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Everything posted by barwell1992

  1. barwell1992 replied to Ski-Dennis's post in a topic in The Bar
    well you shouldent have been reving over what it says in the manual for the first 3000miles while the engine beds in if you have gone over that limmit that yamaha spesify then most likley it will do less mpg,be slower,starting issues,reliability isues and maybe drink oil (if its a 2 stroke, i know its not)
  2. haha lol what do you mean buy that ?? thinking when i get the tank done to have it shiny black in stead of matt and have the cowling done and the tank knee protectors done as they are blue......wtf
  3. ty lads hears some better pics taken to day with my replacment radiator grills and oberon pegs
  4. the air box is restricted and so is the exhaust i belive
  5. haha lol and thanks things are starting to come along if its nice tomorow im going to give it a bloody good clean. should ahve foot pegs buysaterday but have found out the old ones dug in to the stand and peg holder so may have to put a verry fine pice of mettal behind the peg wedge and glue it with metal bond :/
  6. barwell1992 posted a post in a topic in General
    well just fited my tail tidy and wired it all up still wating on my mini indicators so fitted the stock ones for now, got the tidy for £10 on ebay and the light for £20 from motrax(very good light amazingly bright), also moded the number plate holder as it was 5cm to long for my small plate. main reson for doing this was to have a higer and brighter rear light sorry for poor pics will take some when the bike is clean and in the day light.... befor after it looks a hel of a lot better in the flesh and personaly i like it a lot more than the standard sticky out thing (wtf with that) also have new pegs coming some new carbon rad shields to go on as others got broken , new bars, new shifter also have just fitted new raditor grill
  7. there should be an ajustment point on the cluch boddy i think my bike has it down on the right hand side and moves when you pul the cluch in and then theres the ajuster on the leaver its self marked in red is the secondary ajuster
  8. barwell1992 replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    ^^^ lmao
  9. barwell1992 replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in The Bar
    im trying not to but need to get stuf back on to get the feal of the bike right then will see how i feel as its a bit twichy atm with the bent bars
  10. barwell1992 replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in The Bar
    haha maybe i should invest in £1 on a lotery ticket and thanks little dave and yeh i dont like whereing my leathers (bottoms) but allways have boots gloves and helmet on and proper jacket or a leather one and forddude no one sead it was off the road its ridable just not fast lol or far but is quite safe not as bad as it was as i have tided it up as much as posible well hears the damage foot shifter was mangled but i straightend it out a bit foot peg has been bent down tank was scraped handle bars are badly bent up and back my carbon side protectors were damaged but im in the proses of repairing them and selling them on for (£25) as they have minimal damage hand have some more coming (£50 from ebay).hand guard(left) snaped at the conection joint and bolt shired off i decided to try and hide the damage on the tank while i sort out the respray so i sanded it down with some 2000 grit paper then colored it in with perminet mark and it look normal from a short distance the good bit is i got a radiator grill from evotech performance (but off ebay as it was a return) got that for £5 less than rrp
  11. barwell1992 replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in The Bar
    cheers just recived a nice extramly well made radiator grill also just orderd my oberon black footpegs and new handle bars an shifter so should all be hear for the weekend and my tail tidy and guards should be hear tommorow evthogh i wont be hear and the light should be coming to. going to order mini indicators on thursday as well so should be all nice and shiny apart from the tank :/ but all in all cost less than my insurance excess plus i dont have fuly comp so its was out of the question any way lol
  12. barwell1992 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in General
    lol you lot are nuts and i havent recived a funny email if i did it would probs fit on my screen thogh 26inch lol higer than HD reslution 1920x1200 (hd is 1920x1080)
  13. barwell1992 replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in The Bar
