The bike I have is an RD from Hertsfordshire! Us Kiwi's had the RZ from 84-86 till they moved prod to Brazil late 80's, i think. The salt air, and all year round riding here meant there are very few left in this part of the world. As the local wrecker says, "the pin's were pulled" long ago. The last true RD in NZ b4 they swapped to the YPVS RZ was the LC. That was a great bike. I had a naked one about 82 and without the YPVS its was all or nothing. I had a CR125 Elsinor as a first bike, so the LC was just a road going version with indicators. I had never ridden a YPVS model till this one (since Oct08) it is quite different. Very mellow around town and for the commute. 3 - 4,500 rpm and you get that burbling, slightly erratic crackle like purr with a nice little push, but then when the intrutions on your in built rider intution drops to low threat level, and your spooled up in 3rd, the jump from there to 9-10k is magic. The shame is that to keep them in that state of tune now costs in time & $$, but if you dole yourself out meager doses you can still have a heap of fun. Cheers, Mark