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Everything posted by barwell1992

  1. barwell1992 replied to Bezza's post in a topic in General
    think thats what she ment it couldent keep up with the bumps and sort of like skiped along a bit its that or the fact shes less than 8 stone in weight
  2. barwell1992 replied to Bezza's post in a topic in General
    no no no no no to all of the bikes you listed .... they are verry verry uncomfortabe try and get ureself a older bandit 600 or a fazer 600 actuly even a honda hornet but wach the hornets the first ones has bad suspesion that made them skitish in the wet (mum had one) come to think of it my mum and dad have had all of those bikes lol they liked the bandit best but they are quite heavy
  3. i could do it but it would take me ages to explain lol basicly look the the wires and where they reach the bulb terminals they should be at diforent ones 2 out of the 3 all you have to do is run a wire from the wire thats diforent position on both of the light to the other in the unocupied position and the same for the other light also run the black from one of the bulbs to the other bulb's black whire told you it wouldent make sence lol ohh by the way this will run both bulbs on normal beam and both will also be high beams so dobles the ligh power but also could drain the batery as its powering doble the watage
  4. barwell1992 replied to Imanupstart's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    nice bikes i wouldent mind ether of them
  5. bridgstone BT 21 they are verry very good and amazingly grippy in all conditions and dual compound so last a good while to
  6. barwell1992 replied to jebb's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    haha mate if you dident reply to be i would lop ure head off im dislexic and so could lots of the people you are refering to its also verry easy to forget that is verry easy to wright in TXT speek and takes half the time of normal queens english so i would be a little less respectful and more open minded as you are in a new age so live with it.... as things change thats life
  7. barwell1992 replied to biglis's post in a topic in The Bar
    you are suposed to get one of the driving aplication forms and select 25kw expiration box and send it back to them
  8. barwell1992 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in General
    mines as fast a lightning but i did like the old view better
  9. barwell1992 replied to SWORDIE's post in a topic in Naked
    wow looks well nice
  10. barwell1992 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    yeh she does lol
  11. barwell1992 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    ^^^ lol not sure how it does but ohh well lol
  12. barwell1992 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    lol some how i dont think shes going to let me put any moor up
  13. i used flat head but be carful
  14. barwell1992 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
  15. barwell1992 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    u sure i can get my lepard skin out if you want
  16. barwell1992 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    lol it has been since ..... you should see the state mines in normaly ....
  17. barwell1992 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    ok then i will lol the pic was take to show me what her new bra was like 34f shes now a 34g lots to play with
  18. on the net not sure where and it already had it on there when i got the bike
  19. barwell1992 replied to bman719's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    posibly the catolistic converter ?? or cat box not sure if old bikes have them or not
  20. barwell1992 replied to peterxj600's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    yeh but it was done for a reson if you read the bloke is in a wheal chair ..... :/ i would take it for £300 but mum and dad would NOT have that on the drive (they are posh and like to keep it that way) ::/
  21. barwell1992 replied to YamaGod's post in a topic in Video Section
    that is a verry good video and y dont they show it to kids "because its to gorey" our goverment are ass holes ......
  22. barwell1992 replied to trashman's post in a topic in The Bar
    hello minty dident know you where on hear ,or i forgot
  23. barwell1992 replied to Froggy125's post in a topic in The Bar
    death metal lamb of god children of bodom job for a cowboy and all sorts of drum and bass
  24. ^^ all of the above or you could just lose weight
  25. barwell1992 replied to yazzer 750R's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    nice car and bike but blank the number plate out asap as some one could copy it