    wow loads of coments thanks all and yeh the 4x4 driver's wife got out as my bike was in the way of the driver side s he couldent get out at first and she helped my pik the bike up also the driver behind got out and helped pick up the bits lol. and it wasent the 4x4's fault at all just startled me and i dident think about what to do as i would have hit him if i had, i would have hit him if i hadent done any thing as well, so i just put the breaks on next second im eating pavment lol im just glad i dident hit his car lol as i dont want to have to deal with that. and i dont think i could have come off so lightly if i dident have the gear on but i did so thats all good lol and ye its a verry good excuse to tart the bike up got the first thing to day its a evtech radiator stone guard, hopfuly i should have my tail tidy and new radiator guards tomorow and maybe new light going to phone yamaha about the bars and shifter as i carnt find the same width bars any where and carnt find the shifter at all thanks dan
  14. barwell1992 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    well i came off my bike yesterday going in to a car park big 4x4 coming out of a junction surounded with high bushes took me buy suprise when i was turning in to the junction so put the breaks on and the front just let go the bike was on my leg but maaged to get out from under it then couldent get the bloody thing off of the floor and then coulent move it cuz i was in shock and been dumb as i couldent get it out off gear and totaly forgot about puling the cluch in lol theres some damage but nothing much but some expensif bits got broken damage: .split carbon radiator shield(£159 yamaha) got some off of ebay for £50 second hand .cracked hand prtector (£90 yamaha) going to repair it with some super glue lol .bent handle bars .bent foot shifter(straightend for now) .scrape down tank so needs a respray .broken peg (geting some oberon pegs) .2 broken indicators (replaced with dads old ones of off xt660, ordering micro ones on thursday) thats it luckly the cluch leaver dident break so started her up and rode her home 10 miles with sprained thumb and swolen knee and a bit of a cut i had full kit on apart from jeans my boots took most of the force but are fine as stoped a broke nankle i think, gloves got a bit of a scorch and jacket has a burn on it lol and my helmet dident touch the floor thank god i have decided to do some upgrading while im at it lol have a tail tidy on the way and a new light will be ordering some mini arow indicators (not led) to go with the new rear, oberon foot pegs black toring ones, geting some yamaha crash bobings (£109 rip off) and may get some fork crash protectos, posibly some new grips. so yeh been a intresting few days lol but at least i get to tinker with the bike
  15. barwell1992 replied to Ski-Dennis's post in a topic in The Bar
    lol thats what i had to do to my leo vince for my gilera pain in the ass but so worth it lol
  16. barwell1992 replied to Ski-Dennis's post in a topic in The Bar
    well as long as you dont run in to the red line it will be ok and because the acceloration is good you can handle another 2 teeth on back sproket also if you accelorate just under red line then you should get a higer top end as well
  17. barwell1992 replied to Ski-Dennis's post in a topic in The Bar
    they are restricted in the exhaust but there are no aftere market ones atm i dont think but ixil are making one for it it may be restricted to 60mph (rpm restriction) like the dt 125's that have to have a ground wire earthed to be able to rev over 6000rpm also you may want to play with the gearing maybe go 2 up on the back sprocket that should give you better top end how is the bike pulling at the moment ?? like 0-30 0-60mph? also make sure the tires are inflated to there proper psi you could get a cone air filter (also check its clean) then go up some sizes on the jets to increse fuel flow. change spark plug to a iridium to insure proper firing check oil is ok and you should be set if you do all of that (minus the exhaust and grounding as im not sure they can be done) you should at least get 75mph ish but slower 0-60 but the extra fuel will reduce the efect on the acceleration from the gearing change hope this helps Dan
  18. "chocolatestarfish" who is this retard ??? i think he needs shooting any one going to lend me a gun ??? sorry but you sound so so imature are you even old enough to have a ped???
  19. goff y dont you eddit the name to what gear do you have ??? its fine buy me
  20. if you want to get the rift to stay dry dont bothere they leak like a tea bag lol
  21. and yes will see you there scubadude (dont have a mohawk any more so dont look for it lol) and yeh i like to pose as well
  22. bad luck man :/ when i did it i hit it 6kph over what i had to do it helped not having any nervs best of luck for next time
  23. barwell1992 replied to dt250Man's post in a topic in The Bar
    £700 a year 3rd party fire and theft on mt-03 660cc at 17
  24. haha lol yup and £90 isent that much when you where them day in day out
  25. well i have a xt660x powercomander lying around would it work with my mt-03 ?? as it has the same conections on the throttal body so i was wondering weather it would work as the one for the MT actuly cuts one of the wires where as the xt one is a inline loom