Everything posted by Dizzy Chick
cleaning my lid!
opps sorry didn't mean to upset the male ego, you are the daddy, sir daddy infact Tell me does she ride well? Been a les for many many years but i knew with a real man like your self you get her sorted........ seriously you just don't know how much that comment made me laugh, my mum is truly gay! promise not to tread on your toes again thanks for the chuckle!!!!!
cleaning my lid!
yeh but r u still riding the, sorry, driving the fiesta?
cleaning my lid!
YEW, leave it there mate!!!!
crashed and burned...
There is always an audience.... And why do they put lamp posts........ right were ya gona crash
Brilliant ride
Great, there is hope for me on my little 125, once I've mastered the art of staying on going round corners!
A good 1st day @ the office....
but let's not miss the rather sexy hair.... do you think he will do for fashion in the racing world what Keggan did for football in the late 70's
cleaning my lid!
Yes And its good for smelly boots too, but it wouldn't the inside clean! If you do shampoo the inside remember to rinse well. Use a towel to remover the excess water to!
new members? who are you
Hi There, Just logged on to this forum, yes another new bee...... Have wanted to ride a bike for years, passed cbt bought a sr125 ('cause thats what I learn't on) came of 4th time out still nursing the broken leg!