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  1. As a guide, half max revs, but don’t let the engine stress up hills (Change down and use more revs for a short time if necessary) and build up revs after a few hundred miles rather than just open it up all the way. Most important is that you do not let it overheat during this time, and mixing with a higher than normal octane fuel to avoid engine knock can help a bit during this time.
  2. muttey posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Just got a TW125 as a bad runner, it’s now packed up altogether because there was no spark. I replaced the CDI box and ignition coil because the pickup coil resistance (626 OHMS) check was OK, but still no spark? I pulled off the side engine cover to check the pickup coil only to find that it is magnetized. Is this right? It only gives out 0.16 volts when I turn the engine over (I thought it should give out 2-3 volts) a continuity test proves OK and there are no shorts to earth in the pickup coil, I cannot get hold of a coil to check whether its meant to be magnetized or not, or to test as a replacement, Help