rear carriers
yea hi fella tried that 4 givi but as is old does not list and r unwilling to do anything other than sell off of the shelf.Typical friendly computer staff, cheers mate! ps what else are weekends for other than bikes?
rear carriers
yea hi fella triedthat 4 givi but as is old does not list and r unwilling to do anything other than sell off of the shelf.Typical friendly computer staff, cheers mate!
rear carriers
does it work i have had no replys ha ha!
help. brakes wont bleed
hi fella , sometimes if you back bleed the brakes to moisten the rubbers on first application then re beed as normal you may find sucess.try using a syringe with pipe to attach to bleed nipple best of luck !
rear carriers
hi ,any info on the fitment of rear carriers for panniers to an xj550.will this be similar fitting to an xj 650.anybody parting with knowledge would be appriciated thanks piston bloke
fuel tap
thanks,will need to do this but i think its a belt and bracer issue,still if it works no problem just have to remember to use it thanks again piston bloke
fuel tap
any other info available all is greatfully recieved thanks piston bloke
fuel tap
hi fella thanks for the idea , already coverd this angle but thanks anyway .by the way i rebuilt it and still leaks.the spring both gaskets and o ring are all in tack with no apparant damage just wondering if any body else has had similar problems cheers piston bloke
fuel tap
hi the tap is in the normal running position facing down.the fuel seeps through leading to the flooding of the cabs i think. i have been led to believe that this is a non spill tank system and no petrol should be leaking through only on demand from the carbs ,thanks alot piston bloke
fuel tap
hi the tap is in the normal running position facing down.the fuel seeps through leading to the flooding of the cabs i think. i have been led to believe that this is a non spill tank system and no petrol should be leaking through only on demand from the carbs ,thanks alot piston bloke
fuel tap
hi the tap is in the normal running position facing down.the fuel seeps through leading to the flooding of the cabs i think. i have been led to believe that this is a non spill tank system and no petrol should be leaking through only on demand from the carbs ,thanks alot piston bloke
fuel tap
hi,yet another problem for an yam yx 600 radian.fuel tap works on vac system from carbs.the tap has no switch off position but constantly drips and fills the carbs up to the point of entering the air box and out the overflow.How is this supposed to work as the diaphram and spring and seal are all intact.
1986 radian 600
hi ,I have one of these machines and I suspect its the old clutch rattle,does it cease when the clutch is engadge similar to R1 models as a good friend sats
piston bloke
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