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Brian Catt

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  1. Bikeless of Sunbury seeks recently loved RD350, for constant petting and an occasional thrashing...must be ready to rock 'n roll and ideally unblemished by cosmetic surgery.. I want a cared for RD 350 F2 or maybe YPVS for fun, as original as possible. An Ariel Arrow with a Bonneville's power output in a 300lb bike should be interesting enough for me, and its nice and dirty to offend Blair heads and my mate who thinks 500cc single cyliders were cool - Nah. ............ before I move on to a Fazer or Hornet. So what is the best way to be in line for the nice ones that do become available? Oh, and not getting stiffed by a bad 'un? Advice on avoiding dieing too soon on an RD 350 (vs. any other bike) would also be good. Thanks for all help, I'll even pay a finder's fee if I get a good one. I don't want a "project", I want a bike someone has loved back to good nick that I can appreciate for them and care for. Brian 01932 772731