Everything posted by barwell1992
anyone know what this cover is?
by lookig at the photo and where abouts its located on the bike i would say you need to get a replacement im thinking it has somthing to do with the piston but not 100% im sure some one can guide you beter
good 125cc or 50cc for my girl friend?
ahh well if it were up to me i would take a look for her but after been on the back in the wet she has decided that a bike is not for her lol (the wuss) and is now geting a car (lost cause) thanks for the offer and leting me no about it so shes not intrested any more
hmm not sure on that will give them a ring tommorow i think also i dont know how up to date these sorces are as i did the new EU test so need to find out if that efects any thing
ahh crap aparently i can only ride a 80cc lollll until im 18 f*ck evory thing is booked hmm well i carnt see what the problem would be apart from if i were to get pulled over will see what mum and dad says
yep going to dobble check now
90kph thats slow lol would take for ever if i were to do that lol ohh well and ye will wach out for the junctions
is the new test??
agreed i had a 50cc befor i got on the 125cc i was on it for 2 days then took my test rode it to my instructors house then got on my 50cc whent to my house jumped straight on my MT-03 and was off withthe wind. to be honest its a good job i had been on the bike with my dad befor and had expireanced the power allready and dident go over 65mph for the first few hours and have only just started to realy give it some and keepig more speed through the corners. i think that we should be made to learn on 33bhp bikes because we can legaly ride them y not get taught on them ???
haha i have actuly ride on the "wrong side" quite a bit in greece no legaly of corce but i was on one quad while mum and dad were on another so have a head start, also my mum will be in the car infront with the satnav and my dad will be behind me on his XT so should be ok. also whats this thing about us having to stick to a 10kph lower speed limmit ?? any one heard of that befor
yup checked the french law and because i did the new test (same as they have to do aparently im ok) and to oldtimer the bikes probs going to be restricted befor we go not sure thogh depends on the cost
its like asking if some one is willing to have an afair with you well sory but thats what it sounds like im not saying thats what your after but it does sound like it
i have spoken to the dvla and he seemed to know what he was talking about the checked all my details on the dater base and sead that nothing had come through andit just sead that i was able to ride a 50cc lol then he sead has it been more than 15 days i sead yes it been 3 weeks so he sead its most likely that the tester hasent sent it off or its gotten lost and forgoten about well have the test center number (lester) so im going to give them a ring to see whats what sorry just anoyed and im going on holiday and need my license as im riding to france so its going to be cutting it close
grr righ i pased my test three weeks ago to morow and i still havent recived my license from the DVAL so i gave them a bell and guess what they havent recived my license paper and photo part and aparently i need to ring the test center up but can i find there number any where ?? NO!! so that may meen a trip to leicester to the test center if my instructor dosent get back to me with the number i carnt belive they are so careless and the fact that my license is my only forum of ID its a pain in the ass any one else had any experiance like this ? thank god i have my test cetificates for both parts so think im going to have to photo coppy them so i can show the police if i need to.
99mph is that it !!
is the 'hinge frame effect' speed wobble ?? when fron wheal jumps from left to right ?? if so ye lol had it when i rode a 250cc crosser sh*t my self lol but managed to controle it
is the new test??
yup its still there i did it on the 6th of this month its pice of piss on a 125cc but all the people on 500cc i sawe faild the monuvers ohh and tell ure m8 not to give them his license send it off him self they have lost my license (paper and photo) i have the sertificates thank god that prove i have passed both parts so will have to sort that out now
How the bloody hell do i get the front wheel up
cheers for that i appreciate it
99mph is that it !!
i mean in actual size im about 6ft1ish and my dad sead the r6 is verry cramped and hes 5ft10 but aparently the r1 is a bit bigger
99mph is that it !!
haha yeh thats the problem i wouldent want it restricted so i think im just going to hand the 2 years out and pile up the cash for a nice bike the problem is i want somthink like a r1 but wouldent want to use itfor comuting because i wouldent have any wrists left but i realy want the power and i think a r6 would be to small so i think im going to go for a fazer 1000 2004 model or a fz1 naked :/ not sure thogh i would like a sports bike but not if its not any good for comuting
How the bloody hell do i get the front wheel up
^^ ahh i could do that any day of the week joking would love to do that and ShoKz i think the bike just carnt do power wheelie's but might just try doing it using the clutch in stead of relying on its brute power
99mph is that it !!
ahh right cool not to far away
99mph is that it !!
yeh thats y im reluctant to have myn restricted to 33bhp from 45bhp i dosent have much power as it is
How the bloody hell do i get the front wheel up
well if i want to fuck my bike over as you call it then i will... and if you think im acting like a chav maybe you should come to where i live(not a ruf place but there are ruf bits) and actuly talk to a chav.... and as i have already sead and wont say it again im dislexic and if you dont know what that means then use google .... and to merv how the hell did he get round the whole tt track on the back wheal thats prety amazing lol
I can't make my XV125 work with custom air filter. HEEELP !!!!
your carb needs up jeting the exact same thing hapend on my 50cc when i put a cone filter on it so upjeted it but had same problem because i dident up the jets enough so hand to put standard filter back on and de restrict it (removed ruber inlet snorkle and coper washer on the air inlet)
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y was my post removed ?? and to carry on the topick Moped
99mph is that it !!
yeh thats the first place im taking my biger bike when i get one in about a year or 2 hoping to buy my own bike befor i get my unrestricted license as my mum and dad own my bike lol just to get it run in im hoping to get somthink like a zx9r but will run like a pig at 33bhp lol
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