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  1. haxman posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Hi all, I've got myself a nice XVS 125, which I've ridden for a year or so. Unfortunately, last week, the handlebar stem snapped! I wan't riding at the time, just pushin git around. Anyway, to the question. Does anybody know where I can get a replacement from? I've tried various scrap yards, but there doesn't appear to be anything around. The part from Yamaha costs £92+VAT and delivery, so I'd rather go somewhere cheaper!!! Thanks!
  2. haxman replied to haxman's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Sweeeet. Looks great! I've been looking 'round but can't find one in a showroom... You seen any(preferably in the south somewhere!!)?
  3. haxman posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Hi all, I'm new here to the forums, and thought I'd ask a cople of questions about my new obsession.. I have a XVS125 Dragstar, which I'm hoping to upgrade when i pass my full test(Soon, soon!!). I'm very much leaning towards a XVS950a(I know its a big jump etc etc, but i'm 36, and my speeding days are very nearly over!!).. Does anyone on here have one, or know of someone with one? Basically, before i get all 'cited and everything, I would like to know what it's like to live with, especially as I'm 6ft3 and the 125 is a leeetle cramped for me.. :-) Any help would be much appreciated! Cheers, Tony