Everything posted by pots
rd350 ypvs top end rattle little end??? little help!
hi tony, my haynes manual says you set the oil pump off the throttle with f and n models tho the revision part says mk2 on full throttle, confusing. i set it off the throttle last week but since ive moved it about again ive just looked and it goes a bit past the full throttle notches anyway so that shouldnt have been the prob.as for smoking now, when its cold it chuffs out loads and when its warmed up you cant realy see anything on tick over, you can smell it tho.spose ive just gotta change little ends again and hope little rattle goes.
rd350 ypvs top end rattle little end??? little help!
hi tony, i dont know if you saw my previous topic about odd smoking? that was my prob at first, i thought it was sucking in oil through crank seal but turns out now it must of been just excess oil in one exhaust or something because it burns a lot more even plus im building revs up to around 6000rpm now so its proberly cleared it out.i set the pump totaly by the book i added a shim and got it within the sizes, thing is it was smoking lot less after because i syncronised cables even more, i mean it was opening oil pump a bit before carbs opened, took it for long ride and this rattle been there ever since. its between 3500 and 4500rpm on light throttle on and off throttle when the bikes warmed up,first 5 mins from cold its silent lovely!also after i made adjustments it had flooded and it took while to start, iv been worried thinking iv shagged a new conrod or something but i think it would be all the time if it was that and it just sounds so little end to me and iv heard a few little end rattles in me time.ive got new little ends to go in just want to make sure it doesnt happen again.i have since adjusted oil cable again so its running bit more oily to be on safe side.can pump be defective or is it were ive been riding it on tip o throttle every where running it in?? who knows. any ideas??
rd350 ypvs top end rattle little end??? little help!
hi, well i think ive found the prob allthough im going to look into detination all the same.yes its had rebores and i chamfered/polished all sharp edges off myself as im in the precision engineering game.it basicly started when i set the throttle cables up for third time at the weekend whilst trying to sort my odd smoking prob, i sycronised all cables closer than ever and re shimmed the oil pump and it pretty much sorted the smoking , it was also smoking lot less too so i thought right im gonna leave it!so now the little ends start rattling i look in haynes and it says they prob starved of lubrication!!! i mean what is a man to do!!! i just wanna enjoy me kin bike for once and not worrie about somthing else going wrong!!i adjusted oil cable last night to let more through and it sounded better plus it doesnt rattle when its cold hence when its smokey,im gonna rich it up bit more today and let it smoke for while but the damage is prob done wi little ends, il have to change em soon
rd350 ypvs top end rattle little end??? little help!
hi, im in the process of running my rd in on a complete engine rebuild, ive had some odd smoking problems (another topic) but that seems to be better now since i reset and cleaned the carbs and set oil pump shims at the weekend, since ive done this it is smoking very little how ever ive now gained a top end rattle!! now ive run in many 125 2 strokes and i know the little end bearing starts to rattle very soon after a rebuild but they only rattled on de throttle. this rattle seems to start at about 4500rpm and its there on or off the throttle but it does sound like the little end.im out of touch with 2 strokes, is this normal for a 350 ypvs???apart from that its running fine and i spose theres a slight chance it could be some vibration or something loose but it sound like little end to me. any ideas people????
stupid forum question
how do you get your profile pic visable when you add posts??ive put pic of me bike on here but it doesnt show up when i add posts. i know i know its prob something stupid im missing so humor me. cheers
DT urgent help!
running in is a fine art i think, you shouldnt ride it to slow and you definately shouldnt ride it too quick. ive always riden my 2 strokes to about 4 to 5000 rpm for the first 100 miles then increase revs another 1000 rpm in high gears every 100miles you do till you get to aroun 500miles or there abouts job done.never failed me.....that is until me crank went on a new top end i was running in recently!! i only got to 100 miles.lost me nerve now doh!! mind you im on 90 miles now on a total rebuild, just keepin me thingers crossed ha ha.
DT urgent help!
i dont know if its differant measurement on smaller bikes but my rd350 limit on side to side big end play is .25mm to .75mm my old crank had 1.8mm!! hense why the big end bearing casing broke up and wedged a bit in me piston.BUT there was no up and down play in me conrod!! had there of been i might of noticed prob so its worth checking the limits with feeler gauges.
rd350 ypvs f2 smoking more out the right exhaust help!
hi guys, firstly yes the seal cuddles the primary drive gear and has 2 grooves init from 20 odd k of riding however the guy i bought refurbed crank from says the seal sucks down on to the drive gear through vacum hense causing this wear and should be ok.its blue smoke just like 2 stroke, engine level seems fine so far.when i bought it the oilpump and garbs were totaly wrong and it was smoking like bugary out both sides, lc guy i bought crank from also says it maybe build up of oil in pipes, he could be on to something there so iv got a pair of race cans im saving for when its run in, im gonna put em on and see if that effects things, let you all know the outcome soon.
rd350 ypvs f2 smoking more out the right exhaust help!
hi, pressure test hey? il look into it. gonna get few miles under me belt in mean time and make double sure shes running as she should other wise. i mean after all its pretty much a new engine now!!i need to find out were i can get a new primary drive gear that wont cost the earth too i think.cheers for the reply.
rd350 ypvs f2 smoking more out the right exhaust help!
hi, i bought my rd last year as a project i rebuilt the top end and started using it and noticed it was more smokey out the right side exhaust on tick over, specialy when its on the side stand, the more i rode it i relised the crank was tired and mains were rumbling and then a big bearing casing broke up on me causing a stuck ring in me new top end!so i put the smokin down to crank seal prob letting oil into chamber. any who ive just rebuilt the engine from scatch with a refurbed crank new seals the lot!im just running in now and it seems to be smoking more out right side again!! well its kind of less and somtimes looks even through both exhausts but what is it!!today i have just made shim adjustments on oil pump and balanced carbs, it seems to be running lovely but this intamitant smoking is doin my nut in!!!could it be my crank drive gear being too worn?? it does have grooves in it from previuos crank seals plus i think the standard exhausts are from 2 differant bikes could this be it??anyones halp very much welcomed