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  1. yzf400 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Just a quick question, I am in the process of swapping a 5EB gearbox for a 5SL gearbox in my 200 r6 Jus want some one to confirm this is def going to fit?? Old gearbox is out, New one in the post. Would be nice to get a def answers from some one who knows!
  2. All sorted, With help from you uys and some other peeps on another forum, turns out it was a bit f dirt in the carb! Runs and starts fine now! :D:D:D
  3. Ive treid it with and without throttle, I will check choke tomo cos im gunna strip the carb down over the sink he he!
  4. Yeh everything else seems to be in order! Yes if i pressurise tank it seemed to fire easier, but still only for a second or so, maybe 5 cycles of the engine ish. New fuel sounds like an idea! I have been chatting to some guys on an MX forum and there saying carb floats and valves!
  5. Yes, i have checked the flow, it flows very freely from tank to carb, it also squirts fuel into the carb when you twist the throttle, I have been talkin to some people, and you may be right in it being a fuel problem Still cabt get my head around why the guy i bought it from said it blew up?
  6. OK im gunna try not to sound really dumb here but. . . Whats a petcock? Regards james
  7. Sorry about all the threads, its doin my head in thats all! All the timming shud be spot on, i made sure of that when i put head back together, is there a possibility it sparking to late or early due to cdi magneto? Im not sure how it works on a four stroke? Regards James
  8. it pretty wet after loads of kicks, thats why i cant work out the problem, everything seems to be in order! is it a possible there is some thing bent inside engine?
  9. Plug is moist after kicking, fuel squirting on throttle, Not sure about the choke tho, I did take apart carb and clean it all today! hmmmm. . . .
  10. I took air filter off today, still no luck thanks n e way
  11. Rrrrgggh. . . my yzf400 is still being a pain in the **** I have been down local track n trail shop for some advise, The guys says it cant be piston and rings cos there is loads of comp, i have changed oil, filter, spark, Taken carb of and give a good clean inside and out, I have checked spark and thats fine It will only run for about 2 secs every 30th kick, I gott bad leg now too Can any one shed light on the situation? Regards James
  12. yzf400 replied to yzf400's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    ah right i c, soz Erm there is def fuel getting to the carb as for thru the carb i have no idea, I just find it hard to believe that could be the problem when the guy said he blew it up lol, but from what you guys say i could be the case
  13. yzf400 replied to yzf400's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I cudnt tell you without looking and its jus got pitch black outside, whats your reason for asking? Regards James
  14. yzf400 replied to yzf400's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    yes it is a moto x bike, Thanks for your info, i am new to four stroke bikes! I just find it strange why some one sell it so cheap if its a simple carp problem, The guy said he was riding it last week and it suddenly died, he reckons it was blown up!!! the barrel seems all in good condition and so did the rings, saying that im not sure if i could tell the difference between good and bad rings! What sort of carb things should i be looking at, The engine fires for about 2-3 seconds then dies no matter what throttle you give it, It also take a realli long time kicking before it will fire, But it does fire quicker if i blow down the fuel tank and force fuel throught! Not sure what to do next now lol Regards James
  15. yzf400 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Ok so i have taken apart and rebuilt the head on my yz, i am now familiar with the engine! I bought the bike as a non runner, The guy said it was working 1 week ago and then suddenly died, it will kick over and fire for a few seconds but thats it, When i had it apart i checked the big ends and from what has been said on this forum they SEEM ok, My next step is to change piston and rings and gaskets for new. Am i doing the right thing here? or is there some thing else i should be doing??? Regards James