Everything posted by barwell1992
Bike Modifying
i have just started doing some cheep mods like striping factory painted enguin bolts down so they shine and stand out its just small things like this that makes them stand out.... also small indicators are a must lol as big ones look a bit well hmm crap tail tidy small plate(not to small) and good kit is a must i came off and it saved me a broken ankle then theres stuf like grips,break leavers,lights,pegs,barends,rear sets(costly),seat cowling,wavey disks lol there are many things
Is an SR125 suitable for A2 license?
i did mine on a cg125 and could only do 60mph.... cuz im fat but any way lol go back and complain if you paid for an A2 then they have to give you a a2 test ....
cat n fiddle
yup its black with silver police badges on it black leathers white helmet hmm looks like the pic has been removed from google there was a pic on there of the bike and him
cat n fiddle
wach for the police busa
These any good?
think goff had some (if my memory serves me) and all the chroming came off or somthing
Hi all any thoughts no 600 bike chocie
mt 03 but they are a bit more than 2k more like 2.5k
YZF R125
yeh take it steady new tires are like riding on ice
Music fans
my gf has a lovely set as well
Leather Jackets and gloves Help!
look for some rst moto pilot gloves they are verry good
Quaint seaside village, boooring !
used to race these when i was younger but on smaller tracks but still they can do 90mph
Yamaha YZF-R125 with Power Commander 5
ahh ok mybe try pipercross they might do one and the inlet snorkel is in the air filter box and looks like the tube in this picture but should not atache to any thing and leed straight out or to a tube that goes to the front of the bike
what sand paper to use to get a good crome like shine ?
haha lol im 17 its my first proper bike what do you expect lol and they were the only things letting in down and i wanted to try somthing new
Yamaha YZF-R125 with Power Commander 5
ok well its not limmited then buy rpm as long as you can reach redline and the air filter looks ok but never heard of them so K&N still ure best bet also make sure you remove the inlet snorkel as this will aid greatly with air flow but you must get it redyno'd to make use of these improvments how much they improve is hard to tell maybe from 1-3bhp
Yamaha YZF-R125 with Power Commander 5
airfilter box it should have a snorkle that can be removed but this will require a remap also you should get a K&N air filter also the inlet is where the injector body meets the manifold there is sometimes extra flaps on the rubber bit that restricts fuel flowbut not sure on this, also does ure bike revv freely or does it stop at like say 7000rpm ?
Yamaha YZF-R125 with Power Commander 5
it may stil be factory restricted check air filter box and inlets im sure some on will come a long and give a better answer
what sand paper to use to get a good crome like shine ?
well i finished them to day and they look good and im pleased with the results hears some/lots of photos hears the pitting on the metal befor sanding hears after hears the heal shield as well all sanded and polished up mmmm shiny lol worked out will if i do say so my self
what sand paper to use to get a good crome like shine ?
lol tooth paste works on dvd's to lol
what sand paper to use to get a good crome like shine ?
cheers both and i have already got a good (ish) sine from using 600grit paper with a lot of patience so im going to b&q to morrow to get some finer stuf then might look for some aluminium seal and finish them off and as for the wire wool thing i thorght about that but i dident have any so used what i had and it looks good so far EDIT and the parts im doing ar small and cheep to repalce so dosent bother me about trying stuf im doing rear foot pegs that are verry pitted and look sh*te and the right side heal plate, the heal plate was scrached to f*ck and had stone gouges in it and it now dosent also the pits have gone out of the rear pegs and are now looking nice and shiny but not shiny enough so will try and get them done buy to morrow then post pics
Mirror - YBR125 Custom
haha dont worry i came of mine two weeks a go thats life i think i think been 17 and having a 200kg bike dosent help couldent lift the bloody thing :/ ohh well we all make mistakes im sure u will get the hang of uturns, i can go round and round in a circle on my bike now without touching the floor or the curbs practice makes perfect
Mirror - YBR125 Custom
the bit that screws in to the bar is actuly screwed in to the mirror take it off and look up the inside of the thread and you should be able to see a scredriver slot then take it off screw the threaded bit back on to the bars then put the mirror on after and try and line it up like that sorry sort of hard to explane
what sand paper to use to get a good crome like shine ?
what sand paper to use to get a good crome like shine ? i was thinking 2000 grit or maybe 2500 or even 3000?? what do you think i have already sanded the bits im doing with quite fine stuf but you can still see the lines so want to go even finer i know how to do it as i did it to the top of the coper cooler on my computer prosesor (lapping) just wondering how far to go ? this is the cpu after lapping with sand paper so thats what i want my other stuf to look like but not coper obv
KN air filters or original airbox?
i would go with the kn filter but try and get one with a cover as they do get wet changing jets is easy just have a look at some diagrams and you will soon see i have no idea about ure bike thogh so carnt help there but if you want a quick fix then just get an original oir box
yamaha aerox crankcase cover
you have to force them off they are a pain in the ass to remove
Engine Conversion
mate what is the point .......................... its just a bloody moped wate till ure 17 and get a 125cc or take ure full test and get a 600cc
remove air filter put a small omout of fuel in the carb from the filter opening then replace filter and try that ohh but when the filter is off and ure puting the fuel in make sure the throttle is open, or pull the plug and put some fuel on top of the piston then see wether it will fire