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Everything posted by niiick

  1. niiick replied to niiick's post in a topic in The Bar
    its okay mate, i was being honest, i aint got a 50 i got a 125 lol i know but i didnt lie in the post i was being honest, and like u said u have done worse, and so have i, i drove around without a licence for a month for god sakes. but tbh there are some w*nkers in here, but my friend, you are not one, and thanks for calling me a chav guys, i think i am the least chavvyest person in the world, an avid hendrix fan i think you would find, i play the blues on the guitar not mix shit on the decks. look i came here looking for help. my insurance covers pilions, even tho she didnt have a helmet i thought i had enough expierience to take her a quater mile up the road. all i wanted to know was how would my brake pads could have fallen out. and thanks for taking the p*ss of my english, i have an english GCSE (a* to be honest) but i just use short text when i am on the computer as it is a lot easier than typing an essay like i am now. and reading some of the replies some of you are the same. To be honest i was having a good time here untill you all started to shout at me for doing something which isnt actually that bad i dont think. any of you ever driven without a seat belt? same thing guys, one click every trip. i know i was wrong doing it but i myself have dont a lot worse. for example i have rode the bike in the wet without a brake now for a while. For christ sakes, i thought this was a happy forum.
  2. niiick replied to niiick's post in a topic in The Bar
    thanks guys, not really, haha, i wont be coming back here, you all a bunch of wankers, and tbh you saying "someone who knows about bikes" and ikm sitting here with a diploma in moter veichle mechanics and going on to study it in uni, thanks a lot guys, only wanted to feckin know your opinions on the brake pads, dont reli give a fuck, only crash as much in the rain as i do in the dry. and riding around with a back brake aint hard at all if you ask me, i used to ride a push bike around with no fuckin brakes for fuck sake. fuck u all
  3. niiick replied to niiick's post in a topic in The Bar
    what you on about i put new pads on there 2 weeks ago, and as for i dont look after my bike, i have taken the whole thing apart and re built it since i bought it 4 weeks ago, you might be a moderator but the only reason im hear is because i love bikes just as the next guy, i think its silly and childish blocking people from using forums. yeah you might be a bitm ore respected than i am on here, but i dont really care. and tbh i aint a twat, the girl just wanted to get home as it was raining and it was quicker for her to get home, i been riding bikes for years, i have experience i wasnt going to fall off on an empty back road in the middle of the welsh valley at 1 oclock in the morning. yeah you can delete my account on here if you so wish. but that is just childish behavior, i know, you will probably say that it was childish behavior me bunking a girl without a helmet, yeah i know it was i aint done it before, but as i just explained it was raining and she wanted to get home.
  4. niiick replied to niiick's post in a topic in The Bar
    suck me off lads, it was 1 in the morning and i was taking her about a quater of a mile home
  5. niiick replied to niiick's post in a topic in The Bar
    no just in the local village, the brake works when there are pads in there, but the other pad i took out was shot tooo so im guessing that they went down to the metal and fell tho the little gap like, gota wait till tuesday for a shop to be open now :/ its dodgy only havinmg a back brake.
  6. niiick posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    well yesterday, i went out on my bike for a spin, decided to pick this girl up, was dropping her off by her friends house, as i was about to stop, was ghoing about 40 mph into a nasty bend, my brake pad decides to fall out, what a scary momeny when you have a girl on the back of you who has no helmet on, didnt crash tho, just skidddddded on my chunky monkey tyres, anyone know whast would have caused my break pad to fall out? thanks lovelys
  7. niiick replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    okay thanks man, i thought it would be something like that, i have waterproofed the air box on my bike see and no mud can get in as i haver put a tight over the vent (100% breathable and waterproof i think) how would i waterproof the wires going to the coil and where could i get hold of a waterproof HT leat
  8. niiick replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    my 125 does that to me in the wet, any ideas what it is? its not the air filter thats clean see.
  9. niiick replied to niiick's post in a topic in The Bar
    thanks for the advice man, ive had lots of experience with push bikes where everything is the same size really, but i dont know anything much about motorbikes, gota start to learn somewhere tho inehhh lol
  10. niiick posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    hey people, im reli trying to get my dtr 125 looking mint yeah, i know what your thinkin its ten years old it will never look that sexy, but its my baby you know, needs a vamp up, ive found an amazing site where im gona get graphics for for the "beast" now what i want is upside down suspension yeah, i seen some on ebay for like 70 quid for a suzuki rm 125 and i seen the fork yoke to go with that on there too, some things i wanted to know was do all motorbikes have the same size headset like because if i but the forks and the yokes and they dont fit it will NOT be worth it, also are all the axels on bikes wheels the same because again if i buy it and the wheel or the disc dont fit then again its not worth it, also what is the best pipe to buy? because everyone says DEP and then there are all these other like italian makes out there which i would love to know about. has anyone ever had them to compare with the same bike, and what is the big fuss about these racing reeds, what do they actually do? thanks anyone if they are able to help would be very much apreciated.
