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Everything posted by ash999

  1. ash999 replied to ash999's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi, some people are asking me if im genuine, you can email me to my university account [email protected] if you so wish. This is not market resarch, the information is purely for my dissertation research on brand image and consumer buying behaviour focusing specifically on suzuki. If you can find a couple of minutes it would be greatly appreciated. cheers Ash
  2. ash999 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi, im an SV biker in need, Please could everyone who reads this post spend a few short moments to partake in the questionnaire below; Simple instructions are below. The questionnaire is just about bikers like you and what you percieve I would greatly appreciate if you could find the time as I am trying to get around 150 questionnaires collated. This would be a great help as this is part of my dissertation research for my business studies degree. Oh and this is not market research as some people have asked, just for my degree and have chosen to do suzuki as i own one, just need buying behaviour and bikers perceptions of the suzuki brand. Many Many Thanks Ashley Strycharczuk Brand Image Questionnaire Prepared by Ashley Strycharczuk Instructions – Please either reply in a PM filling in all the details to the best of your abilities; or copy and paste in a word document and send to: [email protected] Please assume when answering, that if you have more than one motorcycle. to give details of the motorbike in most frequent use. Please delete the answers that do not apply leaving the correct answer that applies. 1. What is your estimated annual mileage? (Delete as appropriate) Less than 1000 miles 1000 – 3000 miles 3000 – 5000 miles 5000 – 8000 miles 8000 miles + 2. What type of biker would you class yourself to be? (Delete as appropriate) Cruiser/Custom Sports Biker Tourer Sport Tourer Below 500cc 3. What is the size of your current motorcycle? (Delete as appropriate) Below 250cc 250 – 500cc 500 – 750cc 750 – 1000cc 1000cc + 4. What is the main use of your motorcycle? (Delete as appropriate) Pleasure Commuting Work/Business 5. How satisfied are you with your current motorcycle? (Delete as appropriate) Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied 6. What motorcycle brands have you previously purchased? And how many of each? (ie. 4 Suzuki’s, 3 Honda’s, 2 Kawasaki’s ,1 Benelli, 2 Harley Davidsons, Etc.) 7. What was the main influence when buying your present motorcycle? (performance, price, quality, appearance, reliability, age (if applicable), etc) 8. Which of the following influences you most when buying a motorcycle. (please rate first through to fifth in order of preference) Price Design Quality Power Brand Image 9. Do you primarily buy new or secondhand motorcycles? (please answer new or secondhand) 10. What level of mechanical expertise do you have of motorcycles? (Nothing, Novice, Rookie, Moderate, Mechanic/Expert) 11. If you have owned a Suzuki motorcycle, how many have you owned? (enter either a number or N/A) 12. From your knowledge of the Suzuki brand how would you rate the… (please answer for each a rating of 1 to 5, 5 being excellent, 1 being poor) Price Design Quality Power Brand Image 13. What qualities do you perceive Suzuki’s brand image to hold? (suggestions: Expensive/Cheap, Creative, New/Old Design, Traditional, Boring, Fun, Exclusive, Inspiring, Stylish, Young, etc.) 14. If you were to purchase a new Suzuki motorcycle, how much would you prepared to spend? (Delete as appropriate) Less than 2000 2000 – 4000 4000 – 6000 6000 – 8000 8000 + 15. If you have ever had your bike serviced by a Suzuki dealership, how would you rate their quality of after sales service? (5 = Excellent, 1 = Poor) 16. What puts you off of the Suzuki brand image? 17. What do you like about the Suzuki brand image? 18. Are you effected by brand images when purchasing a motorcycle? - If so, does the Suzuki brand image effect you, and how? - If so., does other brand images affect you on purchasing a Suzuki brand? 19. How would you improve the Suzuki brand image? 20. What would make you buy a Suzuki, if you haven’t already bought a Suzuki? 21. If you do have a Suzuki motorcycle, what would influence you more to buy the brand?. Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions, If you know any other bikers please forward this questionnaire on!