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  1. fazerider posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi all, If anybody has a damaged fork tube/stanchion would you let me know? I am after the 'Shuttle' in the base of it, thats the bit with the plastic ring inside which is secured right at the base of the tube with a rolled lip (it's what the damper rod slides up & down in). I damaged mine when fitting a replacement and desperately need one, the bike has been off the road for over 2 weeks and it's costing me in train fares. If you have one then I only need the bottom few inches of the tube with the unit still inside, I have tried various breakers but all their tubes are straight and usable. The bike is a May '03 FZS600 Fazer, but I'm pretty sure that the internals are the same throughout the range. Thanks guys, In desperation, Martin
  2. fazerider replied to jron's post in a topic in General
    "Or you can go in at a billion miles an hour break right up to the very last which leaves absoloutely no spare for Justin (Case), then you are leaned over you upset the bike with a massive weight transfer you are bullying the bike down, the suspention goes all messy as you have gone from breaking to throttle. at best the bike will feel loose and unstable probably weaving about a bit, goodbye apex. You get nervous, tense up and you are in trouble. Cos you are tense the bike wont respond,you go straight on, hello hedge. If you are lucky." That's exactly what I did, ended but in the central crash barrier of the roundabout with a broken collar bone and 2 months off work, I am still having the Physio 3 months on. Take the advice being given, it is sound.
  3. Hello mate, Sounds like the carbs need balancing.
  4. fazerider posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Evenin' all, New to the site and biking, started in Nov '08 but am on my 2nd Fazer already and came off that one 2 weeks ago (bastid diesel)! So 2 spills in 5 months and 4600 miles so far. Love the Fazer. love bikes and look forward to adding my bit to the site. Cheers, Martin