Everything posted by barwell1992
Goff and more ink
nice i want one im alowed by my mum and dad but to young and aparently they totto bloke wont do it even if they say i can have one done :@
Laptop Processor Upgrade
cheers the only thing is i hate ati's drivers with a pasion thats the only reson i would never use them again and yes SATA is defo better than IDE but cba to spend money on a HDD when the one i have is working just fyn lol and this is my first intel CPU but its one of there most higly praised cpus and i do like amd i just left them i had a athlon 64 X2 5200 2.7ghz one but decide to upgrade because it was holding back my graphics cards :/ so i went with what i thorght/is the cheeper option hope you have fun when you get ure new pc u will have to show us what it looks like when its finished
Stupidest thing?
when down the main road standing on the back seat pulling a whealy with some mates on ped's about 2 weeks after i passed luckly dident fall off but wouldent do it again and another time a little girl steped out so i slamed my breaks on but forgot to replace the rear pads the day befor so ended up right on the front wheal took my feat off and cracked my nuts on my tank lol tought me to allways doble cheque my bike befor i think its all put to gether was only like 1 minut after i had left my house. then i was riding my push bike with my arms crossed pulling a whealy then saw a car coming shit my self smashed my nuts of the front head set and gave my self a nut the size of 2 oranges and had the week off colage cuz i couldent walk im not a walking disaster
Laptop Processor Upgrade
fair enough its just that normily lap tops dont last when oc'd well laptop is a whole have about a 2.5 year life time..... and download a program called "core temp" or "real temp" of of those will work and tell you what temp each core is geting to then while that is open download "prime 95" or "orthos" then run it for about 30minuats and see what temps you reach with one of the first to programs i sead if they are geting to about 60c then ure cpu will be about 80c in total (to hot for a lap top) then post back with ure results jsut dont want to kill ure lap top premiturly
Laptop Processor Upgrade
right well that looks like a decent spec for a start thogh dont get the 2gb gpu it carnt use all the Vram because its limated buy the memory buss speed secondly you need a good CPU cooler like the tuniq tower 120 thirdly i think maybe the case could do with some more fans because myn had 7x120mm fans inc CPU fan 1x145mm fan 1x92mm fan and my cpu idels at 30c GPU1 idels at 45c GPU2 idels at 38c also you would need some DDR2 ram get some OCZ reaper ram 1066mhz cas5 latensy get 2x2gb then could also add in a sound card somthing like the Crative X-FI XtreamMusic for supream sound quality at least a 600w power suply corsair is one of the best makes this is my speak atm you might take some ideas from it Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3ghz Overcloked to 4ghz XFX 780i 3 way sli LGA775 2x1gb OCZ reaper 1066 2x nvidia 9800gtx+'s in sli 1x500gb hdd IDE 1x200gb hdd IDE 1x samsung light scribe drive gigabyt aurora 3d 570 case 750w xilence PSU heas some pick's not sure how computer iliterat you are ohh and to niiick: if you OC it totaly stable and ure temps dont go above 60c then you might be ok but dont expect the laptop to last as long as it would at stock speeds
MT-03 indicators
ohh sorry im dislexic so not to good at sentence structure any way in simple turms my dads xt660x just has straight wires to the indicators not resistor or extra relay box things now the old indicators(bulb ones) are atached to some relay boxes/rezistor thing that the new ones dont have. sorry finding it hard to explane in other words led indicators are not conected to any think apart from the power and the standard relay box (i think) where as the old ones had a resistor pass through cable by the looks of things i might drop the indicator off the XT660x and try it on my MT just to see it works and hmm carnt find any thing about the CO2 thing on the MT think its because the bikes not that popular what you do with the xt660 is hold down the 2 clock buttons turn it off and back on while keeping the buttons pressed will get you in to the diagnostic screen and show 4 sylinders obv only one is able to be selected and from there the CO2 will be set to 5 (arounds about) and then needs ajusting to 15-18 somthing like that now what makes me think i can do it on the MT is it shows 4 cylinders so seems like it workes on diforent bikes. shame i carnt try this atm because im at my girlfriends house
MT-03 indicators
Well my dad got his new XT660X at the week end and it has some nice small indicators on it and i want some for my MT-03 but when i opend his up there wasent any resistors or relays in the line unlike what i was expecting but there is a relay with the old bulb light that we got with it as well so im confused as people have sead they flash realy fast if there isant a relay or resister but they they dont flash fast at all they are just right so i was wondering would i just be able to remove the old ones and the relay of my MT-03 and attatch the new one becase thats what it looks like to me :S also any one know if the CO2 mod for the XT660 works on the MT-03 as they are basikly the same bike thanks
Laptop Processor Upgrade
WTF sre you on about you must have no clue at all you never OC a laptop OCing computers if fyn but not lap tops they dont have a good enough cooling systems for that sort of abuse i totaly agree with Overclcoking(OC) i my self have my Intel E8400 3ghz stock overcloked to 4.05ghz and i even have both of my graphics cards overclocked and my proccesor get to 60c even with cooling like this its 15cm tall btw and my graphics cards get up to 75c and i dont think a lap top has cooling like i do on my desk top the proccesor will be runing in to the 100c range if you overclock on a lap top and by that point the laptop will have shut down due to the heat sorry for rant but dont like it when people missinform other people about stuf
cbt is inadequate
Agreed the CBT should be over 2 days at least, in my opinion and i think the age limmit should be raised from 16 to 17
cbt is inadequate
i think we should be made to do out cbt on a gear bike and not twist and goes that way if we so wish to have a twist and go we should be a bit more up to speck and more aware because of less things to do if you get what i mean lol
My New MT-03 :D
ahh these things are wonderfull i have been out with my dad over the last cople of days not suposed to be on the road but ohh well lol and with the new test i now dont have to have it restricted :D
R6 something not right!!!!
