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Everything posted by barwell1992

  1. yeh and if you do all of the above you might as well get an aftermarket filter and go 20sizes up on the jets that way you get the most out of the upgrade also i would get a selection of jets from 10 sizes biger to 25 sizes biger
  2. barwell1992 replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in General
    haha bandits at 6 o'clock coming in hard and low they have guns at the ready
  3. barwell1992 replied to Ski-Dennis's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    what a load of bull if you tap the cluch that disengages the gear a bit and there for will slow you down and in the end burn the clutch out .......... need i say more ?
  4. barwell1992 replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in General
    im going to get u a soap on a rope for ure bday
  5. ahh i see lol and the r model is the cross contry modle and the x is the supermoto one (has small wheals and road tires)
  6. yeh ment to post back thats what i did and i blew the fuses with all 4x21w's runing idk it was somthing but fuses are fine now and i have 21's in the front and 10's in the back and it works fine
  7. yeh sure looks like it now i just need to find one thats the right size or may just get on from yamha at a stupid price :/
  8. barwell1992 replied to mits007's post in a topic in The Bar
    no point in crying over spilt milk i need to get mine resprayed as well :/ from my off the other week
  9. barwell1992 replied to mits007's post in a topic in The Bar
    you could try the water method and freez the dent out just drain fuel out fill with water to the top bung all holes up and put in a freezer then the water will expand and push the dent out but it may crack the tank
  10. right i fitted mini bulb indicators to my bike and the 21w bulbs kept blowing the fuse so got some 10w bulbs (same watage as the stock ones) and they now flash realy fast but dont when on hazards does any one know what could cause this ? thanks need a quick answer as i dont have another form of transport
  11. barwell1992 replied to Batifan19's post in a topic in The Bar
    hmm maybe missing some spacers so the plastic is to close to the bulb :/
  12. if the pipes are rubber try heating them very gently
  13. nope its none of those buy looking at the pics on google its not threaded its a bit like a washer atached to a tube :/
  14. probs just need a new battery also maybe an alternator problem(not likley thogh) another thing rip out the plug and gap it and clean it with a wire brush or buy a new one
  15. haha yeh, how come you havent goten a bigger bike ?? and they are fast im suposed to be restricted but im not lol also im sure ure bike is the r version not the x look at what wheals they have
  16. was 17 in april passed my test in may but have had my 660cc from march
  17. yeh its a kate bush
  18. no probs how old are you btw ?
  19. thers not much in it to be honest between the dt and xt the dt is just a bit quicker and older looking thats about it, whats the top speed?? also welcome to the fourm
  20. i would say its an oldish xt125
  21. i need one of these about 10.5mm long and in 5mm diamiter or to fit m5 alen, but i dont know what its caled
  22. barwell1992 replied to Yamigirl's post in a topic in General
    yup the dvla are right its just so they can scam you in to paying then more money
  23. barwell1992 replied to Rooster!'s post in a topic in Naked
    one tip do ure full test and get a 600 second yes you can ride a geard bike even if you do the cbt on a twist and go and thirdly gears are easy but try and get some one to help you as you will uterly f*ck up to start with remeber cluch in down in to 1st cluch out verry smoothly with a bit of power on and off you go and then up (past nutral) in to second then up to 3 4 5 and 6 all doing the cluch smoothly to start with and you will naturaly get faster as time goes on, its good to try and find to bite point in first so put it in 1st gear and have some revs on and then let the cluch out verry slowly and you should feel it pull thats the bite point ans this is when you start to add more throtal(a bit) and let out the cluch but remember slow and smooth to start with and its the same for chaniging down gears as well. it will take a while but you wil get there and finaly hello and welcome ps im 17 to
  24. its blowing when indcators are on and rear light and not hazard lights im thinking the rear light is shorting and yup was geting confused will stip the lights and indicators off to moz i have already done the fronts just need to do the back and the rearlight
  25. thats with rear light and 4x 21w indicators