Everything posted by barwell1992
thanks well at least i can keep with the trafic and not get pushed in to the gutter because im going to slow (50mph on my ped) well chufed at the moment but mum still hasent done insurance :@
haha well have been riding for a year now 50cc (bike but no gears) so just geting used to the extra bits (cluch,foot break and gears) other than that i have a prety good idea and my dad will take me out and show me the rope's more cheers all for the comments :)
haha cheers was realy nervos seeing some one yesterday fail it and some one to day fail it as well i only had 2 lessons in total but they were 9am-2pm so quite long (with a our break) but was expecting to fail at least once and im sure u will pass
HeHe i set out at 7am and arived at the test center at 8 (hour early) then when down to the off road testing grounds did that in 10 minuats(literly) passed that with no faults . then waited 2 hours till 11am went out for 35min with the tesster and passed with 7 verry minor faults (kicking it in to nutral twice "i blame the bike") and the rest were minor missed checks. its agony wating for my mum to get home to sort out my insurance for my MT-03 (gaging to get on it) hehe no L plates
good 125cc or 50cc for my girl friend?
cheers all for the replies shes got a long way well 2 months to wait until she 's 17 so will have a look on fleebay nearer the time and see what i can bodge up for her not literly obviously
DT125R Major help needed .....please
hmm i think maybe the cooleant hoses may have been conected wrongly at one point and then put right be the residue is stuck the the system i would say but about 4 litters of water through then to clean it out properly then fill with distiled water and a bit of coolant then run the bike then empty the coolant again if the oil is still there then you may have another problem sowhere else
DT125R Major help needed .....please
ahh i would say just keep a check on it
DT125R Major help needed .....please
glad its runing properly
bike stealing scumbag vigilante group sign up!!!
decided that i thorght of a better tool for the job maybe add some samurai sword's in stread of the mettal spikes hehe then add some nos just to catch the B**Tards and maybe with a 50cal mounted to the rear just to get the ones that escaped
Exhaust blowing
hm the best solution would be to get a standard replacment exhaust isthe bike under waranty if so they may pay part if not then may be good time to stick a aftermarket can on like a leo vince,scorpion,mivv,akrapovic would also up ure performance and fule economy
DT125R Major help needed .....please
no lol realised it was not threaded when i removed it i thorght it was threaded because a car one is and couldent remember if it was so just guessed
DT125R Major help needed .....please
hmm if theres oil in the system then it needs to be drained and flushed im not sure what with but my guess would be to flush it with distiled water then fill with the right amount of coolant and water or premix if you can find it
Strange pressure release noise when turning on bike
well to be sure that its the fule cap then do this the paper just stops any thing going in the fule tank when the cap is off thats all im just trying to make it safer for him to check have done this befor and worked (was with a nitro car but same princible)
good 125cc or 50cc for my girl friend?
cheers for that will have a look now
DT125R Major help needed .....please
lol not sure what the rad caps like on those bikes but this is how i do it on my MT or my other bikes when clearing air presure in the cooling system im not sure if we are on about the same thing but this is how i would clear air out the system if it were hot im standing to the left of the picture sorry took so long crap conection
new one
welcome to the YOC dont worry about us lot we are all friendly and we all make mistakes (especialy me ) u will have to show us some pick of ure bike and glad to see more women about on hear Dan
Strange pressure release noise when turning on bike
quick way to check remove gas cap cover with a4 pice of paper then start bike if no sound then turn off then replace top then go back say a hour later then do it again if no nois then itsjust the gass cap's presure valv relising gasses
DT125R Major help needed .....please
nooo lmao i mean the way you want to open it after you unscrewd it so bring the edge of the lid towards you but keeping the edge closest to you on the rim of the screw thread will make diagram if u like lol
Continue Riding or Quit?
i would say keep at it and do the advanced riding test they make you do all sorts of stuf to get you out of troble i have to say you will get off the bike for a year then get the urge to get one agan so i would say just stick with it and get more and more experiance as you go along after all you never stop learning
good 125cc or 50cc for my girl friend?
well she migh do her cbt or may just get her car licens and get a 50cc i wanted to know of any god bikes that can do about 50mph obviously faster for the 125cc but it does neet to bequite low to the ground because she cannot ouch the floow on my MT-03 at all also geard or ungeard dosent matter i can teach her lol ohh and as light as posible thanks not to hot on the smaller bikes aroud and any good make wil do as long as its not a cheepo one thats going to fall apart
they are a good idea but they can mess up the handeling if not set up for your weight and do be carful when going over speed bumps as the fairing would be close to the floor
DT125R Major help needed .....please
to stop ure self geting scolded open the cap but dont lift it off on the edge that is closest to you so open it like opening a can the way you pullthe opposite side towards you if you get what im on about lol that way if it spits then you will be coverd buy the lid
bike stealing scumbag vigilante group sign up!!!
im down with this lol dont have a reson to but dont want any one elses bike's geting stolen so im in have to get my nice shiny metal bass ball bat out hmm now for a catchy name
Bike Stolen :(
ohh im in for the vigalanty groupe will bring some bolt cutters u know user there own tools agains them hmm finger choping tym HEHE and m8 where about in the uk was the bike taken just wondering if it was any where near me (warwickshire ?)
what yours called.
black betty lol she was white but then got her sprayed matt black