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Everything posted by barwell1992

  1. barwell1992 replied to kevin10529's post in a topic in The Bar
    dont call him a dumb ass hes probs a lot smarter than you it could also be offensif so wach what you say ..... and i would ask to personaly see the video footage of those all 9 cameras
  2. barwell1992 replied to swainston's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    not a good idea you will kill the bike and if u havent taken ure test yet and are in the uk the new law is 44bhp and not 33bhp i advise you to get a mt-03 it makes 45bhp(2006) so dosent need to be restricted
  3. barwell1992 replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in The Bar
    haha ye i hope the tester is nice lol doubt it but still i can all ways hope and i have the opposite problem the cg will not go in to neutral unles i turn it on and off lol and not sure what rpm i get to dosent have a rev counter but rattles like a B*tch in 1st when pulling off it also dosent like quick shifting and hates it when i drop the cluch realy fast when giving it all its got going to get out to night if i have time with my dad just up to the shops and back run through my signals and life savers
  4. barwell1992 replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in The Bar
    cheers i wish i was doing it on my bike it handels and turns so much smoother than the 125cc but supose got to start some where. i wish i had a nicer teacher but he aint that bad just gets pissed off with me to much lol ahh well
  5. barwell1992 replied to jak-xs's post in a topic in The Bar
    have you tried motorcycle direct ?
  6. barwell1992 replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in The Bar
    lol ye but there is no point in having 1st gear lol it just dosent need it second does it fine and the drum breaks are scary especialy when you do a emergancy stop at at 30mph lol
  7. barwell1992 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    well had my first lesson to day only have one left was on the bike for about 8 hours and have a bad back now lol im justa bit woried about my test at the moment :S its not the riding part its the bloody life saver things that i keep forgeting to do or wich side to look any advice ohh and the bike is CRAP!!!!!!!! lol its a honda cg 125 this but in red my street cred carnt get any lower lol and it can only do 60mph flat flat out that 5mph more than my moped(50cc) :|
  8. barwell1992 replied to wnp_uk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    ahh just answerd you other post and with the pipe u mention i think its a air impulse system it need blocking off if im not mistaken
  9. are you talking about the bit that clamps round the down pipes from the enguin ??? if so you will need to seal this with exhaust sealent
  10. u could always come to rugby lol only take you 2 hours
  11. barwell1992 posted a post in a topic in Naked
    hi all you people that have MT-03's was wondering if you could post some of ure mods and some pick of ure bikes cheers Dan
  12. barwell1992 replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in Naked
    right well i removed the baffels to see if that resolved theproblem (dident) but found that you had to be constantly on the cluch when slowing down because its so unstable and kicks like a bucking bronco is no one in a helping mood today or somthink ??? was expecting atleast one reply
  13. barwell1992 replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in Naked
    any one at all any adivce is welcome if i carnt find a solution the onld ones are going back on and these will be sold
  14. barwell1992 replied to gassed's post in a topic in The Bar
    if it dosent have any service history dont touch it just incase you get stung bad
  15. barwell1992 replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in Naked
    cheers i got all the mods on it as well lol but im part owner with my mum so thats y i dident have to settle for a £1000 bike and i havent even had my first lesson yet lol that on thirsday then my second lesson on tuesday and my test the day after lol im prety sure i will pass i have the gear shiftin dialed and yesterday was my 5th time on a geard bike but im kindof a natural to any think on wheals so had a bit of an advantage one thing i dont like about the mt is its only a 5speed and i hit 7.5thousand rpm geting round 4 cars on a mile straight trying to keep up with my dads XT660X (10bhp more) and congrats on geting the bandit my mum and dads first bike was a bandit but my mum droped it so then they got rido of it. enjoy
  16. barwell1992 replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in Naked
    bump common people at a lost end hear
  17. barwell1992 replied to scritty's post in a topic in Naked
    i say MT-03 you will love the torque it produces
  18. barwell1992 replied to NathanC's post in a topic in The Bar
    hi welcome im 17 to and just about to do my full test and have just gotten my mt-03 anny plans to do your full test ?? have fun be safe Dan
  19. barwell1992 replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in General
    should be able to get one from a bike shop the cycle kind i used big cables like that for cable pully disk brakes on push bikes
  20. you need to derestrict the air filter inlet on the filter box filter inlet carb inlet variator rolers need to be lightend 100cc exhaust would be advised (my preferd would be a leo vince) cdi restrict cable restrict (acelorator) drill out exhaust restrictor those are all things that could be a posible problem my 50c ped/bike does 55mph and have hit 62mph and im 15.5stone 6ft2 so myn's pulling guite good atm nout compaird to my 660cc thogh
  21. barwell1992 posted a post in a topic in Naked
    well my god i went out with my dad today for about a hour befor i start my lessons on thursday and my god i love the bike its so smooth and the power is amazing but found i wanted a 6th gear especialy when overtaking about 3 cars i was hiting 7000rpm in 5th to get round the cars but i have to say considering it only has 45bhp but i did shift prety fast compaird to my 50cc lol it was my firs proper ride on a bike a i had one of the best times i have had i ages. so if any ones looking at the MT-03 as a fist bike then go for it, it wouldent disapoint
  22. barwell1992 replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in Naked
    right well my dads XT660x is still not right its just makes you feal as thogh you are going to fall off its so unstable and lumpy it has the original air filter on and all at stock setings and still no go and the site for the exhausts says they just slip on and work is there any other reson he could still be having a problem ???
  23. barwell1992 replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    im am just carnt come fast enough got my first lesson on 30th and second on the 4th and test on the 5th i have been out and about on it with my dad on his bike and mum in car just to get used to it (doing crash corce btw) been riding geard quads so just geting used to doing it on a bike lol
  24. maybe in 2 weeks if i passy my test but depends if u want some on my age to come a long might slow you down a bit ??? will be on my MT-03 so can keep up just depends if im confident enough
  25. barwell1992 replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    cheers just itching to get my licens now