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Everything posted by barwell1992

  1. just went on a spin to leamington spa with my GF and then to her dads house then home was a nice ride and no wind what so ever
  2. barwell1992 replied to Rich_B's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    yeh my mum just got done in her car doing 38 in a 30 somepolice twat in an umarked camera spot with a tripod camera got some funny pics thogh lol
  3. barwell1992 replied to divster's post in a topic in General
    nice ure obviously a speed freek lol i want one lol
  4. barwell1992 replied to Rich_B's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    damn how fast were you going?
  5. barwell1992 replied to divster's post in a topic in General
    nice looking bike ure going to have there mate keep us updated what motor is it going to have ?? bandit 1200?? if so that will be a bloody crotch rocket
  6. barwell1992 replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in General
    yeh i know i go to southam a lot (my gf lives there) and leamington the back way a lot to collage but ye was boring but we are going to france on the motor ways and my dad wanted to knowhow fast it could go lol so we can pace our selves what side of northampton do you live ?? rugby side or the other side
  7. barwell1992 replied to Yamigirl's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    lmao i think that could be a problem with lowering the bike as the geomatry will be all off the bike would have been designed with the bike's weight higer up but now the weight is lower to the ground giving the bike speed wobble the way you cold solve this is buy posibly wider tires and hardend suspension
  8. barwell1992 posted a post in a topic in General
    well im quite disapointed with the top end speed to be honest (mt-03) i only managed to get 103mph while slips streaming my dads car was told that 110mph is about the max so was hoping for a bit more ohh well was on the m45 verry fast road think there wasent as car doing under 90mph lol
  9. barwell1992 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
  10. barwell1992 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    NOB HEAD!!!!!!!!
  11. yeh i have sort of given up until i get a more powerfull bike as my MT is a bit lack luster in the power department and strugles to lift my weight up hold it there so think i will go to the school thing when i have the money
  12. barwell1992 replied to wolfeh's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    to jump start it just sit on it and get about 2-3 mates to push you down the road if that dont work you shout remove the spark plug the conect it to the HT lead and see if it sparks if it does that thats fine then you may need to clean the carbs out other than that im not sure what it could be
  13. barwell1992 replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    how that is funny
  14. barwell1992 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
  15. barwell1992 replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    haha lolllll
  16. barwell1992 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    burn out's
  17. barwell1992 replied to kevin10529's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    do you guys recomend some for my bike ?? as i ride it on a daily basis
  18. barwell1992 replied to eyedee's post in a topic in Naked
    ahh ok thorght it may have been the fule the only other thing it could be is the old fuel left on the piston when turned off is going off then its strugling to burn it when its started this could explain the need for you to hold the power on when you start it on way to tell if its the fuel problem is to run the bike to day or to morrow then try and start it the say after if the problem has gone then you can say its defo just the old fuel in the pistons
  19. barwell1992 replied to Airhead's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    haha OG's going to slap you when he see's you lol
  20. barwell1992 replied to Airhead's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    hahaha now thats funny
  21. dont think you can get them as the plate has to reflect, unles its a classic then you can use old style plates.
  22. yeh im using the fs-365 stuf (runing out) but acording to the bottle rain water will wash it off and what i do is was the bike with a hose (cold water) then jet wash wheals and panels and forks, then use warm soapy water (car wash) and wash it down then wash it over with water again the lube up the chain, and then use FS-365 when its dried and polish forks screen and other bits.
  23. barwell1992 replied to eyedee's post in a topic in Naked
    hmm new plugs needed ?? or cleaned or the fuel has gone bad
  24. barwell1992 replied to ShoKz's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    haha what a twat i put that in my moped and blew the piston rings
  25. ^^^ lol exactly and im seriously thinking about going to that school but carnt yet stupid restricted license sorry for going off on one lew u just hit a nerv no harm done