise, commissioned/decommissioned: 1958/1982 Narwhal, c/d: 1959/1977 Finwhale, c/d: 1960/1987 (harbour service from 1979) Cachalot, c/d: 1959/1979 Sealion, c/d: 1961/1987 Walrus, c/d: 1961/1986 Grampus, c/d: 1958/1978 Rorqual, c/d: 1958/1976 O class boats Oberon, commissioned/decommissioned: 1961/1986 Onslaught, c/d: 1962/1990 Orpheus, c/d: 1960/1990 (harbour service from 1987) Odin, c/d: 1962/1990 Otter, c/d: 1962/1991 Olympus, c/d: 1961/1989 Oracle, c/d: 1963/1993 Ocelot, c/d: 1964/1991 Otus, c/d: 1963/1991 Opossum, c/d: 1964/1993 Opportune, c/d: 1964/1993 Osiris, c/d: 1964/1989 Onyx, c/d: 1967/1991 I appreciate this might be boring for you but it might be of interest to your dad, I hope.
growing a beard
Most of mine was done in Singapore in 1965/66 when I was 16/17 by one tattooist called Johnny Gurkha whilst in the RN. When was your dad in the Andrew?
growing a beard
Tattoos from the sixties. Bearing in mind they are fifty years old.
growing a beard
I suppose tattoos in the sixties were different from nowadays. Mine are all individual ones whereas now they are all "sleeves or half sleeves" or tribal even. When I came back from the far east in 1967 I most likely was the only person in town to have that many tattoos if not the only one.
growing a beard
Well, I don't know how we got from growing a beard to tatts. But, I have twenty and the first nineteen cost a total of £8.00 while the twentieth cost £50.00!! Talk about going off on a tangent eh.
- I thought nobody loved me
Blind spot mirrors
Has anybody got blind spot mirrors fitted? Been on motorway loads of times but this week on the M4 I thought what a difference it would make to have blind spot mirrors rather than craning my neck every time I wanted to overtake a Porsche vehicle.
I could've been flattened !!
Simple. £1000.00 fine and a years ban. No arguments.
Hi fletch, welcome to the forum. In what way are you partially disabled?
Andrew E,Fan " .
Me and you Steve. In our dreams Eh.
Need some advice please guys :)
Believe me Harry, It's not worth messing about with front and rear sprockets if that is what you are thinking of doing. I've tried it and no doubt a lot of members on here have tried it and like me have reverted back to the original set-up If memory serves me right, If you want fast from traffic lights you will have to keep changing down when going up hill. If you want a better top speed you will be sluggish starting off. I might be wrong but I'm sure as someone will point out but, that for every gain there must be a sacrifice.
New Member po. Hi po mga kaYamaha! :)
Hi po sa lahat! Hi everyone. Welcome to the forum. Kumusta sa lahat. Maligayang pagdating sa forum.
Wotcher Mr B. Welcome to the forum.
discount card
What sort of discount card do you mean? Anong uri ng mga discount card ibig mong sabihin?
Well, there is a village in Wiltshire called Atworth which is the home of ancient cars (museum) So you might be a Lord of the manor.
Proud to be a scout leader
Cap tallies Drewps. not badges.
Blue sky here this morning
My thoughts exactly NSD. I even thought about getting the lawnmower out. BUT the missus soon scuppered that idea by giving me a list of jobs to do. But on the upside we did go to town and had a fried egg sandwich and a cup of tea.
Hi Dave, welcome to the forum. Perchance do you come from Atworth in Wilts.
Proud to be a scout leader
Well done Drewps. I hope you gave them all an Eccles Cake each.