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Everything posted by barwell1992

  1. hmm well when i looked deeper in to it ,it says that in france you do not require a IDP(the thing that you have to be 18 for) it says that it recomends you have one but you dont have to and my insurance company have allready sead they can cover me so thats not an issue ohh and if i can drive/go i will be insured to drive my dads bike as well
  2. well in the summer after asing my test (3weeks time) me my girl friend mum and dad are going to france me and my dad will be riding our bikes (2006 MT-03, 2007 Xt660X) to the western coast of france while my mum and Girlfriend are in the car. what i need to know is what i would need to take with me bike wise parts tools and things like this i think i will be doing about 9-10 hours of riding just to get there so thats a lot of milage and will be planning to do it in a day maybe 2. so far i have considerd 1.service 2.tires 3.sat nave kit 4.inter com's 5.tank bags 4.tools (spaners,alen keys,screwdrivers,cleaning cloths brushes) 5.oil's (enguin) WD40,GT85 greas 6.spair fule/tank is there any thing else i dont have a problem with taking it all becase we have a estate car so can just load that up wit stuf but just dont want to run in to any troble that we carnt fix ohh and what way would be best of locking the bikes up maybe to the car wheal and then disk locks as well ?? thanks for the advice
  3. im sure i will im just itching to get on it because im sick of doing 50mph and having coaches and alike over take me :@ to be honest its just dangeros at that speed just nervos about then new test that i have to do
  4. cheers all well i have just found out that i dont have to restrict it because im doing the new typ of test and that alows me to ride a bike with 44bhp and the MT-03 is onlt 45bhp so dont need restricting and nice bike Casper i like the MT-01 a lot but 1600cc is a bit big for me atm lol
  5. just found out some good news with the new test thats coming in your bike will only have to be restricted to 44bhp and not 33bhp as long as you do that new test but on the down side you have to have a 44bhp bike for 4 years then take another test to get on to any thing more powerful after the first 4 years just thorght i would share with you
  6. lol the porn site's crap any way its pornotube and just gives u a virus if you try to instal
  7. Not bad cost me £1600 without a years no claimes on my MT-03 and £1010 with a years no claims ful comp and thats fully comp and how fast that bike actuly go ??
  8. ye i got the PM as well and couldent get on the site for 2 days as well
  9. well the thing is it would be used purely to mess about on the fields over the back of where i live there is also a disused rail way that many people use and i did like the idea of a dual sport but i do have a road bike and how often do you have to rebuild these thing ????
  10. what would be a good MX bike for me im 6ft1 and 15stone i was thinking of a yz 125 2stroke 2002 -2009 one of those models i wont be racing it just prating around on a field with it and maybe some jumps idk and what is a good price for these bike as i have seen a 2002 for £850 and looks in good condish and they say it runs first time im not sure how much i will have to spend all depends on how my shairs rise in price :/ any alternativs or shold i just get a banshie quad or a yfz 450cc but that would take a lot of saving
  11. If its a full system including down pipes and if the piped are catalystic converter free then you probswould need it dyno tuning because of the increaded exhaust flow and the decreased presure so you would be running lean im no expert but this is what hapend to my old 50cc i do know 2strokes run on the back presure from the exhaust and 4strokes arent afected as much but never the less there still is an afect
  12. what it like riding with the wind against you all the time ???? i finde it gives me back ache from the buffeting because of the lack of fairing
  13. ahh hes never riden a geard bike or a ped but he is 17 andwill do his cbt on a geard bike and i would take him out when i pass my test to bring him up to scrach because the cbt is a joke and i went from a 50cc auto to my MT-03 50cc to a 660cc so no gears to gears and about 13x more powerful lol
  14. Yep im 17 and have a 660cc but its restricted to 33bhp but can still hit 0-60 in 5seconds and 90mph
  15. hi my m8 is looking at one of these would this be ok for some one that has just passed there CBT and not fulltest as i dont want to tell him to get it then kill him self lol and if u want a biger bike the MT-03 is good have myn at 33bhp from the standard 45bhp 0-60mph in about 4.5-5 seconds and tops at 90mph with head wind and isa 5speed so lot less likely to get confused what gear you are in. I came from a 50cc and to be honest its not actuly a big diff because my 50cc went 55mph any way :/ but its defo worth a look cost me £2750 2006 2450 miles on the clock
  16. well im 17 next week and have a MT-03 its single sylinder 660cc and i have to say the handeling is verry verry good and the speed is great but not verry high 110mph tops then theres the XT660x (dads bike) that runs on the same enguin but produces more powere but dosent handle so good and is a bit more uncofortable than the MT-03 so i would say ure good with both of those bikes but the MT-03 was/is my choice obv as i have had myn for 3week now and been out on it around where i live and its just a joy to ride but both bikes are 5 speed so keep that in mind but they do pull verry well in second gear
  17. think ure self lucky its costing me at 17 £1600 for my MT-03 until next month when i get my noclames bonus threw then it £1010 ohh and for my gilera DNA 50cc it was £400 third party fire and feft i was 16 thogh and my mum and dad were free to put on it lol
  18. at least the DT has gears and doset pretend to have gears lol plus it likes to over heat
  19. i would but carnt ride my bike yet could come on my gilera DNA 50cc twist and go lol it does 55-60mph
  20. ohh right thorght there were lol the only thing i had to do on my old bike was up the fule jets so a remap may be needed but that wouldent be a bad thing at least you will get even more performance
  21. the only problem i could see is it not passing mot because if emmisions or been pulled over because of the extra noise im no expert and im only 17 so dont realy know but i think im right in thinking this
  22. barwell1992

    new lad

    glad you passed got my testerday on the 16th april to see if im ready to do the 3day crash corce im 17 on 13th so it not long now... any advice for me ???
  23. Ye my MT-03 will only run on one 2
  24. awsome tune got to love metal and wouldent minde that teacher
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