Everything posted by barwell1992
lmao would have come but bike's in for a service befor i go to france
haha he will pick her up on his JAWA (when its fixed that is)
midlands ride
hmm will check them out
midlands ride
^^ may take you up on that im in rugby dont know where we could go thogh
My YZF R125 with Mods
^^ nasty and have to say thats a hell of a lot of money to spend on a 125cc y not just get ure full licens and get a 600??
My New MT-03 :D
aww whats wrong with what you go m8 ??? i would love a bit more power thogh lol
New to the forum
haha ^ welcome to the world of a big bore kit an nice m8 but the r6 is over kill when restricted u will be killing the bike u might as well get a less powerful bike then get the r6 after the 2 years
good 125cc or 50cc for my girl friend?
lol ye but it still shifts for a 50cc gets 55mph out of it but only gets 70miles to empty on a £8 tank lol like that but in red without the crome bits
Am I going to lose my license?
that wasent on the A45 was it ?? and i think ure going to lose ure license
good 125cc or 50cc for my girl friend?
hmm good point might do that she canjust get my bike(50cc) on the center stand but its quite heavy for a 50cc (130kg)
My New MT-03 :D
well hears some updated pick's not chaged in any way but better picks just been cleaned and got the plastick blackner out on her to enjoy some arty pic's will be geting a radiator cover because allready got a massif stone dent in it thanks for looking
Dyno run worth it ??
thanks m8 thats sound advice i will go ahead and do it its the low end power that realy need smoothing out so it should be better and know what you mean i dont have many BHP to lose so the more the better
good 125cc or 50cc for my girl friend?
nice i have to say its great that more and more women are riding bikes and not just pilioning up
Noobie on the block
welcome to the YOC m8 im sure you will find it amuzing hear have fun ride safe (or like you kicked it) joke
FZR1000RU Exup calipers
think the R1 breaks fit not sure thogh just heard somthing like that some where around hear but im sure some one will corect me if im wrong
mcn forum
yep agreed they are way to serious
Helmet Smoke bomb prank...
haha thats funny
Dyno run worth it ??
yeh supose lol i think the only thing it might do is get a bit more fule economy from it want more power allready lol
good 125cc or 50cc for my girl friend?
haha fuck off the carnt even touch the floor on it lol and thats because i had my 50cc nealy kill me because it was in such a crap condition when i got it lol
Dyno run worth it ??
hi my dads geting a dyno run done on his bike to sort out the exhaust and the air filter so the bike runs right he sead he will get my MT-04 done as well but i was wondering is it worth it as i have done nothing to it ?? thanks
Trikes ?
lol should have goten a pick of my helmet after hiting 2 wasps at 90mph lol the smeer was all over the helmet must have exploded and ye i all ways see them with piss pot lids on and gogles
good 125cc or 50cc for my girl friend?
yeh would make sure its as soud as i can be befor she goes out on it and im sure i will ride it back from where ever she gets it from
good 125cc or 50cc for my girl friend?
lol you realy love the jawa's dont you lol will check all the above out
exactly lol well its not a fast 600 but its fast enough for now was been tail'd buy some nob in a 4X4 because i over took him and was geting dangerosly close so i floored it on the A45 he folowed me all the way up till 95mph then droped back but only managed 97mph flat out because of the wind but it was a one off lol and wouldent do it on a daily bassis and been liking the overtanking makes a change from been over taken like i was on my 50cc so ye you could say o have been seeing what a 600 could do lol
ahh right good lol was bricking it that it would only be like 15 miles as i was at 13miles done to be honest havent been riding it eficiently and geting used to the gears and stuf so hope fully will get a bit more out of it when i get settled down