  11. niiick replied to Madison Motorsport's post in a topic in General
    its okay ive had it for a year and a bit now and i still have insurance on it i pay yearly , so if it breaks pc world will never be able to tell if it was overclocked. they thick as faaack, i member going there and they let me into one of the pc's there, why are people so thick LOL
  12. niiick replied to Madison Motorsport's post in a topic in General
    to be honest i overclockd it from 2.0 ghz to 3.0 ghz i cant be assed to write all the other stats down. it works fine, its an amd dual core, and amd are usually shit for overclocking especially on laptops, it stays at about the same temperature as it did before i overclocked it, well it feels like anyway, it has good cooling tho, for some reason it has always been cool, never really got too warm, my hypothesis is that its a trusty old HP haha
  13. niiick replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    riding down the road with my feet in between my arms on my bars, iu know what u all thinkin "nuckin futs" haha but i only been riding a little while and it was suprisingly scary and i doubt ill be doing it again anytime soon, also, when im riding i tend to like drift off and day dream then i realise that im on the wrong side of the road or like nearly in the kerb, need to stop it haha
  14. niiick replied to Madison Motorsport's post in a topic in General
    well i over clocked my hp and it is workin just fine must have done it about a year ago too. also i am more of a programer i dont reli know about the technical doooodaaa thats why i sugested overclocking but thank you for telling me i was wrong, should i stop overclocking my laptop so much then?
  15. niiick replied to Madison Motorsport's post in a topic in General
    whatever you do it will blow up, i done it once and it caught fire it wasnt a big upgraade either, its something to do with everything being unable to corosponde my mate told me, best bet is to overclock, u have an intell they pretty good for overclockin, and the sockets have to be the same, also u would have to upgrade the motherboard, more ram to be compatible with the processor, new fans cos laptops get waaarm, and all that comes at a cost, also i would put new graqphic cards in cos it will look alot nicer and you will have the power to run them, but motherboards are expensive maaan
  16. niiick replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    well ive broke nearly every bone in my body accept my back, all of this was on a push bike LOL and then im stupid enough to go buy a morobike. my worst injury was when i tore all the ligiments in both my knees and i still waiting for operations on them the funniest injury i had was when i broke both my arms at the same time and they were both in cast past my elbow haha couldnt wipe my ass was funny as faaack. i used to ride Downhill mountainbiking and bmx thats how i dont all my injurys haha
  17. niiick posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    hi i have a standard dtr 125 1998 model, i want to fit some road tyres to it, i would love to have supermoto wheels for it, but cant find any so i am looking for tyres that will look nice and kind of like u know, like supermoto wheels but bigger, i was wondering what was the widest and lowest profile o could fit onto my wheels if anyone knew?
  18. niiick posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    hey i was wondering if anyone knew where i could get a whole new graphic kit made for my 1998 DT 125 thanks xx
  19. niiick replied to niiick's post in a topic in The Bar
    lol no iduno like about 3 hours of riding non stop i would say, but like my mate got axr 250 and gets better juioce outa it than i do i was just curoius
  20. niiick posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    i have a 1998 dt 125, and it is reli reli rubbish on petrol, it has a "Big one exhaust" and the jet has been changed from a 240 to a 210 i think( my mate told me that allowes more petrol into the engine or something) thats about it but my mate has a xr 250 and he is getting 2 solid days of riding out of his bike off a fiver, i am getting like 1 day of riding off a fiver, just wondering is that normal for my bike or would there be anything wrong?
  21. niiick replied to Miss.me's post in a topic in The Bar
    you on msn xx
  22. niiick replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    lol i thought u couldnt have over a 125 untill you were 21? dont tell me i just bought a 125 when i couldh ave bought a much bigger more fun bike lol
  23. niiick replied to Miss.me's post in a topic in The Bar
    hey welcome to the forum, im 17 too, i love the difference between a 50 and a 125, do you agree? i only joind the forum yesterday lol. only got a dt 125 but its hell of a difference between my mates 50, i love it, haha, sems as everyone is putting pictures of theirselves up i think ill put one of me up
  24. no its okay neath is like about 60 miles away, a fair way, my mate is a motorcycle mechanic, he will help me, thanks for offering though, i will buy the parts tomoro, thank you very much for your help.
  25. okay well i dont know much about bikes, i dont even know what a HT lead is, would it be simple for someone who knows what they are doing to fix, and how much about would you think it would cost?