Everything posted by Robbie
At last I'm back!
Id say any bike packing that much power on new tryes and the wet wouldnt work. Even my R6 can be a handful in the wet. Just make sure you stay safe mate
Lid Damage
I'll second that. You can never be too sure and it's your own life that maybe at stake.
XJ900F Petrol Tank leaks
Id try a scrap yard mate but as uve said they are rare as hens teeth I aint got any other helpful suggestions sorry. Hope you get a good and cheap result Regards
R6 temperature
Around 80 degrees is about right for the open road on a warm day, mine at the moment stays around the 70 mark. In towns the temperature can usually get as high as about 110. The good thing with the display is that it tells you if the engine is too hot. Regards
Trial - v - Road Tyres
Does your DT have spoked wheels or are they cast. If it is the former if you want radial road tyres new wheels are in order. The shouldn't be too much trouble getting tyres for them all you need to do is make sure you get the right size and profile. Ps.
Setting the clock on my 2000 R6
Press both buttons on the console to select the clock. Then press and hold both of these buttons until the time flashes. Select switches between Hours and Minutes and Reset Changes the time. Press select again to finish. Just for interests sake if you go over to France and want to know your speed in KPH if you hold select down for more than 2 seconds it will change between the different measurements of speed. Regards
Painting over chrome
If you are going to paint them make sure that you rough the chrome up so that your primer will "cut" into it giving it a good foothold and hopefully making sure it doesn't come off. If you want to re-chrome it you will have to strip all of the old chrome of using grit blasting as most chromer's wont even attempt it. Regards
2006 R6 - That Shift Indicator thing...
Don't know about the programming on the new R6 so sorry. All I can say is after you have run it in and want to try the power wait till you are on a nice long, straight and clear road so you can get used to it. And
Help with Paint
Try looking around on the back of some of the fairings or under your seat for a paint code as most companies doing a whole respray will put one somewhere incase they need to repair it again.
speedometer accuracy
by law speedos are allowed to be +/- 10% off of the true speed. This is affected by lots of different things. For instance if you change the size of wheels it will affect it. As you tyres wear it will also affect it as well so there is no way to sorting it unless you get something like a road angel which runs of GPS and is usually accurate to within +/- 1 or 2%. They now do these with rechargeable batteries and they also detect the cameras for you. Regards
I don't really know what the main differences to the yoke will be but try asking the guys on the r6-forum.com there will probably be someone there that has tried. Hope this helps.
Help with decals
Just tape the letters up then repair it. the majority of the welding or patch work (depending on how you are repairing it) will be on the back. When you come to paint it shouldn't be a problem then unpeal it ready for the laquer so there are no problems. Have done this to all the bikes Ive had to repair at work due to customers not wanting to pay the extra for new decals. Regards
Deltabox 3 exup??
Deltabox 3 is the third generation of the Deltabox style frame which incorporates the engine as a stressed member of it. EXUP refers to the valve in the exhaust which allows a smoother power delivery through the whole rev range. Regards
Touch up paint
Ill have a look in my ACI book at work and hopefully come up with a few answers. Regards
main beam warning light is F*#king getting on my t*ts
Reach down infront of your bars and underneath the frame that keeos the top fairing on is a multi pin clip. Pull it out a little and then unclip it. Leave it for around an hour or so if it is warm outside (or where ever you keep your bike) might sort the problem out.
Touch up paint
Whereabouts are you based mate cos if you in or around Southampton I can mix you up one. Either that or send me a high quality photo so I can get it right. If not go into a local car bodyshop and ask if they can do similar. Regards
Hi there, just joined and thought I'd say Hi !
Go for the blueflame mate it sounds sick on my R6 can't even begin to imagine the sound on a 1 litre. ps
Pesky TeleMarketers!
That if f'in ace
Invisability Cloak
Was talking to a professional boxer the other day and he was saying that he has never had any problems with road rage when people see the armoured gloves he is wearing. Ive had the similar experiences and have scared the living piss out of a few cagers who have cut me up (when Im inside the legal limit). Is quite funny. Never had to use my boxing experience yetr though.
Invisability Cloak
Even on the really old bikes with the numberplates on the front they cant be caught. The angle is too much for the cameras to read.
Repairing Fz600 lower fairings
As far as repairing the cracks go you can actually use a soldering iron or something similar and weld them back together. You will then have to use and epoxy resin to fill and also add strength but this option is the most cost effective. Regards
Invisability Cloak
The police are apparently taking photos of bikes from all angles so they can be prosecuted with forward facing cams which is why im ever so slowly changing the colours of the panels on my bike.
- tyres
Who uses what OIL?
Fully synthetic gives your engine the best protection and gives better performance than other oils. You do have to change it every 3k miles but if you want your engine to last I can't recomend it enough. I use Mobil 1 fully synthetic in my R6 and don't have any problems with it. One thing is with the Mobil 1 is the yamaha dealers can't get hold of it anymore so they have swapped to motul which is apprently what they use for Moto Gp. Regards
i hate sodding car drivers
Scared the hell out of a cager who crossed lanes when i was next to him. I was shouting so load he heard me and as I was pointing at his mirrors I think he thought I was gonna kill him. At the moment there is a judge pushing to have re-tests every 10 years. I'm all for this cos it will make the roads one hell of a lot safer and if I fail I know that I need to brush up too. Regards