hmm sounds like the cdi could have the Co2 limmiter set wrong on it so its starving you of fule because its hiting its maximum Co2 limmit you can remove it but i carnt remember how also im not sure you have it on the R6 but it seems nearly all yamahas have this (newer ones)
cbt is inadequate
I for one can safely say the CBT is a joke i dident even know how to get round a island after i did myn i was a danger to me and every thing around me but have been riding for over a year now and im doing my proper test in may and to be honest all i have done over the last year is get in to bad habits like riding flat out at 55mph (twist and go) im now 17 and i can see y my insurance was so high the newer lads on ther mompeds just try andrace you at any posible moment.... im my opinion they should be made to do a full test and be alowed to get on 125cc becasue 50cc are dangerous especialy on buissy roads sorry for the rant but im geting anoyed and the way the goverment seems to alow some right Twats on the road that dont have a clue what they are doing......
Braking on the lean
im not a expirianced rider on big bikes i have just been out for the 4th time on my MT-03 660cc with my dad (i dont have a license yet so we were been naughty lol ) and he was carving the line for me around some fast twisty roads where i live and from what i gatherd what you should be doing is easing off the throtal as soon as you see a sharp ish bend coming then as you hit the apex then reaply the throtal again but if you need to break or slow down some more (if the throtal is not slowing u fast enough then drag the back brake slightly) then there is hardly any chance fo you comming off PS: i have only been on a geard bike 4 times now and im prety sure thats how its ment to be done if not pleas enlighten me
R1 Winner
ahh i see im 17 and if i were you i would be gagging to get on it lol
New Project - don't laugh (not too much anyway)
god i hate my 50cc lol (still using it untill i do my test in may) i have been riding my Mt-03 660cc around with my dad and geting back on my 50cc is awful going from 45bhp to 5.5bhp just makes you want to cry lol and my peds not exactly slow 55mph on flat 62mph down hill i loved it for the first 3 months when i wasent using it to go any where then started comuting 40 miles a day on it and thats when i started to hate the whole concept and any updates on the wee scooter ??? and is it going to be derestricted ?? if so i highly recomend a Leo Vince exhaust
R1 Winner
oooo nice show us some pick
worst injury
Snaped my toe on the edge of a wall when playing football crushed and riped the nail out of my finger when i was skating high sided my self in the juniour DH(mountain biking) semmi finals cople of years ago Broke my noes fighting at school (proper fight) Smashed me right Bollock off my handel bars (moutaing bike racing) and then it sweled up to the size of about 2 tennis balls so had the week off school woo took all the skin off my knee when drifting in the rain on my bmx and given my self about 5 concusions when i was in year 1-4 im not clumsy just dont give a toss about my self most of the time im the sort of person that if they dont think they can do it will do it any way lol but im safe of the roads
Laptop Processor Upgrade
you can pick up a new lap top for around £350 mark about 2ghz dual core 2gb ddr2 ram 250gb hdd and 15.5inch screen theres a lot of them about just dont get a net book they are slow and un usable with the screen size soz bit of a pc geek (or a lot of a pc geek)
Lost key!
hmm a lock smith could probably remove it without damaging the rest of the tank and other bits
In search of a 125
dont bother geting a 125cc get a 600 and have it restricted but dont have a high BHP 600 or you will suck the life out off it been restricted of corse you will have to take your full test but thats the option i would/ have taken(im 17) and with the new test you can have more power that befor 44bhp in stead of 33bhp so my bike wont need restricting and can do 110mph and 0-60mph in 4.5seconds can beat any 125cc apart from race bikes obv just my input
Wii for the Ladies....
hhaahaha thats so funny now i know what to get my Girlfriend for her Bday
Yamaha DTR 125
ye when i passed my cbt i dident even know hot to get round a island in the right lane i was causing all sorts of havoc in the first few weeks. and i did myn with a woman that was doing her 125cc cbt on a geard bike i was scared for her she was terible a all he did was shout at her but it suposed to be all changing now any way so hopefully things will get better and what sort of 0-60 are these 125's pulling ??
RUGBY UK To Wetern France what would be important to take with me
hmm well when i looked deeper in to it ,it says that in france you do not require a IDP(the thing that you have to be 18 for) it says that it recomends you have one but you dont have to and my insurance company have allready sead they can cover me so thats not an issue ohh and if i can drive/go i will be insured to drive my dads bike as well
RUGBY UK To Wetern France what would be important to take with me
well in the summer after asing my test (3weeks time) me my girl friend mum and dad are going to france me and my dad will be riding our bikes (2006 MT-03, 2007 Xt660X) to the western coast of france while my mum and Girlfriend are in the car. what i need to know is what i would need to take with me bike wise parts tools and things like this i think i will be doing about 9-10 hours of riding just to get there so thats a lot of milage and will be planning to do it in a day maybe 2. so far i have considerd 1.service 2.tires 3.sat nave kit 4.inter com's 5.tank bags 4.tools (spaners,alen keys,screwdrivers,cleaning cloths brushes) 5.oil's (enguin) WD40,GT85 greas 6.spair fule/tank is there any thing else i dont have a problem with taking it all becase we have a estate car so can just load that up wit stuf but just dont want to run in to any troble that we carnt fix ohh and what way would be best of locking the bikes up maybe to the car wheal and then disk locks as well ?? thanks for the advice