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Everything posted by Sami

  1. Sami replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    in my experince with my dt is is just there little thing mine was rebuilt and within 2 hours she cut out like that winter i find she doesnt cut out as much unless its raining >< the high revs are a bugger to get right , mine just ticks over with out the choke on since my dad altered the clutch and stuff . CDI .. optional? i'd take it out if it is. x
  2. Sami replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    i have the same problem with mine check your back brake ! also there a hot running engine ... mine gets very hot ..like a little heater .. great for winter also if you feel her die ... gear down and pull throttle , it helps get you to the side lol then give it 2 minutes .. it works for mine .. hope this helps a bit it is a pain in the butt but not much you can do , i've tried alot of things also check your clutch and throttle Raven
  3. yeh .. well least u could make a little by selling them .
  4. yep ..oooh mine hated the rain .. i rode her back in sleet and snow one nigth ... thats when she stopped lol ah .. if there in good condition , keep the ones it has rechroming isnt much , well ...it isnt if you know someone who works on that stuff
  5. good job she's a hardy bike ah i see ... not good .. dont supppose u can ask to have a little more , i get paid nothing for doing oddjobs around the house hmm yeah ur jawa's a bit of a mess ?
  6. hurf .. everyones going into there . yeh but you dont actaully get any of that lol . lol that willdo your dt no good ...and she cant be that expensive to run ,mine does at least 100 miles to a tankful...which costs me a fiver! or are you just a tight wad lol .
  7. ah i see .. i earn £15 per week . there aint many of those things about stupid credit crunch , its why i'm going to college . fund the 125 fund
  8. obivously yours is a bad egg ... mine goes like hell , the 125's are fantasic even more if you like the bumps and also its good experience. jumping straight on the jawa would kill you on corners.
  9. oh too right .. though 250's off road are increased fun because you have a little bit too much power there .
  10. yup =) lol , back tyre would be fine just the engine would go out. awh cool yeah aprillas are great fun to ride .. still my dt's better =) . nahh .. there tons of fun =) yeah they are but i have a 250 2stroke . and thats just hilarious off road and on road x
  11. very true hehe . i could see me doing that ..i ceased my dt50 up like that ... except at 50 lol .... hmm i shall step up to the madness if i can find a cheapy
  12. oh no ... me neither , have my eyes on a pretty 125.. though not the dt .. because i hear they like to blow up alot more than the 50's =/ . dont fancy a winter and summer of constantly repairing the bike again lol . shame your not a little closer could of had a DT50 mx ride out , every other person i know round here has either an apprillia or a twist and go scooter ... no fun to ride out with . although riding with a 1200 bandit behind u is fun =) xx
  13. hey oh yeh i love her to bits .. we have problems with the carb anyways , but it seemed that the back brake sticking on and too hot a spark plug was the cause. we've managed between 5 of us kill one DT someone droppped it and it just wouldnt start after that , though it had been modified up to the hilt. lol. hoping to have a good summer with her before i take my bike test in the winter . thank u . xx
  14. Sami replied to Ryan09's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    this sound simlar to my 50 ... it doesnt cause a major problem , but it would be a good idea to have a look at the piston if your really worried my dt50 rattles well only if she's running differently would i worry .
  15. thank you .. i think it will be our next try now , though we bled the pump when we did the kit. but wont hurt to try it again.
  16. we have , she runs hot , but she has done ver since we had her . she doesnt cough or splutter , just dies . so we ruled out fuel problems first off =/ it had a big bore on it before it seized up , so the jets should be the same but i assume my dad would of checked them after my dad fitted the kit . we just hae little idea about what it is now .
  17. hey looking for some idea as to what he cause of the engine problem on my bike is . heres her story i bought her off ebay , stripeed her down like u do , to refurbish her , as i had her sitting about for a few month before i was 16 . ran perfectly afterwards up and down the tracks , when i got her on the road it was winter but i still had 3 onths of bliss . then trouble started. i first had to replace the fuel filter as fuel was leaking from the old one she had another tap put on the petrol tank too , we cleaned the carb after the first time she droppped revs and this seemed to solve the problem however riding her home a month ago in the puring rain she cut out and wouldnt start again , thinking she'd seized up i push her home and sat her in the garage to be fixed , but she started on second kick and ticked over perfectly the next day. last weekend she died and siezed up in the hot weather , we bought a bg bore kit , fitted it and it seemed all ok when i was riding her round the block. but now the problems back .. she slows down theen stops likes the engine seizes , but then 5 minutes after she kickstarts and goes for another 10 minutes then cuts out and does the same . anyone think they can help ?? please ?
  18. Sami replied to robo50dt's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    hey , i recently had to replace the stand on my DT50 its alot easier and better to get a new one . they're cheap to buy and you havent got the fear of the metal being weak and finding your bike on the floot and the engine knackered . this happened to my old one . it also gie you a chance to look for a center stand , though i dont think they have them =/ . hope it helps Sami x