Everything posted by Yamanoob
Get practising !
worst injury
Once again I must apologise for laughing at this thread its some of the funniest shit I have read for a long time ,dunno bout anyone else but I have mental pictures of people doin this stuff and gawd it makes me larf.
worst injury
First of all let me apologise for finding some of the afore mentioned injurys amusing(How on earth do you severe an eyelid) anyway pretty much the worst thing that happened to me was a failed attemt at a backflip on a trampoline ,didnt get all the way over ,landed on my neck and heard a big crunch,first thing I thought was thats it im paralysed ,no all I had done was torn my pectoral muscle away from the chest wall ,very sore but not life threatening .
Noobs VIN number hunt
Will do next time I got a kwestion ,cheers fellas
MCN Fantasy Road Race
Hey peeps ,has anyone got a team in the MCN FFR this year?. If so hows it goin for ya ,I am currently at position 17113 but I am an optomist I aint gonna win jack shit but its fun to take part. My team is called "twist n piss" it comprises of Stoner ,Edwards Byrne ,Haslam Brookes,Kirkham So far I am happy with my choices I thought shakey would have performed better but there is time yet ,like I said I aint gonna win the R6 but there is a tenner from each of the other three people in my league they are my mates for the winner so there is a good bit of banter goin on .
thanks for nothing guys
Well it doesnt look like the OP has given you guys much time to reply or graced us with another post in this fairly rude thread ,I joined yesterday and asked two questions within 24 hrs they were both replied to and answered . Now I am not too hot on my "flag recognition" but it looks like a finnish flag ,fins are renowned for not having a sense of humour (hakkonen,raikkonen),not too sure about patience .
Noobs VIN number hunt
Cheers jim I will give all those things a whirl ,pretty sure the run switch was in the on position but i will check again.
Noobs VIN number hunt
Thanks mate ,I can sort that V5 now ,Interesting read is this forum Im sure I will be visiting it a lot in the future ,by the way Drewpy enjoy the mighty DC at the MEN ,I had to sell my floor ticket on ebay to fund this project ,couldnt say no to 215 quid.
Noobs VIN number hunt
You will probably guess from my username that I am new to biking ,I have bought a 79 xs 250 off ebay ,its a bit of a dog at the moment but I am hoping to give her a good seeing to and ride her like seabiscuit . Anyhoo I have to fill out a V5 ,and need the frame number only thing is I cant seem to find it ,can anyone tell me where it is ,it looks as the the frame has had a lick of paint at some point but I would have thought I would have been able to find it . So after paying 132 quid for the bike (I am not cheap just things are a little tight for us all at the moment) I got it home and tried to fire it up ,needed some juice in the battery so hooked it up to the car with some cables ,it is turning over but not firing up ,took the plugs out and they were wet with fuel ,so its gettin juice thru ,so I left the plugs on the leads and tried again to see if there was a spark ,there wasnt ,any thoughts ? . So I am waitin for my haynes manual to arrive from ebay and a special head scratchin stick so I dont wear my fingers out when I start this project . You may say " buy a runner " or " buy a better bike ,but the truth is I am saving up for tuition and my test and cant afford to do it all at once ,so I am gonna see if I can get the xs roadworthy for when I pass my test and run it for a while until a newer ride comes along . Any advice would be much appreciated ,thanks Joe.